Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away.
Imagine if the whole thing crumbled from inside rot. That would be really interesting.
Folks should be more aware of where the true threats come from.
Benjamin Netanyahu was born in 1949. Netanyahu was born in Tel Aviv,[456] to Benzion Netanyahu (original name Mileikowsky) and Tzila (Cela; née...
Ex navy diver. Getting fouled up and drowning were always on my mind. I have done some commercial diving and safety was not always forefront....
Crisis of No Confidence - NOTA - Do Not Comply 🤡💩🎪
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Reader Comments
I could tell you first hand accounts that would make your head spin.
All by design of course.
Wish I could find it, but a very thorough article proved that humanity has been devolving since the industrial age around 1900 - before then only intelligent folks could make enough money with their trade to afford children. Now the twits think once they get married it's time to have a kid and they treat it like buying a puppy.
Basic evolution.
As for nowadays, how do kids explore ?....I'd imagine most do so through a screen, and if they do get together, what do they talk about ?....the doings on the screen ? I don't know, but would assume so.
then as much as the muzzles and voices of doom may in some way have effected their cognitive development (as was mentioned in the above chat) with their growing reliance on technology - has the damage been done, Alea iacta est - perhaps so, but remember, it only as strong as it's weakest link.
Not protecting children - making them suffer - the greatest sin.
I wonder if I grew up now would I even be me.
your actions being good, you surely wouldn't be sent, or deserve, this period.
The pandemic charade is making 'some' kids dumber as the school system is a joke and parents that rely solely on it to raise their kids fail to pick up the slack..
The pandemic is making 'some kids dumb' and 'some' kids smarter... because some parents are actually interested and engaged in their childs development and dont pass the buck 100% to 'government' teaching/raising their offspring...
Some homeschooled kids benefit enormously by that style of education... one on one... a wide array of relevant, world based subjects taught etc...
Some homeschooled kids suffer tremendously because their parents are fucking idiots.... 'this is bible 101... homos are evil, the earth is flat, jesus is back next year, PRAY. for our lord and saviour Trump..
Have a nice day!
So children wont be "mastering" the lies of the state or being chartered by their mortal enemies, so from a post societal perspective they will be hearing their parents discussing concerns from the viewpoint that remains in the day to day reality, things not having been discussed in such a way since the great depression.
Can't have that....losing the monopoly of using fear on the parent, who under no illusions of how effective education is to the knowledge of a child or kid is basically an emotional trade off to avoid interference from the government should the child not be sent willingly to institution of mental warfare.
The best education any child can have is one that is grounded in truth and devoid of all the systemic failures of "curriculum" which has been stripping generations of children of skills to cope with but more importantly to understand and accept the reality of the times they live in, not even given the abundance of familiarity of creativity or approaching family planning or societal functioning on moral grounds when it is of the upmost importance. What is needed is foresight of what kind of life these monsters expect them to accept "and" are relying on for their very own survival. Gone are the Thatcherite days of "factory fodder" ...children have to deal with unholy concepts of sexual depravity (transgenderism) without having reached the juncture in life or maturity needed to know how important family functions in society (local and national)....what they Do get taught is how to be COMPLYING to legislation, be fearful, remain confused, accept the unholy...I could go on but it creates anger which I need to save for the correct time.
If that is the kind of knowledge children have to deal with or what cowardly parents give implied consent to to avoid being "different"( who said peer pressure stays at school..), then if the whole country was snowed in for a decade they would still be "better off" never having been to school. Even the language offers insight into how these monsters view our children or kids..."schooling" like we are fish put in a tank ready for a net to scoop us up and get devoured. If being governed or policed wasnt bad enough it begins with schooling.
The Biden Entity Says He Doesn’t Know Why 49% of Voters Say He’s Mentally Unfit [Link]
Biden Says Russia Will Win If It Invades Ukraine January 20, 2022 [Link]
The United Kingdom leaves the Covid nightmare behind, rewinding the hands of time back to the beginning of the pandemic: starting from Wednesday 26 January, in fact, all the anti-virus measures that were was introduced to counter the Omicron variant. Prime Minister Boris Johnson in fact announced the decision to the parliamentarians of the House of Commons, confirming that, according to him, the emergency would now be definitively over.
From the next few days, as explained by Open, in the British territory it will no longer be mandatory to wear a mask on public transport and in shops, as well as the recommendation to companies to encourage smart working. Early retirement also for the Green pass, which also in the United Kingdom had been introduced in a much less oppressive version than in Italy and other Nazi-Gulags around the World.
Furthermore, as explained by the Times, Johnson is preparing a plan to downsize the network of test centers, after the Treasury asked to save 10 billion pounds. The facilities are expected to be closed as early as next spring: a decision taken after the promise of a substantial reduction made publicly by Health Minister Sajid Javid.
According to Professor Robert Dingwall, a member of the British Government Commission for Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI), “the plan is to remove all restrictions, including vaccination passes, with two exceptions. However, the negative buffer may remain for some special cases, as well as the use of masks: a recommendation, not an obligation ".
What has to say our common reader OLD FART ??????????????????????????
“I think every conversation about COVID and every conversation about SARS-Coronavirus is the wrong conversation for humanity to be having. And, I think that we have been seduced into a distraction of epic proportions while a greater evil is being done." Dr. David Martin
Anywho, have you heard the latest????
I'm pissed cuz I had to learn $hit from schools, strangers who probably hated their jobs. But seriously, ppl, we need to break that curse once and for all.
He's saying that ten days from now that will happen. If he gets it right, that will be interesting. I'd probably then buy into his stock picks.
If he ends up having been right, please feel free to readvise right back here. Thanks.
I've been watching him for quite some time now and it's interesting to hear what he says will happen and then watch how msm spins it to make it happen. So yeah, it will happen, it's what happens next that has me worried. He says corona is just a common cold and that the vax is toxic. He says it's democide that's happening. He works for the UN which soon will be changed to the name Unity States of the World. He's said all this in prior videos which I'm sure no one wants to go back and watch so I've gave you a little rundown. There's more, much more.
It does seem like it's getting to be time to change the chief puppet skin.
(As re him 'always being right', I maintain that about myself but I would hate to be forced to prove it. )
Mia Mai My dear, first, thank you for the compliment.
As re what's wrong with me, I don't believe that SOTT has the bandwidth for me to detail that.
I only say what I mean and mean what I say. I like how confident the man is and his large number of viewers tells me that he has valuable opinions to share. However, if he's been been making such bold forecasts previously, it seems that the accuracy of such could be easily proven. If that's the case - and I don't doubt it at all - then it seems that such proof should be easily obtainable and that indeed, he would probably have already noted his prior sucesses. In any event, rather than me, you would be the person here best capable to explicate those facts. Thanks.
BTW, as re your infra, yes I did start watching that and gave it about 6? minutes.
Next- Is Bribem stupid? I think that he was but that nowadays he is non compos mentos and the 'Bribem Regime' is likely being controlled by the Obysmal mafia.
However, your confidence has made me fold. I pray that you're right and look forward to you reminding me of it here in a week or so.
Hang tough my dear.
Honestly just seems like most if the Q-level drivel spawned during the Trump puppet's tenure. There were at least 15 guys like this bitd... Same strange cadence and vague language.
Once he got into the traffic stop nonsense that was a big clue.
Unless he's on the DSM which I doubt, I can only guess these fellas serve as angst anchors... People find dudes like this and think that well, someone somewhere is about to do something great! It probably prevents many people from taking physical action.
During the Biden-thing's stolen selection these guys were freakin' everywhere! Servers just raided in Germany! Biden puppet in chains! Killary is going to Gitmo!
It'd be interesting to find out who this guy really is IRL... like physically find him and do a little private investigation work. Might lead to some really interesting stuff or just ends up being some bored dude in Brooklyn.
I guess I'm just not up to speed on modern terms. Thanks.
IRL in real life.
Hey M.M. Biden is not going anywhere in the next week or so. He was put there by the dark state for a reason and there' s not going to be any reckoning. My advice to you, reach out to a holistic community that is attempting to be self-sufficient food and energy wise and pour yourself into that. And get off goo-tube. It's not good for anyone's mind...
I'm not running with my tail between my legs. Neither should you.
Surely you don't believe that Biden and cronies are deliberately destroying our country because he/they are that stupid?
Corrupt local government is the root cause of everything wrong there. Because I stood for "blind justice" 🤮 which is a joke, and because I didn't have big voting potential (i.e. family) I was railroaded, time and time again. The only way to fix such problem is to bring in Marshall law or something outside the political sway of the local voters.
Evil breeds evil.
To the honest people in a corrupt town, a new world order would make their lives better.