

Meteor fireball over Missouri and other states on August 11

We received 8 reports about a fireball seen over AR, IL, IN, MO and OK on Thursday, August 11th 2022 around 04:13 UT.

For this event, we received one video.

Fireball 2

Meteor fireball over California on August 8

© Mike L.
We received 12 reports about a fireball seen over CA on Monday, August 8th 2022 around 05:44 UT.

For this event, we received one video and one photo.

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Meteor fireball over Slovakia and nearby countries on August 4

We received 10 reports about a fireball seen over Bayern, Bratislavský kraj, Kassai kerület, Niederösterreich, Opolskie, Pardubický kraj, Trnavský kraj and Wien on Thursday, August 4th 2022 around 19:29 UT.

For this event, we received one video.

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Meteor fireball over Connecticut and adjacent states on August 4

© Mark Kirschner
We received 7 reports about a fireball seen over CT, ME, NJ, NY and VT on Thursday, August 4th 2022 around 03:59 UT.

For this event, we received one video and one photo.

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Meteor fireball estimated to be the size of car explodes over São Paulo, Brazil on August 3

A very bright, colorful and explosive meteorite was seen in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil this Wednesday, August 03, 2022.

A strong flash was observed in the sky at 5:09 am on Wednesday that intrigued the population. Seen by residents of Bauru and other cities, the phenomenon was caused, according to researchers, by a meteor . The asteroid fragment comes from the formation process of the solar system and probably came from the orbit between Mars and Jupiter.

Department of Physics of the Unesp of Bauru and coordinator of the Didactic Astronomy Observatory, says that before exploding, about 10 or 20 kilometers above the ground , the object was the size of a popular car.

(Translated by Google)

Fireball 2

Meteor fireball over northeastern Spain (Aug. 4)

This bright bolide was spotted over Spain on August 4, at 4:50local time (equivalent to2:50universal time). The event was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from a comet that hit the atmosphere at about 226,000 km/h. The fireball overflew northeastern Spain.

It began at an altitude of about 108 km over the province of Castellón, moved northwest, and ended at a height of around 78 km over the province of Teruel. This bright meteor was recorded in the framework of the SMART project, operated by the Southwestern Europe Meteor Network (SWEMN) from the meteor-observing stations located at Ayora, Huelva, La Hita, CAHA, OSN, La Sagra, Sevilla, and Olocau.

The event has been analyzed by the main investigator of the SMART project: Dr. Jose M. Madiedo, from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC).4:50 (local Spanish peninsular time).


Asteroid wider than 2 football fields is barreling toward Earth tonight

Asteroid 2022 OE2
© ShutterstockThis artistic concept image shows an asteroid flying by Earth.
An asteroid wider than two football fields will zoom past Earth in the wee hours of Thursday (Aug. 4). The asteroid is set to pass at 12:23 a.m. (ET).

NASA astronomers discovered the asteroid, known as 2022 OE2, just days ago, on July 26. The meaty space rock is estimated to measure between 557 and 1,246 feet (170 to 380 meters) wide, which is about twice as wide as an American football field is long. Astronomers also confirmed that 2022 OE2 is an Apollo-class asteroid, which means it orbits the sun and crosses the path of Earth's orbit, Live Science previously reported. (Astronomers know of about 15,000 such asteroids.)

The impact from an asteroid this large would release more energy than 1,000 nuclear bombs. However, this one will miss Earth by a wide margin, according to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Asteroid 2022 OE2 is predicted to pass Earth at a distance of roughly 3.2 million miles (5.1 million kilometers) — more than 13 times the average distance between Earth and the moon. For context, this is significantly farther than the asteroid 2022 NF, which came within a mere 56,000 miles (90,000 km) — or about 23% the average distance between Earth and the moon — on July 7.

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Meteor fireball over Minas Gerais, Brazil on August 3

We received 5 reports about a fireball seen over Minas Gerais and São Paulo on Wednesday, August 3rd 2022 around 08:08 UT.

For this event, we received one video.

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Meteor fireball over British Columbia and Washington on August 1

We received 8 reports about a fireball seen over British Columbia and WA on Monday, August 1st 2022 around 06:15 UT.

For this event, we received 2 videos and one photo.


Meteor fireball over Virginia and other states on July 29

We received 255 reports about a fireball seen over CT, DC, DE, MD, NC, NJ, NY, OH, Ontario, PA, VA and WV on Friday, July 29th 2022 around 01:52 UT.

For this event, we received 4 videos.