Israel and Saudi Arabia
British newspaper The Times revealed the existence of secret talks between the Israeli authorities and the Saudi regime.

The talks are said to be aimed at normalization of economic relations between the countries, a move that would greatly please the Saudi Arabia's masters in Washington.

This is not the first of such contacts. Last year in July, a high-level Saudi delegation, consisting of the leading academics, politicians and businessmen, reportedly visited Israel.

According to the unnamed Arab-American source, Saudi Arabia and Israel began making small economic steps in order to fully normalize economic relations between the countries and prepare measures that would allow transport companies to make flights between destinations in Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Already last month, the Israeli newspaper Maariv revealed that an Israeli company (and not the only one) has been operating in the Gulf states for many years.

In most of such cases, the Israeli companies do not reveal their exact identity, however, it is believed everyone knows whose business is being dealt here, but keeps quiet due to benefit.

Several of the Gulf states are said to be maintaining direct economic relations with Israel, with the level of trading activity reportedly being relatively high.

Aside from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar are also rumored to have established relations with Israel on multiple levels, especially as regards politics and military, in particularly arming the jihadist groups in Syria.