Earth ChangesS


Climategate: CRU Was But the Tip of the Iceberg

Not surprisingly, the blatant corruption exposed at Britain's premiere climate institute was not contained within the nation's borders. Just months after the Climategate scandal broke, a new study has uncovered compelling evidence that our government's principal climate centers have also been manipulating worldwide temperature data in order to fraudulently advance the global warming political agenda.

Not only does the preliminary report [PDF] indict a broader network of conspirators, but it also challenges the very mechanism by which global temperatures are measured, published, and historically ranked.


Global Cooling Denial: James Hansen sez the noughties was warmest decade on Earth... ever!

Washington - The past decade was the warmest ever on Earth, a new analysis of global surface temperatures released by NASA showed Thursday.

The US space agency also found that 2009 was the second-warmest year on record since modern temperature measurements began in 1880. Last year was only a small fraction of a degree cooler than 2005, the warmest yet, putting 2009 in a virtual tie with the other hottest years, which have all occurred since 1998.

According to James Hansen, who heads NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, global temperatures change due to variations in ocean heating and cooling.

"When we average temperature over five or 10 years to minimize that variability, we find global warming is continuing unabated," Hansen said in a statement.

Comment: Given the dubiously strategic manner in which these temperatures are 'averaged' (just plain invented), NASA and Hansen can indulge their neverending fantasy until the end of time but it won't change the reality that the planet is cooling.

Comment: The most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines a delusion as:
A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is not one ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture.

Bizarro Earth

Bolivia, Costa Rica Hit by Strong Earthquakes

Bolivia and Costa Rica were struck by strong earthquakes with magnitudes of up to 5.3 on the Richter scale on Saturday, the US Geological Survey reported.

Bolivia was hit by two quakes within an hour, one with a magnitude 5.3 and other 5.2, the Virginia-based earthquake monitoring centre reported.

The border region of Costa Rica and Panama experienced two quakes in the same time period, one a magnitude of 5.2 and the other 4.7.

There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.


Ice is "Rotten" in the Beaufort Sea

Recent observations show that Beaufort Sea ice was not as it appeared in the summer of 2009. Sea ice cover serves as an indication of climate and has implications for marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

In early September 2009, satellite measurements implied that most of the ice in the Beaufort Sea either was thick ice that had been there for multiple years or was thick, first-year ice.

However, in situ observations made in September 2009 by Barber et al. show that much of the ice was in fact "rotten" ice -- ice that is thinner, heavily decayed, and structurally weak due to a uniform temperature throughout.

Green Light

Best of the Web: Founder of The Weather Channel to file lawsuit against Gore and Climategate cohorts

© Fuller
Finally, efforts are being made by the founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman, to sue Al Gore and his cohorts for perpetrating "the greatest scam in history" - the fraud of global warming. Thirty thousand others, comprised of scientists and experts, are also willing to join in that lawsuit.

So how did this fraud all get started? It all started in Chicago shortly after Earth Day, April 17, 1995, when Al Gore went to Fall River, Mass., to give his green sermon speech. He was soon joined by Maurice Strong and Peter Knight, a registered lobbyist and Gore's former top Senate aid.

It didn't take long before the Chicago Climate Exchange was formed and "a veritable rat's nest of cronyism" was formed. The largest shareholder in the Exchange is Goldman Sachs, and Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is its honorary chairman. The Joyce Foundation, which funded the Exchange, also funded money for John Ayers' Chicago School Initiative. John is the brother of William Ayers who was one of the founders of the Weathermen.


Best of the Web: James Hansen: Would you buy a used temperature data set from THIS man?

© UnknownJames Hansen, playing "catch" with the world
Before we get too worried about NASA's latest stamping-its-little-feet claims that the world is getting hotter it is it is it IS, let us first remind ourselves why we should trust their temperature records slightly less far than we can spit.

Then let's have a closer look at the character and motives of the man in charge of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), Dr James Hansen. Last year, he was described by his former course supervisor at NASA, Dr John Theon, as an "activist" and an embarrassment.

Or as the Great Booker puts it:
If there is one scientist more responsible than any other for the alarm over global warming it is Dr Hansen, who set the whole scare in train back in 1988 with his testimony to a US Senate committee chaired by Al Gore. Again and again, Dr Hansen has been to the fore in making extreme claims over the dangers of climate change. (He was recently in the news here for supporting the Greenpeace activists acquitted of criminally damaging a coal-fired power station in Kent, on the grounds that the harm done to the planet by a new power station would far outweigh any damage they had done themselves.)


First Climategate, now Glaciergate

Hot on the heels of Climategate - the leaking of thousands of emails and computer files that show many of the world's leading climate scientists fudging the results of their global warming research and contriving to keep skeptics from being published in academic journals - comes what could be called Glaciergate.

Prominent among the claims of impending environmental disaster in the UN's fourth report on climate change, published in 2007, was the prediction that all of the 15,000 glaciers in the Himalayas could melt away by 2035. That's just 25 years away. Now the Times of London has discovered that this claim was not based on scientific enquiry, but rather on speculation. And old speculation at that.

In 1999 the magazine The New Scientist interviewed an Indian climatologist named Syed Hasnain. He told reporter Fred Pearce that it was his "speculation" that the Himalayan glaciers would "vanish within 40 years as a result of global warming." Dr. Hasnain cautioned that the data on which his speculation was based had neither been published nor peer reviewed, Mr. Pearce noted his in his article.


Flashback The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam

The key players are now all in place in Washington and in state governments across America to officially label carbon dioxide as a pollutant and enact laws that tax we citizens for our carbon footprints. Only two details stand in the way, the faltering economic times and a dramatic turn toward a colder climate. The last two bitter winters have lead to a rise in public awareness that CO2 is not a pollutant and is not a significant greenhouse gas that is triggering runaway global warming.

How did we ever get to this point where bad science is driving big government?

Comment: Perhaps because there's political and financial profit to be gained in diverting the public's attention away from what's really happening here on the big blue marble.

If you wanted to mask the actual causes, those cosmic influences that are a naturally repeating cycle of warming and sudden massive cooling - as recorded time and again in earth's history - what better way than to focus public awareness inwards rather than outwards?

It would be naive to think that governments were unaware of the processes involved, the research and evidence is there for those who look, this is public ignorance by design.

Cloud Lightning

US: California storms move through Arizona: Most of 1 Arizona town underwater

© UnknownWenden, AZ
Wenden - A western Arizona town is underwater Friday morning after the torrential storm the swept through the streets. Scott Jones with the Wenden Fire Department said the Centennial Wash breached its banks and 3/4 of Wenden is underwater.

Some parts of town are reporting 4 to 5 feet of water and others are reporting 6 inches of water. See the slideshow to see photos of the town.


Insect Colonies Operate as 'Superorganisms', New Research Finds

© iStockphoto/Juan Manuel Garcia LopezBy analyzing data from 168 different social insect species including ants, termites, bees and wasps, researchers found that the lifespan, growth rates and rates of reproduction of whole colonies when considered as superorganisms were nearly indistinguishable from individual organisms.
A new team of researchers including scientists from the University of Florida has shown insect colonies follow some of the same biological "rules" as individuals, a finding that suggests insect societies operate like a single "superorganism" in terms of their physiology and life cycle.

For more than a century, biologists have marveled at the highly cooperative nature of ants, bees and other social insects that work together to determine the survival and growth of a colony.

The social interactions are much like cells working together in a single body, hence the term "superorganism" -- an organism comprised of many organisms, according to James Gillooly, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the department of biology at UF's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Now, researchers from UF, the University of Oklahoma and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine have taken the same mathematical models that predict lifespan, growth and reproduction in individual organisms and used them to predict these features in whole colonies.