© NASA / JPL-Caltech / T. Pyle (SSC)Artist rendering of an early solar system.
The solar system's current planetary orbits seem stable, but that's only because the planets have settled into them
over billions of years. The early solar system was a much different place than that seen today, and for almost 20 years, scientists thought they had a good handle on how it got that way. But more recently, data had started pointing to some flaws in that understanding - especially about how the giant planets in the outer solar system got where they are today. Now an international team of astrophysicists thinks they have a better understanding of that process, and they believe it could help solve a long-standing argument about the early solar system.
Currently, the best model scientists have for the formation of the solar system is known as the Nice model, after the town in France, where it was first developed in 2005. As part of this model, the gas giants that currently reside in the outer fringes of this solar system originally orbited what became the sun much more closely with more circular orbits.
However, something caused instability in the system that kicked those planets out into the much more unevenly spaced and oblong orbits we see them in today.What exactly caused that anomaly has thus far been a mystery. However, a team comprised of researchers from Michigan State University, Zhejiang University, and the University of Bordeaux think they have an answer. It's as simple as dust in the (solar) wind.
In the early solar system, the gas giants sat in a dusty cloud around the nascent sun in nearly circular orbits. When the sun ignited, it began to blow the dust in the circumstellar disc away. Some of that dust happened to blow past the orbit or the gas giants, causing the instability that the Nice model sees.
However, how the researchers fleshed out the idea also solves some problems the Nice model had. One major one was data, such as that collected from moon samples, pointed to a much quicker path to this instability that was typically found in the original Nice model. With this updated "inside-out" dust cloud evaporation model, that instability's laborious path of hundreds of millions of years is condensed down to a timeline of a few million years, which matches much better with the existing data.
That's not the only data it matches well with, however. The Nice model itself is partially controversial for pointing to a potential ninth planet in the early solar system - and it doesn't mean Pluto. A favorite of many a conspiratorial skywatcher, Planet 9 (or Planet X) has been garnering more and more attention after a Caltech study in 2015 found there might be
something huge lurking around 50 billion miles away from the Sun.
© Sean Raymond / MSUAuthor Sean Raymond of the University of Bordeaux demonstrates how dispersion can have a massive effect on the surrounding material.
The original Nice model actually works better with five gas giant inner planets, but in those calculations, one of those planets is ejected out into interstellar space to become a rogue planet. In the updated model, the outcome of the planetary orbital alignment is essentially the same whether there are four or five starting gas giants in the system. However, they do match reality slightly better if there are only four planets initially introduced into the model.
As with much theory, this new model could potentially impact our understanding of the formation of the early solar system and could resolve a long-standing argument over what the original trigger of the instability that so shaped our planetary neighbors was. But ultimately, even this new model will have to hold up to the data, and that is plenty more to collect before the true story of our early solar system is clear.
Reader Comments
Basically, an electromagnet is based on an electric current passing through a material that creates a magnetic field. Once the electric current ceases to flow the magnetism 'shuts off'.
Magnetism, usually experienced with a permanent magnet, is not variable and always displays the same magnetic behavior.
So, electromagnetism flowing through the Universe is variable and depends on the electric current being supplied.
Are you familiar with the fun little experiment with a nail, copper wire and a 9 volt battery? [Link]
So in this context, as I understand it, gravity is actually a form of electromagnetism which is created through the celestial relationship between stars (batteries) and large metallic celestial objects such as planets (the nail) which is facilitated by a Universal electrical current flow (the wire).
So, you could say that gravity is actually a similar effect to when you rub a balloon on a sweater and it creates a static charge which then attracts objects, like hair, to it. It's just a static charge that is millions of levels of magnitude stronger.
I could be totally wrong in my understanding of it, though.
There may be many more stars emanating from M54 which being outside, and too remote, from either galaxies energy stream are not lit up and exist as dim red or brown dwarfs until they hit the MWs plane, or that blink out as they leave it. I suspect the energy stream behaves something like a magnetic field but where two poles of negative energy radiate outwards from the polar axi and meet at the galactic plane where they turn 90deg and head back towards the cores equator passing through each positively charged star they encounter and since they are 50/50 'electrons/positrons' they energise those stars in two ways before passing on.
I can see farther than 5 km, and the next point about seeing through the ground is incorrect as no one can see 1000's of miles on a flat plane or long straight tunnel, the perspective rules we know prove this, and artists use these rules in their paintings, pictures etc.
I've come to conclude that space as we've been told, is a construct that they keep adding to, in line with the Alien deception coming. Lie's built upon lies. I say this for one main reason, by creating a construct and the math to go with it and then teach it to generations, they can literally take you anywhere in space, like SciFi does, and this construct backs up SciFi and visa versa. It's to prove that there is no God, no Heaven, no Christ and especially no Lucifer.
Space, a man made construct. Space is used in place of Heaven, a word used by all ancients (good and bad). Heaven is filled with....(go look it up) Space is filled with .empty void, dark, cold, no air and suns and planets billions and billions of miles and light years away. Geometric math, was used by the ancients to build things and to explain things. Space math, they had to invent a new math to explain it and teach it to the masses. I could go on and on, but what's the point. This I know for sure, I get motion sickness quite easily at times, my inner ear balance goes out of whack if I read in a moving ground vehicle sitting upright or in a simulator. This earth we live on, it ain't spinning, my gut has always told me that and my inner ear has proven it time and time again. The argument they use to explain why we do not go flying off into space because of the centrifugal force is complete BS. Why, because they use a simplistic "model" to explain it.
One thing I learned getting my math degree, lots of unknowns. Also, physicists come up with their equations and mathematicians solve them as not all physicists can do the mathematics, unless they had extensive math training and degrees. Math can explain to a good degree, what we see, but it doesn't account for what we can't see and are not meant to see. i.e. the spirits around us and whatever else resides in that view. The Matrix movies, in a sense, shows us this and talks about it indirectly. It openly mocks us.
2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
I know people don't like it, but I post it regardless, it's important. To dismiss good advice or knowledge because you don't believe in God is no different than the wokies screaming at you, while you are trying to make a point to them. Think long and hard (not 5s, 5m or 5 h), listen to your gut, pray for insight. You can actually not believe in God and read the bible to get good advice, better than a shrink.
Definition of delusion
1a: something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated under the delusion that they will finish on schedule delusions of grandeur
b psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary the delusion that someone was out to hurt him also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs
2: the act of tricking or deceiving someone : the state of being deluded
Lucifer uses delusions all the time, LGBTxyz, wokeness, climate change, etc
But space, that's a great delusion, because it is simply believable by the masses. Trust those who safeguard the mathematics around it. What stronger delusion do you need?
Also, earth is Lucifer's domain, not heaven. The whole planet's revolving around the sun issue, the church of Satan (RC's) was in on it from day one. Lastly, I remember in school, by the time we got around to talking about Galileo we'd already been imprinted with the globe principle, hence we were outraged that the church would do this to a person, trying to explain what they were seeing and thought. That go to blue ball, they put in all schools is a good talisman for the rest of the indoctrination process.
No harm - no foul.
I think the "math" has gotten similar to the "quantum physics" - sort of like a religion as well. And to think, it is based upon Calculus which is flawed at the extreme edges.....effing flawed because,,,,oh forget it. I typed something elsewhere.
I suspect you are the one most able to answer that question above - for your own self.
But, I hope you know that I believe you exist and I hope you believe I exist and to be honest, we exist in a 3-dimensional environment and I can effing prove that. Squeeze your toe if you don't believe it. Or better yet, this happened to me, have a big stone fall on your big toe and make a clean break - man that hurt!
It is June 29, 2019 — 62919, and I am at this very moment in “The Land of Ice - otherwise known as Iceland”. Elsewhere on this site I mention that calculus is “flawed at the edges”, and I’d like to briefly expound on that. It is real simple actually - it boils down to the FACT that calculus arises from an assumption that an itty bitty super small number (let’s call it x) squared is = 0. That is x² = 0. But we should all know that even an infinitesimally small number squared still ain’t zero. This speaks directly to the flaw I referred to and it rarely comes into play unless you live in the pretend land of quantum physics and black holes. I think we should think and study more about our own bodies than some far off imaginary celestial bodies. What Do you think?
Chaos theory or at least the principle of it, order out of chaos is a little bit of a monkey wrench. Like you say above, it's the numbers to the right of the decimal point that matter most, in certain circumstance. There use to be a basic weather equation, can't find it now because of all Global warning BS, that was used for years (Last I saw them talk about it was on C. Sagan's show in the 70's.) and probably still used as part of the newer equations. Anyways, they realized that it didn't matter that they'd use the same numbers to the left of the decimal, just the whole numbers, would of coarse give you the same answer each time, but as they increase the the number of digits to the right, the answer would not be the same. Say three readings taken were 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and the forth, because the tech improved they get a 4.67, but only use 4.6 or 4.7. Then their answer wasn't matching the weather. I hope you get the gist of this. Anyways, they use super computers for weather forecasting now a days and every so often they get a prediction wrong, big time or just a little, so they go back 3 days and rerun the weather models until they got a match for the day they messed up on, then continue on. I watched them explain this on an EU show about weather modeling a while ago. Point being, the model works only as good as the data is, that they load. So the math is a partial explanation of what we see, but it's not exact. We've created equations to explain what we see. Equations are models, they are not absolute. So we move along hoping for the best. Quite frankly, I lost interest in calculus and the rest. There is so much more that it does not explain, because it is not perfect. Computers don't work because of equations, they work because of all the 1's and 0's turning transistors On and Off. Like all of us, Mankind is not perfect, and neither are our equations.
I fully appreciate mathematical awareness, but at the same time I'm tired of 20th century ideas.
So, I love math, I am a math lover and I have a few friends who are as well - we studied Calculus under the tutelage of Ms. Puitt at East Mecklenburg High in Charlotte, NC. She was one hell of a tough calculus teacher.
One time I came into the class a bit tipsy and she called my ass out, but I don't think that ended well for her. I had some other teachers there who cared for me. Being a high-school teacher is sort of thankless, but at the end of the day you make a huge difference in the life of so many teenagers who tend to benefit from those who know how to teach lessons gently.
In Heaven is everything God values, and nothing else. Heaven is perfectly unambiguous. Heaven knows you well, as you know Heaven.
God made no contradictions. What denies its own existence and attacks itself is not of Him. He did not make two minds, with Heaven as the glad effect of one, and earth the other's sorry outcome which is Heaven's opposite in every way.
Life not in Heaven is impossible, and what is not in Heaven is not anywhere. Outside of Heaven, only the conflict of illusion stands; senseless, impossible and beyond all reason, and yet perceived as an eternal barrier to Heaven. Illusions are but forms. Their content is never true.
Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within. In you is all of Heaven. Not in form but of Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the way in which God's Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.
And lastly;
Where is an idol? Nowhere! Can there be a gap in what is infinite, a place where time can interrupt eternity? A place of darkness set where all is light, a dismal alcove separated off from what is endless, has no place to be. An idol is beyond where God has set all things forever, and has left no room for anything to be except His Will. Nothing and nowhere must an idol be, while God is everything and everywhere.
What purpose has an idol, then? What is it for? This is the only question that has many answers, each depending on the one of whom the question has been asked. The world believes in idols. No one comes unless he worshipped them, and still attempts to seek for one that yet might offer him a gift reality does not contain. Each worshipper of idols harbors hope his special deities will give him more than other men possess. It must be more. It does not really matter more of what; more beauty, more intelligence, more wealth, or even more affliction and more pain. But more of something is an idol for. And when one fails another takes its place, with hope of finding more of something else. Be not deceived by forms the "something" takes. An idol is a means for getting more. And it is this that is against God's Will.
God has not many Sons, but only One. Who can have more, and who be given less? In Heaven would the Son of God but laugh, if idols could intrude upon his peace. It is for him the Holy Spirit speaks, and tells you idols have no purpose here. For more than Heaven can you never have. If Heaven is within, why would you seek for idols that would make of Heaven less, to give you more than God bestowed upon your brother and on you, as one with Him? God gave you all there is. And to be sure you could not lose it, did He also give the same to every living thing as well. And thus is every living thing a part of you, as of Himself. No idol can establish you as more than God. But you will never be content with being less.
I came across this link the other day, interesting content. [Link] I was reading through the First Book of Adam, interesting and yet at the same time, not Biblical in the way the Bible is written. It reminded me more of a Rabbi embellishing a story than the structure of the Bible. The thought process as to what happened after they were kicked out of Eden is interesting. I am sure that there are more books that have been lost or hidden away. The Bible as it stands today, is exactly the way God wanted it. It contains the main message, regardless of the fact that you want to know more about some of the stories. A good observation. Illusions have a powerful hold, on those who accept everything and question nothing Amen, but I prefer hallelujah! It sounds less Egyptian and less demigod like.
Lots to discuss, so much to type, eventually. My mind has been making connections lately, the thoughts are still fomenting, words I've never thought of or used just come to me lately. Lots to learn and think about, it's all exciting. We've been so lead astray, that it is sad. People profess to be good, yet can't or won't talk about God, a short form spelling of Good. I started years ago, to read the Bible, in order for me to properly critique and criticize it. I ended up realizing, I'd be a hypocrite criticizing something that teaches good, right from wrong, and now I defend it and show people the good of it. A lot of people simply hate it, because it represents religion, not realizing that God is not a religion, God is the father of all. Most can't differentiate the difference.
I tried to read the other religious texts for the other religions, just so I could understand the difference. I got through some and others I just won't touch, less I be enchanted. Something of which I've always had an awareness about. When I played D&D in HS, I learned so much about magic (Spell casting, illusions, god's of old) coupled with my extrasensory experiences that I have stayed away from most things to do with enchantment, that were not game related and even that is risky too, especially for those who are open to it. Unlike a lie, which I am still learning to identify. Gen.3.1-24. As a lie is a lie and can also be used to enchant and as far as I can tell, we've been enchanted for a long long time. So that means we've also been lied to a long, long time. I'm still picking up my pieces as it were, once I realized just how deep that rabbit hole is and has been. It truly shook my foundations. Gen 3 tells us exactly what our world has been like since that day.
Yesterday I realized that whatever the word History means or originates from, His Story, is not man's story or the PTB story, His Story is Lucifer's Story, his version, his vision, his amendments (occurring all over the place lately). I say this because, earth is His domain. He is the man in charge, he is real, he is alive. What we are today as a people/society, is his vision and it's not complete and will never be. The part of the story, not included in the bible about our true history, is not about us and hence we do not need to know about it, because it has all happened in Heaven. We, on the other hand, have been dealing with the fallout ever since (literally). God has told us both how that is going to be.
That is why codifying anything regarding it is the act of man.
An idol is established by belief, and when it is withdrawn the idol "dies." This is the anti-Christ; the strange idea there is a power past omnipotence, a place beyond the infinite, a time transcending the eternal. Here the world of idols has been set by the idea this power and place and time are given form, and shape the world where the impossible has happened. Here the deathless come to die, the all-encompassing to suffer loss, the timeless to be made the slaves of time. Here does the changeless change; the peace of God, forever given to all living things, give way to chaos. And the Son/Daughter of God, as perfect, sinless and as loving as their Father, come to hate a little while; to suffer pain and finally to die.
Where is an idol? Nowhere! Can there be a gap in what is infinite, a place where time can interrupt eternity? A place of darkness set where all is light, a dismal alcove separated off from what is endless, has no place to be. An idol is beyond where God has set all things forever, and has left no room for anything to be except His Will. Nothing and nowhere must an idol be, while God is everything and everywhere.
I'm also very opposed to central authority, and it is usually central authority having trouble with idols....for us peasants, they are just a way to remind us of something else better in a way.....central authority never understands the mind of a peasant do they?
See what I mean....a slippery slope easily avoided.
You got yours and I got mine and if mine ain't harming you now or ever more why do you give a flip about it? Could it be you are afraid of other ideas that conflict with your presupposed views?
Idols are but substitutes for your reality as God knows you. In some way, people believe they will complete their little self, for safety in a world perceived as dangerous, with forces massed against their confidence and peace of mind. They have the power to supply your lacks, and add the value that you do not have. No one believes in idols who has not enslaved himself to littleness and loss. And thus must seek beyond his little self for strength to raise his head, and stand apart from all the misery the world reflects. This is the penalty for looking not within for certainty and quiet calm that liberates you from the world, and lets you stand apart, in quiet and in peace. There the Holy Spirit abides within your mind. You just have to learn to be in touch with the Holy Spirit within your own mind where God has placed His Holy Spirit...in your mind.
Cain/Mars interacted with it....
As planets progress away from the star, they expand. If they have the magma to do so. If not, they pop. Any additional stress at a time of expansion may be lethal.
The next Nova is 30 years away.... get digging!
Last time, we got two planets, as the moonof Venus/Mercury unaccountably stayed while Venus took second orbit, pushing Earth to third.
codis Joey Taveres Jean Michel jcsmalz taschen parzival and JTF Truth - edit: make that Joey Tavares So, unless I got my numbers messed up that makes 9 of us posting here.
So being there really are 9 planets and Pluto is one of them you wan't my opinion or not, I'm gonna find some other threads and commence to engaging in some conversation in the background with some folks even though some might consider that back-handed in a way. Thing is I've had other accuse me of things here and I think some of these others really need a clue, but why should I give them a clue when the accuse recklessly?
So, in such an environment sometimes it takes a little private communication to make sure we all are on the same page or at least we share some sentiment and maybe even share some principle.
So, for the sake of fair disclosure, I'm disclosing to those here that that will be my way of communicating going forward and I might surprise you when I find an old thread for which I think more discussion would be beneficial.
So, just don't post a brand new message on the thread - keep it as a response only - unless you want to go "public". But if you want to go public, no sweat off my back, cause I didn't do it.
So, if you get this message, make a note of it, know that all others listed likely got the message as well, and then lets get on with getting on what must be done.
Justified Retribution is a concept some have reservations about, but I do not , just like I know Pluto is a planet and I've gone on record stating that and if you want me to prove it I will.
Peace to all of you I'm sharing this potentially superfluous message with, but none of us want to live in a bubble. Lastly, let me leave you with this song in memory of RC who used to do this sort of thing one on one....if you know what I mean.
Buffalo_Ken [Link]
ps - I might come back here later if the integrity holds and invite others to the conversation....maybe it is a pointless exercise to you, but it ain't to me because I play to win.
Poem of the Day, 91122 1816
I'm thinking tis time for Pluto to take control of the Solar System being Pluto gets no respect....
what you think about that idea - be it gentle or not?
Big changes on the way and on the way soon like now......big changes.
Yes, for sure, big changes. 19th, 24th and 25th are dates I'm seeing bubble up. GOD doesn't give us dates, by the way.
So in a sense, you are right, Pluto will take control. After all Pluto is a DOG, which some consider a GOD, when looking in a mirror.
Like a vampire you can't see in the mirror, the mirror image is your reality.
I'm always down for healthy discourse, if you know what I mean..hint, hint, nudge, nudge [Link]
Pluto for President in 2024!!
Peace - The Best of Prokofiev - YouTube - [Link]
You say: This is my Monty Python retort to you.
And let me remind you, I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I work all day and sleep all night....or something like that...I miss good British humor -
~~~~ when the brits gonna get over the spate of patheticness they seem to have fallen into since the days of Monty Python. Them days were fun with humor sort of like Fred Flinstone and such. In them days we all knew it was a joke.
Lately, it is as if they (the brits) have lost their bearings....and a Brit without a sense of humor is worthless indeed. Worthless to the rest of the world sick of the brit shit out of city of london....but brit humor - no way to put that down.
and now back to lurking in repose...
but this is a good one as well...get it while you can...
Graveyard scene: [Link]
Some nice math in it.
Went out with my wife and our dog this morning searching the river banks for gold - I found half an aluminum can!
(ha, ha....)
Hope you are doing well.
Is it eugenics to try to thin the herd?
Do they wish to provoke revolt or are they relying on TV, drugs and www to keep the mob passive for another decade?
The game ain't over till the fat lady sings I reckon....and even then, if I'm still around, I will fight back.
Peace is easy!
The opposite of analogue, which is smooth.
All that vibration energy of Electromagnetism can be siphoned off in 'generators', providing pressure power locally. Some regions of 'space' have no stars, we can see the spirals of star filled galactic arms. They have EM. The other regions may not have power.
All matter is energy that is contained. Energy is knitted into a confined plasmoid.
There is a huge force that maintains a boundary, a pinch on energy.
Every atom, proton is a hollow spheroid, a plasmoid. The energy within is in general stasis with the external energy which is agitated aether. This can be scaled up to galaxies. Every planet will eventually become a star.
What we call the Sun is just the thermosphere of a planet. The cosmic rays we detect on this planet come from this layer. It is in resonance with the stellar energy, which is itself a reflection of the energy from the Galaxy, and the reflection of that from the surface of the planet. This is as the electron layer around a Hydrogen atom. When the external energy, extending from the Galactic Centre, stops …. this all changes. As the energy from the GC is AC, alternating current, the hiatus which occurs when polarity changes means energy starts to expand and move the boundary layers.
Ever wonder why we have 'continental shelves'? Water erupted from beneath and rains fell for months, supplied by the Sun's blow off of the photosphere. The Earth expanded, creating ocean basins. The old surface was swallowed and flooded up to 600 feet/160 metres deep. All the old, low lying cities were destroyed. Only the meek survived, shepherds, sailors etc.