When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of Liberty quits the horizon.
Not a surprise, right? This is mockingbird media, "it is a startling reversal". I saw one video of an investigative journalist in Panama showing...
What are we seeing? The globalist power structure is revealing itself. That is a good thing. I don't see this leading to a civil war, because the...
What is the result of what Trump has said? Universal condemnation. Is that what anybody would expect? Yes. Why did Trump do it? Oh right, he is a...
This appears to me to be the narrative. Why? Macfarlane does not discuss the corruption of the USA government, the deep state, the money...
For those interested of all the machinations within Canada, and all the propaganda of the Laurentians within Canada, the point of view from Sam...
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Companies, as non-natural entities, usually act like "natural" apsychopaths. And as such, they cut ties with Israel only to avoid legal and financial damage to themselves.