Terrorism strategy
© National Shooting Sports FoundationUS President Biden takes aim at domestic terrorism
The strategy calls for greater funding to law enforcement and for civil society to help combat terrorism.

The Biden administration Tuesday announced its plan for countering domestic terrorism, including an additional $100-plus million to the departments of Justice and Homeland Security with a goal of understanding and trying to prevent such attacks in the U.S. President Biden said in a statement:
"Domestic terrorism - driven by hate, bigotry, and other forms of extremism - is a stain on the soul of America. It goes against everything our country strives for and it poses a direct challenge to our national security, democracy, and unity."
The strategy calls for the bolstering of law enforcement, at every level, funneling some of the more than $100 million into the FBI. The plan also includes training on domestic terrorism threats for state, local and other law enforcement groups, according to a White House fact sheet.

The plan follows a report in March from the U.S. intelligence community ordered by Biden, on his first day in office, that determined white supremacist groups are the greatest domestic threat, according to The Hill.

The plan also calls for a "civil society" to help ensure the sources of domestic terrorism are eliminated. However, the fact sheet did not say how or when any part of this strategy will take effect.
"The U.S. Government, in close partnership with civil society, will address the long-term contributors that are responsible for much of today's domestic terrorism, including protecting Americans from racial, ethnic, and religious hatred, and stemming the flow of firearms to individuals intending to commit acts of domestic terrorism."