The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.
The midWestern doctor has provided excellent documented research into the covid plandemic and medicine in general, and if you don't follow him...
🎺 Legal Push-Back [Link]
The deep state and globalist psychopaths were NOT prepared for the closing down of their tax-payer funded money laundering. This is cutting off...
This is a story that sounds almost like science fiction. At the same time it does match the lightning speed of what is unfolding. The current...
The US is just showing who is in charge of the world. The dollar rules the world.
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Reader Comments
The researchers break psychopathy into 4 personality quadrants, Interpersonal (like charming), Affective (like no remorse), Lifestyle (like parasitic), and antisocial (like poor behavior control), They use a PCL-R measurement instrument (Psychopathology checklist - revised questions) given to people charged with crimes in the Pinochet regime in Chile. Psychopathy is defined in the DSM (Diagnostic Manual and Statistics of Mental Disorders) and because you are dealing with intelligent psychopaths, you need to keep in mind the question, who determines the definitions and the inclusions? For example, is pedophilia becoming a benign disorder (I haven't researched)?
The researchers combine the first 2 personality quadrants and the last 2. Their research based on the PCL-R and the Pinochet criminals and other populations is that the psychopathy of these individuals has primarily the first 2, interpersonal and affective, with a secondary of the second 2.
Let's look at psychopaths. Clinton, Turdeau, Zelensky and Newsome certainly are charming and have no remorse which fit the first 2 personality quadrants. Pelosi and McDonnell? But maybe they were different early on. How about
Fraudi and the WHO director? Maybe they are the second tier psychopaths used by the first tier. How about the unseen puppet masters, like the Rockefellers and Rothchilds? Questions keep your mind open and inquiring.
What is the DSM? Definitions of disorders. What do psychopaths use to manipulate perception and consciousness? The meaning and context of words and phrases.
We have the media coining the phrase "white domestic terrorist". What is a terrorist in psychology? Researching.
-" psychologist John Horgan, PhD, who directs the Pennsylvania State University's International Center for the Study of Terrorism. Horgan found that people who are more open to terrorist recruitment and radicalization tend to: Feel angry, alienated or disenfranchised. Believe that their current political involvement does not give them the power to effect real change. Identify with perceived victims of the social injustice they are fighting. Feel the need to take action rather than just talking about the problem. Believe that engaging in violence against the state is not immoral. Have friends or family sympathetic to the cause. Believe that joining a movement offers social and psychological rewards such as adventure, camaraderie and a heightened sense of identity." What has the plandemic, lockdowns, masks, hyperinflation, illegal immigrants done in the world? They have created the conditions that lead to division, anger, violence.
-" Potential areas to tap include examining the myriad ways people join organizations, whether via recruitment or personal decision; how leaders influence people's decision to adopt certain roles, for example by glorifying the role of suicide bomber; and factors that motivate people to leave." Think about DARPA's New Social Sciences 2 program to manipulate collective identity, group-think.
-" if terrorists commit an attack and a state uses extreme force to send a punishing message back, the terrorists may use that action to drum up greater anti-state sentiment among citizens, lending justification to their next actions." How were terrorist organizations created in Syria, Irag, the USA? See this as a method of escalating conflict for regime change.
-" Paradoxically, an unconscious fear of death may underlie much of the motivation behind terrorism." What is the globalist intent with terrorism or the plandemic; create fear?
-" psychologist Tom Pyszczynski, PhD, of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Along with colleagues Jeff Greenberg, PhD, and Sheldon Solomon, PhD, Pyszczynski developed "terror management theory," which holds that people use culture and religion to protect themselves from a fear of death that lies on the fringes of awareness." What is cancel culture and cancel religion? The globalists don't want any support for the programmed people.
-" Further research conducted by START co-director Kruglanski sheds light on the role a "collectivist mentality" may play in terrorism. His surveys of thousands of people in 15 Arab and other countries found that Muslims who have a more collectivistic mentality are more likely to support terrorist attacks against Americans than those with more individualistic leanings." Group-think belief is the foundation for antifa, BLM, CRT and sexual identity.
What we have learned from the plandemic, CDC, Fraudi, Mockingbird media, is the enormous psychopathic power in high places to control the programmed people's perception/reality of events. It should not be a shock that this corruption is in our psychology training and control. Psychology and behavior modification is being used against the people.
And they can be simple thoughts they don't have to be mass murder type of thoughts. The drugs allow them to play out these thoughts, and usually achieve some kind of functional homeostasis.
So in a sense these drugs create/enable psychopathic behavior.
I met a person who was definitely a psychopath. At the time he seemed charming-what he didn't have was a personal warmth- but he was very focused and very intense and I kind of admired the way he he would go to work and work for 10-12 hours, sometimes bringing his wife along. Well it turned out, it turned out, that he was arrested for raping several people.
It was quite a eye opener to learn that this person who I thought was rather interesting and unusual was in fact psychopathic.
Many people who lack a more individuated soul and concience, in my opinion, can become psychopathic at times, for sure, especially since there's something, when they do evil, that goes against what consciousness they have. It really, really twists them inside out and it's terrible thing to see. For the tendency is to project the evil onto the innocent, without the self-reflection to see it in themselves.
One thing to take note of, and Atossa touched on this is that the psychopaths, those cold-hearted things that make a cunning and calculated decision to embrace evil; they all will be caught that's what's happening now-- they're all gonna get caught so they none of them are actually going to get away with it with the crimes that they're doing.
I don't know if I've added anything, I just wished to participate in the discussion.
As with most scientific disciplines, pyschology/psychiatry have their own language, which enables compartmentalization and makes it difficult to research without that background. I appreciate your comments. What is important is that we approach the "science" as promoted by the Mockingbird media with skepticism. Ask questions, try to research using other than Google.
Dayz discusses the bio-security state taking responsibility for the masses bodies, the false paradigm of contagion and infection and the promotion of fear. They're continually F*cking with our food supply... Preparing us for the bio-political transition. Plato's cave, the variants being the shadows on the wall...
To do so means learning:
For example a bio-security state run by people interested in population control with fouccifake-vacinnes do much more harm than good.
From the beginning of his rule, Putin has glorified Stalin's victory over "Nazis"... yet Putin is now re-fighting "Nazis' (re-fighting WW2) in Ukraine.
It reminds me of something Putin said in his autobiography, "First Person". When he talked about being a spy, Putin said: "What amazed me most of all was how one man's effort could achieve what whole armies could not."
Stalin did exactly that to Ukraine in the early 1930s.
Key word, Holodomor.
That's why I hope Putin does NOT really worship Stalin; but it's a psyops cover for something totally different.
Dare to dream
In a room with no name...
Are we sure the operation is proceeding according to plan and timetable?
No, sir. There are disruptions.
Of what kind?
The symbolic force of language is wearing out.
That sounds serious.
People living in the movie are realizing they are WATCHING a movie.
Yes. They’re no longer attaching prescribed meanings to the film. They’re bailing out.
That sounds VERY serious.
One person wrote to us: “I see the commercials. It all looks like commercials now. They’re advertising and selling my own mind back to me. It seems somewhere along the line I donated my mind to you and now you’re selling it back to me.”
Well, he’s right.
I know that, sir. But he’s not supposed to know it.
What went wrong?
It could be overload. But some of my colleagues believe people are deserting their inferior minds for superior minds. They’re found other plug-ins which aren’t part of the System.
That’s impossible.
I would have thought so.
Where are these new plug-ins?
Unknown. When audience wants to become actor, all sorts of strange things can occur. Theater without scripts. At first, you get your usual protests and violence, but then there is another level. The actor looks at the audience and the audience looks back at the actor and they recognize each other. Here is another communique we received: “I can see the whole labyrinth now. The whole thing is a fraud. It isn’t even a trap. It’s a mask. I think you should do something about this before it’s too late. The movie keeps referring to itself. That’s destructive. The movie is eating itself.”
I wouldn’t know where to begin, to correct the problem.
Neither would I, sir. SOMETHING is underway. We certainly didn’t initiate it. We find no obvious flaws in our algorithms.
Is there electronic interference?
Not that we can locate.
We’re censoring everything we can.
Right. But it’s not helping.
Is this one of those problems without a solution? I remember early on, when we were still building prototypes, there was a counter-argument about self-generating problems. But that was theoretical.
Yes. The internal seeds of destruction theory. We rejected it as speculation. We preferred merely to say we were creating BUBBLES and ISLANDS. For the mind. We stuck to basics. A few of our people warned we were being simplistic. But we ignored them. I myself issued a warning.
What was it?
When you make a movie, the movie will tend to repeat itself at some point. It will go back to the beginning and start over.
That’s ridiculous.
I abandoned the whole notion. But now I would say, if you put a few billion people in a movie, they’ll start adding their own scenes. They’ll start catching on. And then they’ll start looking at the scenes they’re adding. EVERYBODY WANTS TO MAKE MOVIES. That’s an inherent problem. You can’t eliminate it.
You may have something there.
I believe I do. To a degree, every movie is about itself. It refers to itself. It’s about making movies.
Where did you get that idea?
I visited one of our prisons and interviewed the inmates. I was on a fact-finding mission. One of the men was serving a 20-year sentence. He’d gone to school and passed the exam for therapy assistant/security analyst. He wrote me a note. “Prison is a movie that exposes itself.”
Perhaps we should bring him in and interview him.
We can’t. He escaped last year.
What? Through all the layers of protection?
And I’ve decided to play his role in the movie.
For what purpose?
To investigate possible leaks in the System.
Admirable. But it could be dangerous. You could come to favor the role yourself.
I know.
Be careful.
That’s difficult. He clearly isn’t careful. He takes great risks. I assume that’s how he’s found out so much about what we do.
Report back to us frequently.
He wouldn’t.
I get your point. But we need to monitor you.
I’ll leave clues.
What sort of clues?
Look for breakouts from the main movie. Chances are I’ll be there.
You’re going over to the other side, aren’t you?
It’s very attractive.
You’ve been suffering from boredom.
Yes. No matter what circumstances people face, no matter how dire situations become, EVERYBODY IS SUFFERING FROM AN UNDERLYING BOREDOM. That’s the nut I have to crack. No matter what it takes. The only other alternative is DOOM.
I could have you arrested. Right now.
But you need me. The whole movie could collapse.
In which case, what would happen?
Nobody really knows.
We’ve lived with it for a long time.
Do we even know how to turn the projector off?
No one agrees on that point. There are all sorts of hypotheses.
EVERYONE WANTS TO MAKE MOVIES. Maybe that’s the answer. Let them. Help them.
It could be a complete disaster.
Perhaps we should find out.
[End of transmission of leaked file 5-76-2]
Thought you guys might like this Atossa Nathan Carney danny esq & Dwoods44
Im not calling for violence (Im making that clear!)
What it shows us is the people who create the fears have seeded the idea that violence is the only way to get things done, only they will want to control our urges they have produced in us, perhaps to kill each other, only it will back fire and we all end up mutually desiring to kill tptb (mercilessly)....even to enjoy it as a goal to overcome boredom and produce the enviroment where violence proves the only way to show tptb (which historically nothing other than violence has worked, voting, campaigning and protesting never worked...)
Teleprompter Blues with 10% Joe: [Link]
Hey everyone, Mel here.
This video encompasses what is going on all around this country (and many other countries) while everyone is busy focusing on everything else that isn't this.
A few weeks ago, after a lot of prayer and contemplation, I felt an incredible pull to look into our housing situation in this country. Once I looked, it was like a train wreck. I wanted to, but I couldn't look away. What is happening out there on our streets right now is, without a doubt, unprecedented in our lifetimes. Crazier, it has seemingly only been talked about in little bits and pieces on local news stations from what I can tell as if each story is a local anomaly... but that's the thing. It's everywhere. And, like the Nothing in "Neverending Story," it's spreading.
The stories about our affordable housing shortage, skyrocketing rents and housing prices, and an alarming rise in homelessness were coming out faster than I could keep up with by the time I began editing this piece. Now multiple stories are coming out about this every day.
This was admittedly an incredibly hard topic to make a video on; I cried more than once. So I know how upsetting talking about this can be, but I'd be remiss in what I feel is my responsibility to my fellow humans if I didn't make this video.
I believe this is something that is going to affect so many of us. Please, please watch and share.
Will the real President of the United States of America please stand up? - By a concerned reader
It is obvious that Joe Biden is not the real president of the United States. He does not have the capability or the authority to answer a question from a journalist in his own words. Indeed when he does appear to speak from his own originality, about Putin or about going to Ukraine, for example, he is instantly contradicted by ‘his own’ administration. One can argue that he is merely delegating his presidential authority to those whom he deems fit to wield it. But if he is not permitted to choose a journalist’s question by himself and if he is not permitted to visit countries he wishes to visit, then neither will he be permitted to delegate his authority by himself. In truth this is an argument that I do not really have to make because the majority of Americans do not believe that Biden is running the country already.
So he is not the President of the United States. He is the front man, in fact, he is the fall guy for the real president. That of course is the largest democratic fraud it is possible to have in a presidential democracy. A fraud perpetrated by those who represent that the greatest threat to ‘Our democracy’ is the possibility that their electoral opponents might get more votes than them, or worse still that they might get more counted votes than them. Whereas of course that is not a threat to democracy. That is the very definition of democracy. A definition which they seek to corrupt whilst falsely representing that they are seeking to preserve its integrity as a cover story for their corruption of it, as a transparently false narrative that hides their dictatorial ambition.
"The move sparked the fury of Les Patriotes leader Florian Philippot who called on French voters to fight against the new legislation, he tweeted: “Just after the election, the government announces the launch of ‘a digital identity application’! The goal: to put social credit in the Chinese way. control and surveillance company! Let’s totally reject this application and fight by any means!”
i think you should step up as the new president. i will not