Punch-drunk Belgium is reeling from a new shock after
a senior police officer confirmed last week what has long been rumoured: that some of the country's leaders indulge in sex parties, known ironically as "ballets roses".
Amusing and appalling in turn, the testimony of Georges Marnette, a senior Brussels policemen, might appear to make a welcome change from the horrors of recent months. But this is not mere entertainment: the stories may provide an important insight into the mores of a ruling class that has outraged ordinary people.
At times, Belgium has been in the throes of a near-revolution, with hundreds of thousands on the streets demanding an end to the political patronage that, they believed, had helped - by omission if not commission - a paedophile ring to murder children and escape arrest. It has not been a time of many laughs for anyone.
All the same, it was with a mixture of knowing winks and barely suppressed laughter that a parliamentary commission investigating another of the country's most mysterious scandals heard the evidence of M Marnette. Belgian newspapers usually refer to the portly M Marnette as "un superflic", and mean it. In fact, his evidence was more reminiscent of Inspector Clouseau.
"Yes, we used to go the bars, the gay and lesbian clubs and the sex parties," he said, his bushy moustaches bristling at the memory of his past achievements. Infiltrating such establishments was no easy matter; it was not a job to be done wearing "jeans and a leather jacket".
Comment: The Brabant Killers were members of the
Westland New Post organisation, a NATO Operation
GLADIO terrorist cell. This article has deftly disconnected the CIA/NATO underground terrorist fascist/right-wing militias from the pedophile networks by stating matter of factly that two separate inquiries were held in Belgium concurrently. In fact, as Dave McGowan explains in
The Pedophocracy,
Gladio and pedophile networks are one and the same.
Comment: The reference to fascists and terrorist bombings in the above article mirrors the involvement of similar groups in Belgian pedophile networks:
Flashback: Belgian Supercop Exposes Elite's Network of Orgies