The 35 page salacious document compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele is central to what prompted Mueller's Russia witch hunt.
Sara Carter reported:
A large portion of the evidence presented in the salacious 35-page dossier put together by former British spy Christopher Steele, has either been proven wrong or remains unsubstantiated. However, the FBI gained approval nevertheless to surveil members of Trump's campaign and "it's outrageous and clearly should be thoroughly investigated," said a senior law enforcement source, with knowledge of the process.Fox News' Sean Hannity also reported that three separate sources confirmed to him the Russia dossier was used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump's camp.
Multiple sources told this reporter that the dossier was used along with other evidence to obtain the warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, known as FISC. The sources also stressed that there will be more information in the coming week regarding systemic "FISA abuse."
"(The dossier) certainly played a role in obtaining the warrant," added another senior U.S. official, with knowledge of the dossier. "Congress needs to look at the FBI officials who were handling this case and see what, if anything, was verified in the dossier. I think an important question is whether the FBI payed anything to the source for the dossier."
One very senior source said the dossier played "a significant role" in obtaining the warrant Hannity said on his radio show Wednesday.
It was first reported by The Daily Caller that the House Intel Committee received all docs requested on the Russia dossier from the DOJ and FBI Monday.
According to the Daily Caller, Nunes and the House Intel Committee reviewed all FBI and DOJ docs on the dossier including the FISA apps:
The committee was able to review Friday all FBI and DOJ documents on the Trump dossier, former MI-6 British agent Christopher Steele who authored the dossier, and Fusion GPS, the political opposition firm that hired Steele. DOJ also provided Obama administration applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which could approve the surveillance of the Trump transition team, according to a source with direct knowledge of the case.Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan Tuesday requesting all documents the House Intel Committee possesses related to the Russia dossier be declassified.
Of course the Russia dossier was used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump's camp. Hillary Clinton didn't pay over $10 million for mere gossip about Trump and Russian hookers. Hillary paid for a document that could pass as 'intelligence' in order to spy on her political opponent.
This is precisely why fake news New York Times and other Deep State operatives are desperate to shift focus from the dossier to George Papadopoulos.
Hint: It's not working.
Comment: Wow. Just when you thought this whole business with the made-up dossier, the DNC, the FBI and the Clintons has reached its maximum level of moral and political turpitude, we get even more!
See also: