If humans will someday be replaced by robots, then thanks to a Japanese company that day is drawing nearer. Don't say "Hasta la vista, baby" yet though. Little Island's talking "Look A Like Doll" robots don't look for Sarah Connor, they just look cute.

Robotics in Japan, the world leader in the field, seems to bring us new and improved cybernetic sensations on a near-daily basis. The latest is a sort of "Mini-Me", in either static doll or enhanced robotic form. These little guys (or gals) look like you, talk with your voice and even plug into your computer to access the latest weather and news: told to you in your own voice!

Little Island is the Japanese company making the "Look A Like Doll", and they'll charge you up to $2,200 for the most advanced version. All you need to do - besides pay - is send Little Island a photo of yourself, your child (creepy), your ex (creepier) or whatever, then wait for delivery. Just like being pregnant... in the Bizarro world.

Once your Look A Like Doll arrives, use the LAN cable to plug it in to your computer so it can access RSS feeds and so forth. Then speak to it so the built-in voice synthesizer can record your voice and use it when speaking. The top of the line robots also include servomechanisms in their limbs and a microphone on/in their head.

Supposedly the Look A Like Doll is popular at Japanese weddings where it greets guests - sort of a Stepford Wife in miniature.

Word to Little Island: build in a mini-ATM and it'll make gift-giving that much easier.