... nobody discloses anything.

Corso said it and he was right: "The government never had to cover up anything about UFOs because the UFO community covered it up for them." He was right. The UFO community is probably the only place where everyone runs around demanding disclosure but when a hot piece of UFO information turns up, the person who has it doesn't disclose it. Right now, if everyone got together and shared every piece of sharable information, we'd probably have a stockpile of UFO data we could chew over. But that will never happen, and I can make that assertion first hand.

Down in Stephenville, for example, the different witnesses broke up into groups very quickly. Either they were "represented" by someone, or had chosen a loyalty to someone, or just found that they trusted A over B. It was disconcerting to see because you knew that what was going on was a land rush to grab as much information as possible, usually unvetted, to throw it up on a proprietary pay-to-know website.

It's as if the UFO secret is so big that people don't trust one another with it unless it gets just the right spin from just the right group. And if group A has a secret that group B wants, group B just attacks group A so as to diminish the quality of the information that group A has. So you can imagine why most people outside of the UFO community regard the UFO community as childish.

Just recently, a friend who once worked in one of our celebrated three-letter agencies assured me that people -- whose names were I to mention would be well known to anyone reading this -- told him point blank that even though they were sitting on some pretty accurate UFO information it would never, never be released into the UFO community.

Why? Because the UFO community is a very strange community; every few years or so another group of researchers and writers come along to claim they have the truth.

Comment: And this is due, either to flakiness, wishful thinking, an inability to look at the whole range of data - or deliberate government-sponsored CoIntelPro.

There is a truth, and it depends upon which person in the real community where parts of the secret is known is speaking. This is either a huge secret or kind of a little secret; either it's a "Yeah, there are really UFOs and we have a few of them but still can't figure out how they fly," or it's a "Sure, the military knows about UFOs but the big secret really is ... " and you fill in the blank.

Either way, unless someone manages to find some indisputable piece of evidence and manages to stay alive long enough to get to someone he or she trusts who can verify it as a smoking gun and then not charge five to five hundred bucks a pop to get a good look at it, the real truth about UFOs will remain under wraps.

Where are UFOs hidden? It's not inside the Pentagon, even though there are those with special access clearances who know where the things are and what research we've accumulated on them thus far; it's not inside the CIA because even they, as Bruce Maccabee has said in an on-camera interview, go to him for advice on things like the JAL incident. And it's probably not inside the NSA even though the NSA surely has data from the National Reconnaissance and NASA about UFOs that have turned up on film and in video.

No, the UFO or UFOs that we possess have long ago gone to private industry -- defense contractors, places that are not subject to Freedom of Information requests. You can bang on these doors all you want to and all you'll get is absolute silence. And you can bet that whatever information they have A) won't be shared and B) won't ever get into the UFO community. These folks have said this over and over again. They think we're nuts. They think we can't be trusted. They think that whatever is good about this evidence they have we will trash to smithereens either out of jealousy or in the good old fashioned spirit of competition. And you know what? They may not be so far off the mark.

But do we really need disclosure? Actually, the documentary evidence is out there already. Whether you believe the MJ-12 documents or not, the information in the National Archives and information that both John Greenewald and Richard Dolan have dug up pretty much establish the historical evidence. Photographic evidence? We have lots of that already in radar hits and the like. And there are certain photos that have stood the test of time and analysis.

We have abduction cases like the Hills in Exeter. We have cases like Cash Landrum. And we have very credible astronaut and pilot sightings.

I would say that we do have something better than disclosure. All we have to do is get less proprietary about it and disclose it to ourselves before we complain that the government is not disclosing it to us.