Here's something else to worry about: Tech pros worry too much.

A new study discussed at Information Week says two out of three of you stay awake at night worrying about how things are working at work.

A stress researcher at Central Michigan University says the survey results make sense, in part because senior IT folks are expected to respond to workplace emergencies at any hour of the day. Professor Terry Beehr says:

"IT people have jobs that have a lot of responsibility for a lot of reasons ... If IT goes down, a lot of other departments can't do their work. ... IT is 24 by 7, plus that's combined with heavy workloads and work that needs to be done quickly."
Adding to the burden, apparently, is the fact that when something does go wrong, a tech manager is likely to get not one, but scores of e-mails or calls alerting him or her to the problem. We can see how that adds to the stress levels.

On the other hand, lots of professionals have similar stress loads, and in most cases no one's life depends on the server working correctly.

So look for balance, and get some sleep.