trump rally steel workers
© Belleville News-DemocratIllinois workers preparing for visit from President Trump
A Chicago-based newspaper columnist predicted re-election for President Trump in 2020 after witnessing first-hand the enthusiastic support for the president among blue-collar workers.

Neil Steinberg attended a recent appearance by the president at a U.S. Steel facility in Granite City, Illinois, outside St. Louis. He wrote about speaking to steel workers and seeing how Trump connected with the audience.

"We need steel," Trump said. "We need steel plants. And to see an old, big monster plant like this re-opening - that is an honor. I look at the faces of you people; I could be one of you. I like you guys. I could be one of you."

Steinberg concluded:
The workers, for their part, couldn't give him a standing ovation because they never sat down.

I left the hall thinking: Donald Trump is going to be re-elected in 2020. The Democrats don't have anyone who can touch him. Bank on it. Don't hate me for being the one to tell you.
Laura Ingraham discussed Steinberg's piece with Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro, who noted the ongoing "culture war" between elitists on the coasts of the country and workers across the heartland.

"People who think that jobs being lost at the New York Daily News is a national tragedy, but jobs being lost in the steel industry is totally fine because those are a bunch of rubes in the rust belt anyway," Shapiro said, explaining that Trump excels at speaking to "dirty job" workers and convincing them that he is fighting for them.

Shapiro said he himself would be considered "elite," growing up in Los Angeles and studying at Harvard. But Ingraham and Shapiro agreed that the difference is Democrats often act as "elitists," turning off some voters.

The conservative commentator recently discussed the disconnect between workers and the elites with TV star Mike Rowe.

The two also discussed a totally opposite piece in which a New York Times columnist imagined the morning after Trump's defeat in 2020 to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).