Between 2013 and 2017, the Watch Dog Media Institute compiled and archived the largest known video volumes of first-person video related to the Ukraine war, as well as the largest and most substantial amount of all mainstream media footage related to such.
These volumes have been aptly and poetically titled Roses Have Thorns, and are accessible at the Watchdog Media You Tube page linked below. These chronological video volumes include 17 videos totaling over 32 hours of first-person and MSM video clips related to the war. This downloaded and archived footage has been thoroughly sorted over the past two years and placed into a 5 hour video timeline that reveals the true and terrible nature of the Ukraine war and its horrific effects on the civilian population. This is the most revealing video in existence highlighting what actually took place in Ukraine.
This video thoroughly reveals that the western mainstream media's narrative related to events in Ukraine was not accurate in relation to what the first-person captured videos show. It also clearly shows that there was a substantial amount of video footage placed online that revealed that fascist battalions from Kiev attacked innocent ethnic Russian Ukrainian civilians in a number of locations and repressed dissent in horrific and murderous ways......on camera. A number of those on-camera murders are included within the video footage. Within the videos, there is also a large amount of location verifiable footage (largely unseen in western countries) of Ukraine's BUK missile launchers active and on-the-move in the Ukrainian war zones prior to, and during the time of, the shootdown of MH-17. This is highly important due to the fact that the rebels, (labeled as terrorists by Kiev) in the eastern breakaway regions, had no air force for the Ukrainian BUK missile launchers to be used against. Thus, it begs the questions "what were the Kiev troops using these BUK missile launchers for?" And "why did US senator John McCain state on CNN that the new post coup Kiev government had no BUK's in their possession?
(McCain video proving his statement linked below).
The uniqueness of this particular Watchdog Media video is that, not only does it include fascinating relatively unseen video footage and unknown information along with professional translation and subtitles, but it also utilizes map zooming techniques that allow the viewer to fully comprehend the ongoing nature of the war related events, by zooming them into map locations and videos filmed at those particular precise locations by citizens under duress and directly involved in war related events, thus allowing for a broader view of what actually took place in relation to what the western mainstream media was reporting at that specific time. This is all carried along via well-placed video timeline insertions and accompanied by a soundtrack and easy to comprehend translation which gives the viewer the feel of watching a major war movie in the cinema. At times one feels almost as if they can't wait to see how it all turns out, although by now most well-informed people are quite aware that the war was sold on an assortment of lies told by western mainstream media, in the same manner as the Iraq, Libya and Syria wars.
From a personal perspective, as someone who watched the Ukraine war online from the very beginning and also compiled a massive amount of videos and information myself that has now seen over 5 million views (primarily on Live Leak), I can honestly vouch for this newest Roses Have Thorns piece to be the best work I have ever seen on the subject of the Ukraine war. It is truly astounding and a great service to humanity. I recommend that people share this video (and this important post) widely so that it stands as a record to what really occurred in Ukraine, so that future generations can learn the truth and help prevent such horrific events from ever happening again.
Official site -
Roses Have Thorns - Watch Dog Media Institute
Link to my Clarity of Signal posts on the Ukraine War - My entire two and a half years of compiled research on the warcrimes of the Ukrainian Nazis now surpasses 5 million views.
Regarding the passage of flight MH-17 in Ukraine - although it wasn't reported in the western English-speaking media, expert aviation witnesses who spoke to the Dutch Safety Board stated on record that Ukraine's statement that it had all 3 of its primary radar stations offline at the time of the MH-17 crash (as stated by Kiev authorities) was not believable. However, the Dutch Safety Board has proceeded with its desired, pre-determined 'investigative' result just the same. A number of questions are still to be answered, along with questions about the 'investigation' itself. Why did the DSB not mention the complete lack of primary radar availability in Eastern Ukraine airspace in the final report? Despite the fact that the Ukraine air traffic controller did not have primary radar available, airspace was not closed on July 17, 2014. Without primary radar, an air traffic controller cannot see military aircraft on his radar screen. Thus, if a civil aircraft needed to descend and ATC does not have a clue about the position of military aircraft in the national airspace there could have quite easily been a crash. Normally airspace would be closed, especially over a war-zone, if there was no radar working for air traffic control.
Something Most People Don't Know About MH17......Ukrainian Gov't Claims Radars Were Not Operational
The following articles proving such were all published by Dutch media outlets in late January 2016. This story was completely ignored by western media and did not even have an English article available on Google during the time it came out. I located them by scanning through Dutch media articles at the time and using Google translate.
MH17 Experts: Strange That Radars Were Not Operational - ADL Netherlands
More news on Ukraine's missing MH-17 radar information: From Google translate. Experts MH17: Strange that radars were not operational
Piet van Genderen, Radar Expert University of Technology and Riemens, CEO of Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) during the hearing on the policy response to the research about the MH17. © Reuters. It is strange that three radar systems in Ukraine were disabled for maintenance during the disaster of flight MH17 said radar expert Piet van Genderen at TU Delft on Friday in the lower house, where among other things the report by the Dutch Safety Board on disaster of flight MH17 is being discussed.
Markus Schiller, Missile Expert, ST Analytics GmbH, Munich, Pascal Paulissen (M), senior researcher Weapon Systems (principal investigator sub-report TNO) and Louk Absil (R), Director Force Protection, TNO during the hearing on the policy response to the research about the MH17 . © Reuters.
Van Genderen said that it is unlikely that there was planned maintenance occurring simultaneously on the three 'primary' radar systems.
2nd Dutch article:
From Google translate. A Minimum of Four Radar Systems Should Have Images of MH17 Disaster
By Michael van der Galien January 22, 2016
Professor and radar expert Piet van Genderen, TU Delft, says that at least four radars should have picked up the images of flight MH17 being downed.
That is a remarkable statement because it proves the government has no radar images and also has not been able to get their hands on them. During a hearing in the House, Van Genderen said the following:
"The primary radar images of these four facilities are the most important because the chances are that they picked up the image of the BUK missile and it should be seen. Also, the disintegration of the aircraft is on these images, it should almost certainly be noticeable."
This involves three radar stations in Ukraine and one in Russia. All four facilities would see what brought down the plane. These countries, however, deny they have these images.
Van Genderen trust it for a penny:
"That these facilities were all out of operation or undergoing maintenance as Ukraine and Russia claim is not credible."
Satellite Expert Marco Langbroek adds that he finds it strange that the government is doing nothing to retrieve the satellite imagery.
"Three of these satellites covered Ukraine at the time of the crash. It seems to me that to see justice served there is every interest to have this information. Indeed, the evidence can thus be substantiated. "
Link to 3rd Dutch media source on Ukraine radars not being operational on July 17, 2014
From Google translate: Four radars were active for MH17 '
by Paul Eldering and Jolanda van der Graaf
The shootdown of down MH17 was imaged by at least four radars in the vicinity said Professor and radar expert Piet van Genderen at TU Delft during a hearing in the Parliament. "The primary radar images of these four facilities are the most important because the chances are that they picked up a BUK missile and it should be seen. Also, the disintegration of the aircraft is on these images, it should be almost certainly noticeable. "
It involves three Ukrainian systems - one in the Lugansk airport and two long-range radar in the vicinity - and a fourth Russian radar at Rostov.
"That all these facilities were all not in operation or under maintenance as Ukraine and Russia claim is not credible," said the professor.
Like Van Genderen, satellite expert Marco Langbroek believes that the images are crucial to the criminal investigation as to who the perpetrators are. According to Langbroek there must exist a large number of satellite images of the disaster. This includes the so-called Space Based Infrared Systems, the top-secret radar systems of the Americans. "Three of these satellites covered Ukraine at the time of the crash," said Langbroek. "It seems to me that justice has every interest to have this information. Indeed, the evidence can thus be substantiated."
The following paragraphs and image captures are from the "What really Happened to Flight MH-17" investigative researchers site and include official Dutch Safety Board final report images and links.
- Ukraine did not mention in NOTAMS about combat actions in Eastern Ukraine. Russia did mention the closure of lower airways 'DUE TO COMBAT ACTIONS ON THE TERRITORY OF THE UKRAINE NEAR THE STATE BORDER WITH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION'. See this blogpost with information on that.DSB states at page 207 of the final report: Ukraine did not inform the reason for airways restrictions in their NOTAMs while Russia did
2. Ukraine did not mention in NOTAMS about one of the primary radar stations being destroyed and the other in maintenance on July 17.
3. Ukraine did not mention in NOTAMS about the loss of GPS signals over Eastern Ukraine. Malaysia Airlines informed the crew of MH17 about the loss of GPS in this message. The message was taken from Appendix A-U of the DSB final report. DSB wrote in the final report
This is what DSB reported about the loss of GPS - (image from official DSB report)
Conclusion - There were many reasons to close the airspace over Ukraine on July 17, 2014.
Link to lawsuit against the state of Ukraine for not closing its airspace, includes official Ukrainian response for not doing so:
Ukraine response to ECHR application "domestic remedies not exhausted"In April 2017
In April 2017, the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice submitted an appeal on a judgement by Court Midden Holland to release all documents related to the DSB investigation of MH-17. Now the case is handled by the Dutch Raad van State.
At July 11, 2017, an appeal by RTL, NOS and Volkskrant is discussed at Raad van State.
Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice in higher appeal because it is not willing to make public MH17 documents
Having access to all the above information, and knowing what is known now, international investigators should be asking "who had the means, motive, opportunity, and benefited most from the shootdown of flight MH-17 over Ukrainian airspace?" and "why were flights allowed over Ukraine when Kiev's authorities now state on record that they had no operational radar?" If that is truly the case, then "how did they track and allow for European air traffic in the air corridors over Ukraine on July 17, 2014?" and most importantly......."why has the Dutch Safety Board allowed Ukraine a free pass and even collaboration with their 'investigation'? Specifically, "which Dutch authorities are responsible for the statement that they did not need Ukrainian radar images, and then later requested radar images from Russia?", "Who is responsible for this double standard that allows the Kiev authorities a free pass regarding the missing radar data?"
Watchdog Media's new video series brings into focus the true nature of the Kiev regime and its fascist battalions that took power in Ukraine on February 20th, 2014, and thus, also reveals that they were quite capable of killing innocent civilians and falsely portraying events in order to fit their barbaric Ukrainian takeover agenda. Like a mirror from the past, the Kiev regimes false flags in Odessa and Mariupol carry ghostly echoes of the German Reichstag Fire and other atrocities carried out by the Nazis during the time of World War II. Thus, they should be considered as the primary suspects in the shootdown of flight MH-17.
I hope my highlighting this important video series will help wake people up to the strong likelihood that it was actually fascist troops operating under the control of the coup imposed Kiev regime that shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 on July 17th, 2014, as a false flag to be used as a reason to implement western sanctions against Russia. The innocent deceased from the war, and the family members of the victims aboard flight MH-17, still deserve justice. Due to the coverups by the corrupt western media and government entities, true justice for the victims, those affected by the crime, and the world as a whole, is yet to be served.
For reference:
False statement by US Senator John McCain (31 second mark): US Senator John McCain states on CNN that Ukrainians do not possess BUK missile capability.
August 27, 2014 Corbett Report Presentation on MH-17 evidence from the time of the shootdown -
But this archive is significant - like the photographic one that once appeared on the now-defunct . Thanks for doing this work so well.