While omemprazole can be helpful for a short time, or for some people, unfortunately it's hardly the fix it's often sold as. This is partially because of how it changes the bacteria in your gut, but also because of other larger health hazards presented by omeprazole.

Comment: Omeprazole and other proton pump inhibitors used to treat acid reflux were never intended to be taken over the long term. Doing so can lead to systemic damage.
Proton pumps aren't limited to the stomach; they are present in just about every cell in your body. All of your cells, with the exception of red blood cells, have mitochondria that allow your body to metabolize carbohydrates and fat to produce energy. They do this by pumping protons across the membrane to generate a source of electric potential that can be harnessed to form ATP, the body's main storage form of energy. Without an efficient proton-pumping system, the body must rely on anaerobic systems for energy production, leading to rapid fatigue.

In particular, omeprazole can hamper your body's ability to intake and absorb vitamin B12.

And vitamin B12 deficiency can have major consequences, including:
  • Anemia
  • Anxiety
  • Damage to our central nervous system
  • Depletion in our red blood cell count
  • Depression
  • Neurological damage leading to degenerative ailments like dementia
Additionally, omeprazole can cause calcium loss in our bodies - also known as osteoporosis, or brittle bone syndrome - making us prone to fractures and breaks.

Additionally, calcium shortages can cause:
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Increased risk of respiratory issues, such as shortness of breath, wheezing, difficulty breathing, hyperventilation, and congestion
  • Muscle issues
A study by the Kaiser Permanente Institute based in the United States of America researched the health dangers of omeprazole. They monitored over 26,000 test subjects every day and the subjects consumed various amounts of omeprazole within a period of two years.

The subjects that had consumed omeprazole were at risk of having vitamin B12 deficiency by as much as 65% when it's compare to individuals that do not make use of the medication. Yikes!