Health & WellnessS


Vaccine Mismatches Drive Influenza Virulence

The vaccine match failures in this season's trivalent vaccine are creating health concerns. Last Friday the CDC held a media conference in advance of the weekly CDC influenza report. Influenza activity nationwide had taken a sudden jump, which was linked to poor vaccine matches with circulating influenza strains. Moreover there had been reports out of Europe on increased Tamiflu resistant which has "startled" influenza "experts."


New Jersey Bill to encourage organ gifts advances

New Jersey would become the first state to require anyone getting or renewing a driver's license to choose whether to register as an organ donor, under a bill a Senate committee approved yesterday.

The measure, called the New Jersey Hero Act, also would make the state the first to require high schools' health classes to teach the importance of organ donation.


Researcher: FDA Was Too Slow On Trasylol


A renowned researcher calculates that 22,000 patients could have been saved if the Food and Drug Administration removed the heart surgery drug Trasylol two years ago, when his study revealed widespread death associated with it.

The researcher, Dr. Dennis Mangano, also tells 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley that Bayer, the drug's maker, failed to tell the FDA about negative results of their own Trasylol study and that the company's failure placed the drug's success before patient well-being.

Mangano's interview will be broadcast this Sunday, Feb. 17, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.


Why Anticancer Drug Avastin Causes Potentially Fatal Brain Inflammation In Certain Patients, Study Suggests

New research by scientists at Schepens Eye Research Institute may help explain why the anti-cancer drug Avastin, which targets a growth factor responsible for creation of new blood vessels, causes potentially fatal brain inflammation in certain patients.

Institute scientists mimicked the drug's activity in mice and found that it damaged the cell lining that prevents fluid from leaking from the ventricle into the brain. The ventricle is the structure in the brain that holds cerebral spinal fluid after it is produced and which is continuous with the spinal cord.


How we fell in love, by the brother and sister who grew up apart and met in their 20s

Perhaps it is because Danielle Heaney and Nick Cameron don't look in the least alike that they pass so easily for a pair of young lovers no different from any other.

She is a petite, delicate, blue-eyed blonde, while he is a strapping young man with auburn hair and soft brown eyes which never stray for long from her face.

Heart - Black

Tragedy of the children born with genetic defects because their parents are cousins

A young mother opens her kitchen fridge, taking out a mango yoghurt for her 11-year-old son. She calls him to the table three times. When the boy fails to appear, she runs up the narrow stairs of their terrace house in a former Yorkshire mill town to get him.


UK: Supermarkets recall salmon over contamination

Supermarkets were forced to withdraw about 50 salmon products from their shelves yesterday, after it emerged they may have been contaminated with diesel.

Ten supermarkets, including Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's and Morrisons, have had to withdraw products ranging from Tesco's salmon en croute to Co-op's salmon fillets. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) said salmon supplied by Marine Harvest to Morrisons and to a second firm, Young's Seafood, who make their own brand as well as those for other retailers, is believed to be the source of the contamination.

©Goncalo Ddiniz/Alamy
Salmon fillets and other fish on ice at a counter.


How a vasectomy operation killed my husband

Jem Abbott, a healthy 37-year-old, had gone into hospital for a vasectomy, the male sterilisation operation performed on more than 100,000 men every year in Britain.

The operation is routine, yet a little over a week later Jem was dead, the victim of septicaemia.

septicaemia victim
Devoted: Jem and Karen before he fell victim to septicaemia


American Academy of Pediatrics Initiates Public Relations Effort to Counter Bad Vaccine Publicity

National Autism Association Requests AAP Instead Focus on Removing Unnecessary Toxins From Vaccines and Providing Medical Treatments for Children with Autism


Sex and the Evolution of Love

I am such a loser.

According to evolutionary psychologists, women are supposed to look for mates who are good providers and willing to support a brood of children. But I've chosen an artist, someone with no real income, no access to affordable health care and no financial future.