Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts warns that the "financial rape of America" is nothing more than "re-engineering" the debt based economy.
This "rape" is happening from earth to space, and it connects to $21 trillion in "missing money" that has disappeared from the federal budget since the late 1990's. Fitts explains, "I started to look at where all this missing money from the federal government is going, and it led me into space. There are lots of questions. In the last few years, the commitment by the American government, the European government and the Asian governments have become much more overt. There is also the commitment from the private sector. . . .It's becoming much more feasible to do manufacturing, mining and other things in space. . . . You see a lot of the corporate world lining up to do this. . . . I think that is very exciting. At the same time, if you look at the sub-orbital platform and the orbital platform around earth is being used for control . . . and a lot of it comes down to control, control of what is going on in the planet."
The "rape of America" is happening with the pension funds, according to Fitts. Fitts is worried about the value of the U.S. dollar. Fitts says, "I have never been worried about the U.S. dollar, and we have argued a lot about this, but I am now starting to get very concerned. . . . The biggest buyers of U.S. Treasuries are U.S. pensions.
Basically, the U.S. pensions are buying trillions of dollars of U.S. Treasuries, and the money goes into the government, and then the money goes out the back door. In the meantime, the taxpayers, including those pension beneficiaries, are on the hook for those Treasuries. So, you are giving away real money, and all you are getting is a liability. . . .So, the federal government literally becomes a laundry mechanism. . . . Now, I am seeing multiple efforts, disinformation efforts, fear porn and hope porn all pushing that it would be a good idea to dissolve the U.S. government and auction off the assets,
which is the "rape of Russia" plan right here in America. Privatization is when I transfer an asset out of government at market price. Pirate-tization is when I transfer it out at 10 cents on the dollar. A lot of the plans I am hearing are proposing just that. . . . Are they going to do a radical re-engineering in a way that is bad for the taxpayers? I am seeing lots of ideas floated about partial defaults and dissolving the U.S. government and paying the debt back by auctioning all the assets. It's pretty scary. . . .
In Russia, you had significant depopulation happen because of this."
Fitts says she sees an "enormous level of ignorance about how money works." So, what can the average guy do to protect himself and his family? Fitts says, "You want to get as resilient as possible. You cannot solve a political problem with a financial solution. When we are talking about the level of lawlessness that we are seeing around the country now, it gets very granular on how you protect yourself. So, you want to get as resilient as possible, and you want to get as low of an overhead as possible and as low of debt as possible. If your income depends on the U.S. government, you want to make sure you have alternatives."
After the Interview:Fitts says her research shows that profits and revenues from the space based economy will be significantly higher than the rest of the stock market. Fitts is also saying that gold and silver prices will be heading much higher in the coming months and years ahead.
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Here are links for the stories Catherine Austin Fitts referred to:
The Federal Reserve Solari Report,
The Solari Report on Pensions and The Solari Report on the
Missing $21 trillion from the DOD and HUD.
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