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Red Flag

Anti-Syriza propaganda begins: Greece framed as 'emerging hub for terrorists'

Greece's new anti-austerity and anti-Western Oligarchy ruling party, Syriza, is coming under attack from an all too familiar angle. Keep in mind that this accusation came on the very first day Syriza took office.

ISIS Nusra Leader
© CNNDoes Greece really have a terrorist problem?
According to CNN, "there may be some 200 people in the country with links to jihadist groups such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or the al Nusra Front". Supposing this is true, should we not instead look to those who funded and created those groups; namely Western nations?

An unnamed "source close to the Greek intelligence services told CNN" of this alleged problem, so for all we know this could be a complete lie; probably from the mind of a pro-Western, anti-Syriza propaganda agent working for Wall Street and the City of London. Accusations of such magnitude require far more than an unnamed source before we can verify their existence in the realms of reality. This spectral source supposedly said "Greece is not a target, just a gateway into Europe and a stop on the fighters' return home", which essentially paints the entire state of Greece as a problem.

CNN says of this source that "he added"; in regard to his alleged statements. How does this unnamed source feel about having his anonymity damaged in this regard? This is an absolute failure in narrative construction, and suggests to us that questioning this piece is not an unwarranted task.

Comment: This outlandish accusation springs out of nowhere within 24 hours of an anti-austerity, pro-sovereignty government in the Eurozone being elected to power. No rest for the wicked in the mainstream media, it seems.

Arrow Down

You could soon go to jail for protecting yourself from bullets: Congress proposes body armor ban

Body Armor Ban
© Free Thought Project
Washington, D.C. - A new piece of legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives, H. R. 378, labeled the Responsible Body Armor Possession Act, which if enacted would deprive law abiding citizens of another means of self defense.

The legislation, forwarded by Rep. Mike Honda, would ban citizens from ownership of enhanced body armor, defined as "body armor, including a helmet or shield, the ballistic resistance of which meets or exceeds the ballistic performance of Type III armor, determined using National Institute of Justice Standard-0101.06" in the bill.

Level III and higher body armor can defeat most common rifle ammunition.

The body armor in question has a sole purpose of protecting the wearer from potential serious injury or death from being shot.

If passed, this bill would usurp people's ability to own a truly defensive form of protection, with penalties for possession/ownership ranging from fines to jail time or both.

In his press release, Rep. Honda states:
"This bill allows law enforcement to respond to active shooting situations more effectively. The bill prohibits the purchase, sale, or possession of military-grade body armor by anyone except certain authorized users, such as first-responders and law enforcement."
This speaks to the heart of the law enforcement problem in America.

Laws are continually being proposed to solve problems that don't exist, which is exactly how we have gotten into the current police state mess we find ourselves in.


New US regs say passengers cannot fly without biometric ID card

© PoliceStateUSASample Alabama REAL ID card.
The ability to travel in the United States is about to become more restrictive as the TSA announces it will soon be enforcing new identification standards in American airports.

Beginning in 2016, passengers attempting to pass through a federal TSA checkpoint will be subject to the requirements of the REAL ID Act. To that end, the TSA will put higher scrutiny on travelers' identities, and will only accept a federal passport or a "REAL-ID" card, which is issued by the states to meet federal requirements.

Passengers will not be allowed to fly through an American airport without submitting to the advanced federal specifications.

Both federal passports and REAL-ID cards require a number of unique personal identifiers to be stored together in government databases, including his or her full name, date of birth, Social Security Number, scanned signature, and other identifiers.

Both cards require biometric data: a front-facing digital photograph of the passenger's face, which is ultimately used with a facial recognition database.

"It is a choice," flippantly explained David Fierro, the Public Information Officer for the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles. "If you use a passport when you're traveling you don't have any problems. If you use your driver's license as identification, you'll need to either apply for the Real ID card or get a passport."

War Whore

Ukraine neo-Nazi Far Right portrayed as heroes by Rupert Murdoch-owned Sky News

© Reuters / Valentyn OgirenkoMembers of the Ukrainian far-right radical group Right Sector stand outside the parliament in Kiev March 28, 2014
On January 22nd, Rupert Murdoch's Sky News (Murdoch founded it, his son James headed it for a while, and their 21st Century Fox owns "a controlling stake" in it) telecast a puff-piece for Ukraine's right-wing extremists, several times calling them "heroes" to "patriotic" Ukrainians. This segment of their documentary series Ross Kemp: Extreme World, was titled "Ukraine: The Rise of The Right."

In it, Ukraine's "far right" are described as being patriots who are protecting all of Ukraine from a Russian invasion, and who are therefore being increasingly admired by Ukrainians. It says: "The ultras [ultra-rightists] are actually patriotic young people who are ready to fight - not only on the Maidan, but also at the war for our land. ... These men - seen now by many as heroes - are fighting for the Azov Battalion in Mariupol, Maryinka and Iliovaisk."

The message is that whereas these far-rightists were previously despised, they now are widely respected: "Just a few years ago they were on the fringes of society - shunned for their violent behaviour and xenophobic beliefs, but since the 2014 Maidan revolution - and the subsequent fighting against pro-Russian groups - their popularity has grown."

In the segment here, the presenter, Ross Kemp, says, at 15:25, that, Ukraine "faces the threat of a full-scale Russian invasion. NATO has called the crisis in Ukraine, the biggest threat to European security since World War Two. Amidst this chaos, volunteer far-right battalions have put up some of the strongest resistance." He then notes that the city of Mariupol in Ukraine's southeast "is currently being defended by a right-wing militia called the Azov Battalion."

Comment: Oh how the Western media likes to distort reality! The truth is that it's the U.S./EU/NATO that is the biggest threat to global security since Hitler's Germany. The lies used by the lamestream media to demonize Russia, the one country standing up to the Western elites who are hellbent on world domination, are sickening.


Saudi King Salman dismisses Prince Bandar from National Security Council

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (R) and Prince Bandar bin Sultan.
Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has dismissed Prince Bandar bin Sultan from the National Security Council.

King Salman on Thursday issued a number of royal decrees that removed or changed a number of top Saudi officials.

The new king, who succeeded the late King Abdullah last week, also removed Intelligence Chief Prince Khaled bin Bandar from his post and appointed him as his advisor.

He also sacked two of the late king's sons from big jobs.

King Salman replaced Riyadh Governor Turki bin Abdullah with Faisal bin Bandar, and reinstated Khaled al-Faisal as Mecca governor less than two years after he was replaced by Mishaal bin Abdullah.

Comment: We will see if these changes the Saudi king has implemented will have any effect to the current Saudi policies.


Ukraine's top general admits: "No Russian troops are fighting against us"

Ukraine's top general is contradicting allegations by the Obama Administration and by his own Ukrainian Government, by saying that no Russian troops are fighting against the Ukrainian Government's forces in the formerly Ukrainian, but now separatist, area, where the Ukrainian civil war is being waged.

Here is a screen-print of a google-chrome auto-translation of that statement:

Comment: Muzhenko also stated that the Ukrainian army had everything it needed to "rout" the NAF. Really, Muzh? Facts on the ground are saying otherwise:


French government 'invites you to be wary of those who do not eat baguettes'

A French government infographic titled: "jihadist radicalisation: the first signs that could alert you."
A French government infographic designed to help fight jihadist ideology gets widely shared online - but with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

On Wednesday the French government launched a website to counter terrorism in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Its message of national unity, aimed at young people who could be radicalised as well as the general public, quickly made a splash on the internet. The site was liked 17,000 times on Facebook; its official Twitter hashtag (#StopDJihadisme) was used 12,000 times; and a slick video meant to counter jihadist recruiters got over half a million hits.

But it didn't take long for sarcasm to emerge. And it was the government's infographic about radicalisation that seemed to catch the internet's attention most of all. It spells out eight "tell-tale signs" of radicalization for people to watch out for in others, such as withdrawing from friends and family, quitting sporting activity, terminating old friendships and changing the way you dress. "In fact, the campaign to #StopDjihadism isn't about identifying potential jihadists, it's about describing unemployed people," was one of the most widely retweeted quips.

The most cutting remarks were about the warning that those who change their eating habits - indicated in the infographic by a cross over a baguette-shaped object - are likely to become extremists. "The government invites you to be wary of those who do not eat baguettes," said one user, in a theme that was echoed by many others.

Light Saber

Zakharchenko: "Ukraine understands only the language of force"

© REUTERS/ Sergei KarpukhinPrime Minister of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" Alexander Zakharchenko attends a news conference in Donetsk August 11, 2014.
"Ukraine understands only the language of force"--Zakharchenko interview given shortly after the destruction of a streetcar in Donetsk and his denunciation of the ceasefire.

Q: Aleksandr Vladimirovich, the meeting with the mother, it seems you are still under the influence of that meeting.

Zakharchenko: Yes, of course, it influenced me greatly. It's not the first nor the last time, and it's very difficult to talk to people like that. You know, they start to understand where they are once they arrive. I want them to come here as parents. One mother took her son back and told her relatives this is something like a radio station, Ukraine will be able to learn the truth through him, because when I talk to them I understand that Ukrainian media is not showing what is happening here, they show only what is convenient for them to show. Victorious "cyborgs", armed only with one grenade held in their teeth are defending the airport for 241 days, which we practically did not attack. But once we started our attack, it turned out that the victorious cyborgs could not stand against us for even two days, but only because we were wrong in our estimate of the number of units defending the airport.

Comment: When was the last time you saw Poroshenko on the front?


Poland to begin civilian military training as government continues anti-Russian propaganda

© Reuters/Kacper Pempel
Poland plans to allow civilians to sign up for military training. With anti-Russian hysteria spreading like wildfire, Warsaw has rushed to step up its defense systems amid fears over the ongoing military conflict in neighboring eastern Ukraine.

"All citizens interested in taking part in military exercises will be able to sign up starting March 1" at regional recruitment centers, Polish Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak told reporters on Thursday.

Although Poland, Central Europe's largest country, ended conscription in 2008, Siemoniak said that some 38,000 reservists would be called up to take part in exercises in 2016, compared to the 12,000 this year. The ministry also plans to involve paramilitary groups in its new defense policy, AFP reported.

Since the crisis broke out in eastern Ukraine, Poland, a NATO member state, has been busy revamping its armed forces. Warsaw plans to spend 33 billion euros ($37 billion) over a decade on the overhaul.

"The chances of a peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian crisis are increasingly slim. Russia's obvious goal is to block Ukraine's path toward Europe," Siemoniak said, adding that Russia's use of "military means" poses "a long-term threat to Europe."

© Reuters/Kacper PempelMembers of Poland's special commando unit Lubliniec disembark from a Mi-17 helicopter during the "Noble Sword-14" NATO international tactical exercise at the land forces training centre in Oleszno, near Drawsko Pomorskie, northwest Poland September 9, 2014

Bad Guys

Kiev junta detains two Russian journalists

© Photos from VK and FacebookLife News journalists Elizaveta Khramtsova and Natalia Kalysheva
Two Russian journalists working for Life News TV channel have been detained in Kiev by Ukraine's Security Service, which says the crew will be expelled from the country and denied entry for five years.

The news of the journalists' detention was first tweeted by Director General of NewsMedia group Aram Gabrelyanov.

"Life News journalists have been detained in Kiev by SBU [Ukraine's Security Service]," he posted. "They've been taken away in an unknown direction. They claim they are investigating some subway bomb planting."

The detention was later confirmed by the SBU's senior adviser, Markian Lubkovsky. "I'd like to confirm that SBU in Kiev detained two citizens of the Russian Federation, Life News journalists," he wrote on Facebook, adding that the journalists will "in the near future be expelled" from Ukraine and denied entry for five years.

"These Russian citizens' activity has nothing in common with journalism and can be described as harmful to Ukraine's security and national interests," Lubkovsky's post reads.

Comment: Yes, since Ukraine's "national interests" are to intimidate and suppress any factual reporting by outside parties, it's not surprising to see Ukraine arrest these two journalists and, if they are lucky, kicked out of the country.