Guardians of Time
© Eric Peters Auto
The First Amendment articulates the freedom of religion. Which implies the freedom to be free of religion; to not be compelled to join any faith movement or be compelled to obey the tenets of any faith.

This includes faith in the Holy Rag and the tenets of the Sickness Cult, which is a religion by any rational definition.

It requires belief that anything - literally, anything - that covers the face is effective as a barrier against sickness, which is the same as believing that a cracker and some grape juice becomes "the body of Christ" - literally - when a priest performs the necessary unctions.

It requires belief in the assertion that a person who isn't sick can get people sick - which amounts to the same as belief in the assertion of demonic possession and propagation.

No offense meant. A point is being made, that's all.

People ought to be free to join any religion they wish and adhere to its tenets, however unsupported by facts - so long as adhering to their tenets causes no harm to others. But it becomes an intolerable affront when any person is forced to believe - and to obey.

The First Amendment was written specifically to address this issue. Before there was a Bill of Rights, it was the general practice for the state to enforce belief. One had to join the Church of England, as a for-instance. And before that, one had better be in good standing with the Catholic Church.

Many of the people who fled this sort of oppression - which cuts to the bone of a human being's right to decide for himself what he believes - insisted on formal, legal protection against being made to believe anything - or be made to pretend to believe. This is the origin of the First Amendment's specific affirmation of religious freedom, which must include the right to not believe in any religion at all.

The Sickness Cult - and its fervent insistence that any old rag serves the Holy Purpose of making people believe they are safe from a virus - directly assaults this right to not believe by demanding everyone wear a Rag.

Literally, a god-damned rag.

That is enough to get you through the door and into the store; to stave off the Holy Lictors of the Sickness Cult. To be allowed to go outside your home, even, in the more fervent areas of the country.

It does not matter that a rag - or even a "mask" - doesn't stop the spread of disease (though it certainly exacerbates mental illness). What matters - shriek the Cultists - is that one believes. Or at least, shows that one is pretending to believe.

As by - if you happen to be Amish - growing a long beard and wearing black outfits. Which is actually ok, if you're Amish. If you chose to become Amish. If you haven't been forced to grow your beard and wear all black outfits.

But what if the Amish somehow acquired the power to force all men to grow ZZ Top beards and wear 19th century funeral director clothes? People would probably object to this, even though it is no less a matter of faith than being forced to wear a Mouth Burqa or perform various strange rituals that amount to the same thing as dancing around a totem pole so as to not anger the gods.

We have a Bill of Rights to protect us against such things.

Well, we did.

And that was a long time ago.

What's going on now isn't new. It is just more obvious. Every right in the Bill of Rights has been under assault - for generations. It is now mainly a mopping-up operation, much to the apparent surprise of people who thought they still had rights.

They now have a new "right." It is the right to do as they are told and - more so and much more loathsomely so - to believe as they are told. They must reject the judgment of their minds, the evidence of their eyes.

A man in a dress must be addressed as "she." Is "she" - because "she" says "she" is.

The wearing of any old rag "stops the spread." People who aren't sick actually are because they could be.

Reality is what we - the priests - say it is.

And you'd better believe all of it.

Or else.