High StrangenessS


Residents spot strange UFO lights in Northern Ireland

Pilots have reported unusual foreign objects since the 1940s.

Residents in County Down have raised the possibility of a UFO sighting above the skies of Bangor.

Several callers to BBC Northern Ireland have reported a series of strange orange lights in the night sky.

Air traffic control at Belfast International Airport said it had also received reports about the sightings, including one from the Coastguard.

However, the airport said it had no record of any aircraft in the sky at the time.

The callers said the sightings had been made on Saturday evening.

Evil Rays

Best of the Web: The Seung Cho "conspiracy theories" are not nearly weird enough

I'm beginning to think the Seung Cho "conspiracy theories" are not nearly weird enough. If there is an occult component to the massacre, which seems likely from his incredible killed-to-wounded ratio, then the powers behind it don't care where his sister works, and they don't need shadowy meetings in the alphabet agencies. All they need is to watch and wait for someone to get in the proper mental state to serve as their host, or "agent." A given operation might have many agents on many levels with many motives, with a control structure that does not exist in the physical world, and uses mechanisms that we would not recognize as "mechanisms."

So instead of saying, "This killer was a Manchurian candidate trained by the CIA, and this one was demonically possessed, and this one was acting on his own," I suggest that all murderous humans and human institutions in history and prehistory have been part of the same pattern, or movement, or being. A half million year old skull split by an axe had the same killer as the victims of Jack the Ripper and the Nagasaki bombing. This being's intelligence exists on levels we do not yet understand, and it perpetuates itself through abuse, trauma, and domination, all of which consume and move through humans the way a fire moves through a forest.


20 UFO Sightings Reported In NE Ohio In 2 Years

Experts say the Cleveland area is a hotbed for UFOs.

For many, the idea is a joke. But others are not so sure. However, one local group has absolutely no doubt -- in their view, we are not alone.

NewsChannel5 began with the premise that UFOs are out there. After all, if people see something in the sky and don't know what it is, then by definition it remains "unidentified," at least until it is identified.

Aaron Clark is one of many UFO investigators and a member of the Cleveland Ufology Project.

The group is not new. It's been around since 1952.

NewsChannel5 reported that Cleveland has the most UFO investigators in the world.


Couple See Dancing UFOs in Alberta, Canada

A Whitehorse couple are so convinced they saw unidentified flying objects that they called the RCMP and the local air traffic control tower.

''I have never seen anything remotely like this in my life,'' says the woman, who wants to remain anonymous out of concerns over how the public would react to her experience.

''It moved so fast, over a great distance, so quickly. I have never seen anything like it in my life.''

The couple were at home on the couch in their living watching TV at about 6:30 p.m. when the man directed his partner's attention to where he saw four bright lights ''dancing'' over Grey Mountain.

Eye 2

Canada: Possible sasquatch sighting - British Columbia man sees 'the beast'

A Cranbrook resident says he was just beginning his early-morning shift as a sand truck/snowplow driver for a highways maintenance contractor when he saw what he now calls "the beast".

Gord Johnson says he was barely out of the Cranbrook city limits, heading west, when his headlights illuminated what he thought was a human figure some 150 metres away.

"It was standing in the ditch on the right side of the road, sort of bent over. It was dark and cold and too early in the morning for anybody to be out picking bottles or something, so I thought whoever it was might be hurt or sick, so I slowed down."

As Johnson drew nearer, the figure in the ditch straightened, then turned and began to move towards his truck while remaining in the ditch.


Flashback Maryland, US: F-16s Pursue Unknown Craft Over Region

For Renny Rogers, it was strange enough that military jets were flying low over his home in Waldorf in the middle of the night. It was what he thinks he saw when he headed outside to look early yesterday that floored him.

"It was this object, this light-blue object, traveling at a phenomenal rate of speed," Rogers said. "This Air Force jet was right behind it, chasing it, but the object was just leaving him in the dust. I told my neighbor, 'I think those jets are chasing a UFO.' "

Military officials confirm that two F-16 jets from Andrews Air Force Base were scrambled early yesterday after radar detected an unknown aircraft in area airspace. But they scoff at the idea that the jets were chasing a strange and speedy, blue unidentified flying object.

"We had a track of interest, so we sent up some aircraft," said Maj. Douglas Martin, a spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado, which has responsibility for defending U.S. airspace. "Everything was fine in the sky, so they returned home."


SOTT Focus: Book Review: The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo

I picked up this book to read because I had recently learned that there is a journalist looking for clues in the murder of D. Scott Rogo and I suggested to her that there might be clues in Rogo's own writings that might point to who may have wanted him dead. Was he writing anything that might be considered threatening to any agency or organization? That was the question in my mind as I began to read.

In The Haunted Universe, Rogo starts off telling us how conservative he is and how he has learned how the mind can deceive. Too bad he doesn't apply this principle to himself. But, I will come to that.

Rogo writes that, "To date, parapsychologists have only been concerned with the study of two groups of phenomena: extrasensory perception and psychokinesis."

Grey Alien

New Mexico, US: Mutilated bull: No blood, no clues

Robert Allen wasn't surprised when the story of the cattle mutilation last October in the small town of Kanjilon, New Mexico was buried way inside the local paper. After all, the hoopla over cattle mutilations - which were a big subject back in the 1980s - has died down in the last decade or so. The problem is that while the newsworthiness of the subject has died down, cattle mutilations have not.

Robert Allen looks at the mutilated carcass of a bull on his small ranch in Northerne New Mexico. Allen says there is a possibility that visitors from outer space are conducting experiments on animals. [Courtesy Photo]

Cloud Lightning

Mysterious Chunk Of Ice Falls To Earth

Silverdale, Washington -- According to a construction crew working on a Silverdale apartment complex, several chunks of ice fell from the sky, pelting the site late Wednesday.

"This is a piece that came off that hit and landed right over there -- what's left of it, about a third of it maybe," witness Bill Clark said.

The chunks of ice fell from the sky, punching a hole in the roof of an awning and another tearing the gutter off the side of a building.

VIDEO BACKSTORY: Ice Falling From The Sky

"One hit right on this roof and went down through and caused that hole there, and then we had one explode up in that parking lot, and one exploded down in our lower parking lot," witness Kyle Harmia said.


UFOs over Lewiston, Michigan; Air Force sends jets to intercept

Claims of UFOs flying over Lewiston Wednesday night were quickly discredited by officials who said they were conducting military training.

Area resident Jeff Nickert, who called the Herald Times at approximately 5:30 a.m. Thursday, is not convinced.

"It kinda freaked me out," said the Lewiston man in a telephone interview Thursday. "I never saw anything like this in my life."

Nickert explained seeing "electricity floating through the air" or "a mass of energy floating through the air" when he returned home from work at approximately 10:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Comment: Sounds familiar. Relevant quote: ""I never saw anything like this in my life."

From 2002:
'For Renny Rogers, it was strange enough that military jets were flying low over his home in Waldorf in the middle of the night. It was what he thinks he saw when he headed outside to look early yesterday that floored him.

"It was this object, this light-blue object, traveling at a phenomenal rate of speed," Rogers said. "This Air Force jet was right behind it, chasing it, but the object was just leaving him in the dust. I told my neighbor, 'I think those jets are chasing a UFO.' " ... "It looked like a shooting star with no trailing mist," he said. "I've never seen anything like it."'