antifa riot portland
Antifa attacked a legally permitted Patriot Prayer rally in Portland on June 30, 2018
Last weekend's violence in Portland between Antifa and Trump supporters produced a viral video of a "resistance" member being knocked out cold.
The man, wearing a black and yellow Fred Perry polo shirt, which has become the now-famous uniform of the Proud Boys, forced his attacker to the ground with one punch. After being knocked out, the Antifa supporter had to be carried away by a group of his fellow protesters.

Big League Politics reached out to Gavin McInnes, who founded the Proud Boys, whose only comment was "F#&k around and find out," stating that Antifa "found out." -Big League Politics

The skirmish in Portland has many talking about the prospect of a second Civil War in the United States. As we reported last week, a shocking 31% of voters say it's likely that the United States will experience a second civil war over the next five years, according to a new Rasmussen poll.

As such, conservatives have taken to twitter to mock the violent left with a new hashtag which has quickly gone viral: #SecondCivilWarLetters - which envisions the "soy-boys" on the left writing letters during a second Civil War.

That said, it's all fun and games until it's not...

Given the spate of violence directed towards Trump supporters which began during the 2016 election which has most recently manifested itself in the form of stalking, public shaming and threatening Trump officials, it's easy to see how nearly 1/3 of voters think civil war is on the horizon. There are also scores of leftist hate groups roaming around looking for a fight, as well documented by Far Left Watch.

Remember these charming incidents? (there are hundreds)