High StrangenessS


UFO said seen during Azeri jet crash in Caspian Sea

Azerbaijani military website www.milaz.info has said that something resembling an unidentified flying object was seen over the Caspian Sea at the time of the MiG-29 jet crash on 29 January, Ayna newspaper reported on 31 January.

"Residents of Surabad village in Xizi District, which is close to the scene of the incident, have said this. It is reported that some people saw that flying object although the weather was gloomy," the report said.

Ayna added that it had failed to confirm the accuracy of the information.

"However, according to local residents and traffic police officers serving in the area, the fighter aircraft first flew over the ground. But suddenly a bright object appeared on the surface of the sea and it was like an unidentified flying object. The plane suddenly flew towards that object and then exploded," Ayna reported.


US: Cato caves on UFOs

Free-market economist and commentator Dom Armentano never considered his occasional reflections on America's UFO conundrum to be particularly gutsy. After all, this stuff's on "Larry King" now. But his Jan. 8 op-ed piece in the Vero Beach Press-Journal advocating government declassification was evidently too much for his bosses at the libertarian Cato Institute.

A few days after his column appeared, the Vero Beach resident got a letter informing him Cato was in the "process of overhauling" its adjunct scholars program. More to the point, it was canning Armentano as an adjunct scholar.

Comment: Dom Armentano's editorial can be read here.


California, US: Who else saw 'mystery orb'?

A few weeks before the UFO sighting in Texas, I saw something incredibly familiar in Arcata. Between probably 8 and 10 in the evening, my roommate, who was smoking a cigarette out front, yelled for me to come outside. When I did, I saw a glowing red orb moving slowly across the sky, east to west.

This "orb" was completely silent, and as I watched, it changed its direction and began to move north-northwest. It then picked up speed and flew out of sight faster than I've ever seen anything fly, still no sound.

At this point I saw another aircraft, which looked as if it was military, traveling from the south. This aircraft seemed to be following it.


US: Weird Los Angeles: The Goatsucker!

Something strange is decreasing the abundant and once bold populations of coyote's in Southern California, and it's not from this planet!

On February 18th 1996 two men traveling on the 101 West Freeway encountered a peculiar 'animal' which was running alongside the vehicle. The weird beast caused such a distraction that the driver veered the motor into a ditch, causing other drivers to stop as they passed. Suddenly, all witnesses involved, saw two odd, goat-like yet bipedal figures walk towards an eerie glowing orb in a nearby field. The creatures were grey in colour, appearing scaly on their backs, but their spine was noticeable as a line of spikes, and their tear-drop shaped eyes were bright red.


England: We've had crop circles - now we've got a mysterious SHEEP circle


There were strange goings on at the farm today when a flock of sheep made their own version of a crop circle.

About 100 of the woolly creatures formed an orderly ring - baffling the farmer and passers-by.

But after hearing the roar of the boss's tractor the animals scattered like a group of naughty schoolboys.

Photographer Russell Bird, who captured the amazing scene, said:"I was quite taken aback. I couldn't believe what I was seeing," he said.


US: Lt. Col. Roy Jack Edwards Tells His Son Of His UFO Encounter As A Test Pilot

Date: April 1955

Time: Midday.

Location of Sighting: Edwards AFB Turbine Testing Group.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Cigar, orange, glowing and stationary at 6K'.

HBCC UFO Research Note: Permission was granted to leave the serviceman's name in this report. Also 3 prior test pilots lost their lives to other UFO encounters which you will read below. Also I should point out that this story has never been told before. Also I will not be releasing the other documents I have received due to the personal information they contain in them.

Grey Alien

UFO Over Texas

Three hundred miles northwest of here - as the crow flies - we have recent UFO sightings around Stephenville, Texas. This is the kind of sighting that occurs every few years, one of those where many reputable witnesses all describe an extremely large, silent, flying object in the skies near them.

The modern UFO era began in 1947 with an aerial sighting of a number of silver discs which appeared to be flying in some kind of formation. Soon after, the famous Roswell incident occurred, with debris first announced as coming from an extra terrestrial craft, then said to be a weather balloon.

As a kid of the 1950s, I grew in a culture which produced many movies and TV shows exploring the possibility of creatures from other places, arriving by various means of travel from far, far away. These extraterrestrials were presented as either far progressed beyond humans and desirous of pointing us in a better direction - as in The Day the Earth Stood Still - or as evil invaders seeking to kill or subjugate humans.

Eye 2

Could there be proof to the theory that we're ALL psychic?

Dr Chris Roe places a pair of enormous fluffy earphones over the head of a blonde 20-year-old woman.

He carefully slices a ping-pong ball in half and tapes each piece over her eyes.

Then he switches on a red light that bathes the woman in an eerie glow, and leaves the room.

After a few moments, a low hum begins to fill the laboratory and the woman begins smiling sweetly to herself as images of distant locations start to pass through her mind.

She says she can sense a group of trees and a babbling brook full of boulders.

Standing on a boulder is her friend Jack. He's waving at her and smiling. She begins to describe the location to Dr Roe.

Half a mile away, her friend Jack is, indeed, standing on a boulder in a stream.

©Daily Telegraph
'Up to 85 per cent of people may be clairvoyant' says a researcher

Evil Rays

The Empire State Building car zap mystery

In the shadow of the Empire State Building lies an "automotive Bermuda Triangle" - a five-block radius where vehicles mysteriously die.

No one is sure what's causing it, but all roads appear to lead to the looming giant in our midst - specifically, its Art Deco mast and 203-foot-long, antenna-laden spire.

"We get about 10 to 15 cars stuck near there every day," said Isaac Leviev, manager of Citywide Towing, the AAA's exclusive roadside assistance provider from 42nd St. to the Battery. "You pull the car four or five blocks to the west or east and the car starts right up."

©Smith For News
Several cars a day get bizarrely stranded in a five-block 'Bermuda Triangle' near the Empire State Building.


Australian UFO Photo Exclusive

This first Australia UFO photo shows the strange but clearly seen triangle shape with what appears to be bright lights perched on each corner.

An alert reader in Australia captured these photos of UFOs less than two weeks after the host of unidentified flying objects were seen over Texas - taken from Google Earth showing the UFOs in a triangle pattern, whose shape itself expands the imagination after claims of aliens first visited the earth when only aborigines inhabited the area known as Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.