russian historical collage
Western governments should 're-focus financial support for Russia-related academic programs from culture and history to in-depth analysis of Russia's authoritarianism, kleptocracy and corrupt practices'. So says a new report issued this week by the Institute for Modern Russia, a think-tank funded by former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky. For God forbid that students should learn about Russian culture and history before expressing any opinions about that country. Knowing some culture and history might lead to understanding, which might lead to sympathy or at least empathy, and thus to a desire to engage in dialogue, find mutual solutions to international problems, and all the rest of it. And that, of course, would be dangerous. Ignorance is much to be preferred.

There's a lot about this report which is rather disturbing, but as someone who studies Russian history for a living this particular recommendation stood out for me. History and culture are the foundations of study of any society. If you want to know a foreign country, you have for a start to learn its language, which means reading its literature. You then need to know its history to be able to put things in the right context. But there are some, it seems, who don't want people to understand context. They know the truth, and anything which might challenge it needs to be censored.

In any case, according to the argument put forward by report's author, Kateryna Smagliy, those who don't agree with her deserved to be silenced. Why? Because they are agents of the Kremlin. She urges Western governments to 'step up efforts to expose Russia's network of agents within Western academia'. 'The Russian government pursues a coherent and well-coordinated "knowledge weaponization" strategy,' she says. This strategy
led to the rise of the new phenomenon of 'hybrid analytica', which we define here as the process of design, development and promotion of various pseudo-academic narratives by duped or manipulated bona-fide intellectuals, academics and think-tank experts of political 'lobbyists in disguise', whose vested interests have been recruited through the global network of the Kremlin-linked operatives.
This network is extraordinarily widespread, as you can see by the following graphic:

kremlin web hybrid analytics
Among the members of the Kremlin's academic network, it appears, are the notoriously Russophobic Legatum Institute (ha, ha!), Oxford University, Durham University, King's College London, and two score other European universities. In the United States it includes such institutions as The National Interest magazine, the Kennan Institute, The Wilson Center, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. With a network like that, it's amazing that public opinion in the West is still so hostile to Russia.

What exactly are these institutions doing which is so dangerous? Well, they're doing things like establishing 'an interdisciplinary research center "to communicate the riches of Russian civilization to the general public"'; running a conference 'devoted to the discussion of Russian influences on California's history'; hosting 'Russian folklore choirs and the Saint Petersburg Horn Orchestra', and fostering 'lasting connections between Russian and American youth through music and theatre performances, film screenings, conferences, and student exchanges.' This is scary stuff. People should be studying 'Russia's authoritarianism, kleptocracy and corrupt practices' instead. All that history and culture will turn their heads. It must be resisted.

Western 'experts' suborned by Russia peddle dangerous theories, we learn. This includes the obviously preposterous, and politically dangerous, theory put forward by the Carnegie Endowment's Eugene Rumer, who 'published an article arguing that anti-Russian sanctions produce no desired results and that sometimes they even backfire.' Such publications suggest that Carnegie's work feels 'like an analytical screen to cover a suspicious political project.' The idea that scholars might come to conclusions like this independently, on the simple grounds that their research points them that way, seems not to occur to Smagliy. If they say these things, it must be because they've been bought by the Kremlin. To stop such things from happening, Western academic institutions and think tanks should cut off all contact with their Russian counterparts forthwith.

It would be easy to ignore all this as idiotic and unimportant. After all, the insinuation that those who study Russian history and culture, and who engage in cultural exchanges, are somehow witting or unwitting agents of the Kremlin, and assisting Russia in its acts of external and internal aggression, is quite preposterous. And it's not as if this kind of report gets a mass audience. But still, it's a little creepy. It's not likely that some spook will read this and be so convinced that he'll decide to start bugging professors' phones. But then again, look at Carter Page, who was investigated by the FBI after he had the audacity to deliver a lecture at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. In the current McCarthyite atmosphere, you just don't know any more. And I have to wonder what effect this will have on young researchers. Tenured full professors like me can shrug it off and carry on doing what we're doing. But if I was advising young PhD students I'd have to tell them to be careful about what they write if they want to maximize their career prospects. It's not a healthy situation.

In short, we are facing a concerted attack on academic freedom. The front of Ms Smagliy's report contains a little logo saying 'Free Speech'. Somehow I doubt that she appreciates the irony.