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The Supreme Court Declines Experimental Drugs Case

Washington - The Supreme Court refused Monday to review a ruling that terminally ill patients have no constitutional right to be treated with experimental drugs - even if that means the patient will likely die before the medicine is approved.


Britain's transplant crisis: Poor lifestyle fuels big rise in waiting lists

Binge drinking is blamed for a 76 per cent increase in 10 years in those needing a new liver, while the demand for kidney replacements is up 55 per cent. This week, a 14-point plan will try to tackle the donor shortage.

The UK is in the grip of a chronic organ donation crisis which is set to get worse as Britain's culture of excess drives a burgeoning obesity epidemic. The gap between the numbers of suitable donor organs and patients desperately needing them is getting wider every year.


Organs in UK to be taken without consent

Gordon Brown has thrown his weight behind a move to allow hospitals to take organs from dead patients without explicit consent.

Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, the Prime Minister says that such a facility would save thousands of lives and that he hopes such a system can start this year.


Don't Take That Pill! -- The Ignored Risks of Fluoroquinolones

The case studies are scattered around in the medical journals: a 62-year-old woman with acute psychosis; a 73-year-old man with "severe delirious psychotic features"; a woman of 47 suffering from insomnia and barely able to stand or walk; a 62-year-old woman who ruptures her Achilles tendon; a man, 75, struck with repeated seizures; a 64-year-old diabetic woman with life-threatening hypoglycemia.

All of those people had suffered the side effects of a specific class of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones. Because they target bacteria and not our own tissues, antibiotics are often not scrutinized for side effects by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) or manufacturers as carefully as are, say, psychiatric drugs. But in the bodies of people, cats, rats, and mice, fluoroquinolones not only kill bacteria but also appear to attach to certain brain and nerve receptors, kill tendon cells, and cause other kinds of havoc.


MIT: Culture influences brain function

People from different cultures use their brains differently to solve the same visual perceptual tasks, MIT researchers and colleagues report in the first brain imaging study of its kind.

Psychological research has established that American culture, which values the individual, emphasizes the independence of objects from their contexts, while East Asian societies emphasize the collective and the contextual interdependence of objects. Behavioral studies have shown that these cultural differences can influence memory and even perception. But are they reflected in brain activity patterns"

To find out, a team led by John Gabrieli, a professor at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, asked 10 East Asians recently arrived in the United States and 10 Americans to make quick perceptual judgments while in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner--a technology that maps blood flow changes in the brain that correspond to mental operations.

The results are reported in the January issue of Psychological Science. Gabrieli's colleagues on the work were Trey Hedden, lead author of the paper and a research scientist at McGovern; Sarah Ketay and Arthur Aron of State University of New York at Stony Brook; and Hazel Rose Markus of Stanford University.


Three million people hit by vomiting bug sweeping Britain

Almost three million people may have been affected by the norovirus vomiting bug this winter, new figures suggest.

Cases of the virus are sweeping the country and are partly to blame for three hospitals being placed on red alert, an NHS manager said today.


"Sugar-free" chewing gum weight loss warning

Too much "sugar-free" chewing gum can lead to severe weight loss and diarrhoea, doctors warn.

The cause is sorbitol, a widely used sweetener in chewing gum and sweets, which acts as a laxative.

Writing in the British Medical Journal, experts gave the example of two patients who had become ill after chewing around 20 sticks of gum a day.


The First Amendment Gone Wild: Big Pharma's 'Right' to Find Out What Doctors Are Prescribing

The world has obviously changed in the last 200-plus years, and Jefferson could not have envisioned even the existence of the modern pharmaceutical industry. But he did understand the threat that corporations posed to a working democracy.

"I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country," he wrote.


Best of the Web: Ponerology: The Study of Evil - Interview with Marian Wasilewski

What is this evil? If we recognize it to be the root of all suffering, then even the Buddha dealt with it in his own way, yet it keeps harassing us. While living in the USA, I had the privilege of meeting Andrzej Lobaczewski, a clinical psychologist who coined the term ponerology from the Greek word for evil. He used this term to describe the results of his many years of research, which can be said to supplement ethics from the psychiatric point of view. Unfortunately he was not always able to get his message through, and the better part of his work was never published as far as I know. Closer contact with Andrzej Lobaczewski encouraged me to familiarize myself with other problematics on similar topics smuggled out of the Soviet Union and Hungary. Since I gave a series of interviews at that time (namely 1984) in connection with the publication of my work The Psychological Roots of Communism, I decided to devote an additional radio interview to this very subject. The statements made therein had been jointly formulated beforehand with Andrzej Lobaczewski, who didn't disclose his name at that time. Although this was all quite a long time ago, I believe the topic deserves wider renown.

Comment: According to the National Institute of Mental Health:
9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older suffer from Mood Disorder

6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older suffer from Major Depressive Disorder

1.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older suffer from Dysthymic Disorder

2.6 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older suffer from Bi-polar disorder

1.1 percent of the population age 18 and older suffer from Schizophrenia

18.1 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have an anxiety disorder.

2.7 percent of people age 18 and older suffer from panic disorder

1.0 percent of people age 18 and older suffer from Obsessive-compulsive disorder

3.5 percent of people age 18 and older suffer from Post Traumatic Stress disorder

3.1 percent of people age 18 and over suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder

6.8 percent of people age 18 and older suffer from Social Phobia

0.8 percent of people age 18 and older suffer from Agoraphobia

8.7 percent of people age 18 and older suffer from marked and persistent fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation

0.5 percent to 3.7 percent of females suffer from anorexia

1.1 percent to 4.2 percent suffer from bulimia (The mortality rate among people with anorexia has been estimated at 0.56 percent per year, or approximately 5.6 percent per decade, which is about 12 times higher than the annual death rate due to all causes of death among females ages 15-24 in the general population.)

4.1 percent of adults, ages 18-44 suffer from ADHD
Accounting for comorbidity, "An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older - about one in four adults - suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year." Notice that psychopathy and personality disorders such as narcissism and borderline personality disorder, are not even included in this list. Either mental illness is on the rise, or different criteria were used to come up with the figures cited by Wasilewski.


Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in lab, UF study shows

A Brazilian berry popular in health food contains antioxidants that destroyed cultured human cancer cells in a recent University of Florida study, one of the first to investigate the fruit's purported benefits.