© ANUThe first digital survey of the southern sky, which includes the Milky Way's centre, is set to begin as early as April 2009.
Celestial cartographers will soon sail into uncharted territory: the southern sky. The first digital map of the sky south of the equator could reveal renegade stars and new dwarf galaxies in orbit around the Milky Way.

The northern sky has been mapped in unprecedented detail by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, whose telescope is based in Sunspot, New Mexico.

In its first eight years, Sloan plotted the positions of about a million galaxies over more than a quarter of the northern sky. It is now observing more distant galaxies in an effort to study dark energy's effect on the universe over time.

Now, a project called SkyMapper will survey the southern sky, including the Milky Way's crowded centre, from its perch on Siding Spring Mountain in southeastern Australia.

Over five years, astronomers plan to use SkyMapper's 1.35-metre telescope and 268-Megapixel camera to map the sky six times, each time in six different colours. The survey may begin as early as April 2009.

SkyMapper will boast one powerful advantage over Sloan: it will look at its targets through two ultraviolet filters, while Sloan uses only one.

Ancient stars

The extra colour information should enable SkyMapper to determine a star's metal content and the strength of its gravity, two stellar properties that Sloan cannot measure, says astrophysicist Brian Schmidt of the Australian National University's Mount Stromlo Observatory, who is spearheading the project.

That could reveal a number of stars with 10,000 times less iron than the Sun. "They're the ones that were clearly created just after the big bang, because they haven't been contaminated with any products of supernovae," Schmidt says.

Until now, astronomers have only found three stars that are so 'metal poor', Schmidt says, but sifting through SkyMapper data could reveal 100 times that number in our galaxy alone.

Some astronomers have argued that stars very low in heavy elements might hint that dark matter might be made of relatively light, fast-moving particles - contrary to the most widely accepted theory.

Cosmic flight

SkyMapper's enhanced colour vision will also help discern the Milky Way's structure, by revealing hot stars that could be the remains of dismembered dwarf galaxies gobbled up by the Milky Way, says Warren Brown of the Harvard-Smithosonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

"It really opens up a whole new way of going about targeting those types of stars simply with their colours," Brown told New Scientist. "You don't have to do follow-up observations with a spectrometer," he says, referring to an instrument that separates an object's light into its component colours, like a prism.

Brown also expects the new maps to reveal a number of new hypervelocity stars, renegade stars fleeing the galaxy at breakneck speed. Astronomers have searched for them by scanning Sloan data for blue stars that stand out against the background of old, red stars that dominate the outer reaches of the galaxy.

About 16 such stars have been found so far. "But there's a whole second half of the sky we haven't looked at," says Brown.

Cast out

Their distribution on the sky could help settle the question of whether the stars were all cast out by the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, or whether some might have been stolen from a captured dwarf galaxy.

Measuring where and how fast the stars are going could also provide a means of tracing the shape of the dark matter 'halo' that envelops our galaxy.

The prevailing model of cold dark matter says that such halos should be elongated, like American footballs. That is because the haloes should have grown more along the direction in which they first began clumping, billions of years ago.

A third large-scale survey of the sky at visible wavelengths, called Pan-STARSS, is already underway. The project will map three-quarters of the sky from Hawaii.