Apollo 11
© Associated Press
Britons remember key events in recent history with greater clarity than certain significant moments in their own personal lives, research suggests.

A larger proportion of adults were able to recall in vivid detail the news of the 9/11 terror attacks than could describe the birth of their first child, the study found.

A survey commissioned to mark the launch of UKTV's new history channel Yesterday asked 300 people to recall exact details of 32 personal and historical memories, ranging from their first kiss to the death of Princess Diana.

The results suggested shocking events of national or international importance could overshadow memories of personal events.

News of the World Trade Centre attacks topped the list of historic memories ingrained in the mind, with 82% of respondents recalling the events in detail, compared with just 65 per cent who could picture the birth of their first newborn to the same level.

Approximately 81 per cent of participants could recollect who told them about 9/11, 84 per cent remembered what time it was when they heard about it, 92% knew where they were when they heard the news and 71 per cent recalled their ongoing activity, nearly eight years on.

The study found the public's memories of Princess Diana's death were almost as strong, with 62 per cent of the participants able to remember details of exactly when they were told about the tragedy, who told them, where they were and what they were doing at the time.

In contrast only 50 per cent of respondents could recall their first child's first birthday and 46 per cent of the same group were able to recollect significant details about their first day at secondary school.

The July 7 London bombings was the third most recalled historic event, with 58 per cent of respondents able to vividly recollect the attacks.

Just 38 per cent of people could remember their first major argument with their current partner in the same level of detail.

The study found time did not diminish memories of momentous historical events.

Almost 46 years since President John F Kennedy was assassinated, 52 per cent of respondents old enough to remember still possessed extremely clear memories of his death and could even remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.

However, the study found personal memories close to the heart never fade and made up the majority of most remembered moments.

Approximately 81 per cent of respondents could vividly recollect the death of a close relative, while 76 per cent could picture their first date with their current partner.

Around 72 per cent could recollect their wedding day with clarity, while a romantic 66 per cent could easily describe their first kiss.

Passing the driving test was the second most remembered personal event, with 79 per cent of respondents able to cast their minds back to the moment of success.

Professor Geoff Beattie of the University of Manchester, who led the study, says: "The Yesterday Historical Study provides a fascinating insight into our recollection of key cultural events many years after they've happened.

"While we're constantly reminded about personal milestones such as our wedding day or our children's birthdays through photographs or family gatherings, we rarely talk about the big historical moments, and yet we remember where we were, what we were doing, and even the exact time of day that we heard about them with absolute clarity years afterwards."

Richard Kingsbury, Yesterday's channel head, added: "The premise of Yesterday is that world events and cultural memories we remember through television are very much part of who we are.

"The surprising aspect of this research is just how powerful these memories are. Yesterday will be a place where we can re-live those moments and in doing so understand more about who we are and what has shaped us."