© UnknownBack from the dead?: Scientists could potentially revive man's closest relative.
Neanderthals are a step closer to walking on Earth again.

Scientists have unravelled the genetic code of man's closest cousin using fragments of bone found across Europe.

The blueprint could provide information on the Neanderthal's looks, intelligence, health and habits, as well as what makes us human.

It also raises the intriguing possibility of bringing our ancient relatives, who died out around 30,000 years ago, back from the dead.

Researcher Professor Jean-Jacques Hublin said: 'Studying the Neanderthals and studying the Neanderthal genome will tell us what makes modern humans really human, why we are alone, why we have these amazing capabilities that allowed our ancestors to draw paintings, to create complex symbols.'

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute in Germany and US colleagues sequenced more than one billion fragments of DNA extracted from bones of Neanderthal men, women and children that lay undiscovered in caves in Croatia, Spain, Germany and Russia for up to 70,000 years.

They have decoded 63 per cent of the Neanderthal's DNA and have started comparing it with the man's genetic code to work out what makes us human.

So far, they have shown the Neanderthals lacked the gene that allows most Europeans to digest milk as adults.

However, they were privy to a gene key to speech, meaning there is no reason to assume they could not talk, the American Association for Advancement of Science's annual conference in Chicago heard.

The analysis suggests that humans and Neanderthals split from a common ancestor around 300,000 years ago.

The two probably then co-existed for many thousands of years before Neanderthals became extinct around 30,000 years ago, likely beaten by their more adaptable cousins, the Homo sapiens, for food and shelter.

Further comparison of human and Neanderthal DNA should help settle the arguments about whether the two interbred - and could allow Neanderthals to be brought back to life.

Lead researcher Professor Svante Paabo said: 'To clone a Neanderthal with the DNA we extracted from fossils is and will remain impossible.

'There is not really an improvement in current technologies that will make that possible.

'Of course, if we are talking about technologies we couldn't imagine today, we could all speculate.'

He added: 'You could add Neanderthal genes to into an animal model and look at the effects but that is as far as I would go to making a Neanderthal.

'The goals of this project have to do with our history much more than the Neanderthal.

'The catalogue of changes are a tool for biologists interested in what is unique to humans.'

Brooks Hanson, deputy managing editor of the prestigious journal Science, said: 'Getting the genome of our closest living relative is a critical research goal because it will allow us to make key genomic comparisons.

'Being able to look at some of the recent evolution of humans by comparing Neanderthal DNA with modern humans as well as other species will shed light on both our own origins and the process of evolution.'