Glennallen gets hit with over a half a foot of snow, June 10, 2018.
© Eureka Lodge.Glennallen gets hit with over a half a foot of snow, June 10, 2018.
"People at Eureka Lodge woke to an unpleasant but probably brief return of winter Monday morning."

"The lodge got 6 to 8 inches of snow, owner Darla Fimpel said by phone.

"It was still snowing Monday morning, though, and an employee had started on a snowman.

State plows cleared the Glenn Highway around the lodge, she said.

"The lodge sits above 3,000 feet, high enough that June snows aren't out of the ordinary. The first week in June it's not unlikely for us to get an inch of snow," Fimpel said. "But this much snow is very unusual."

Eureka Lodge is located in Glennallen, about 120 miles south of Anchorage.

Thanks to Stephen Potter for this link

Source: Anchorage Daily News