© Dr. Mark Sircus
On this episode of The Health and Wellness Show we are joined by Dr. Mark Sircus of drsircus.com. He is the Director of the International Medical Veritas Association, an acupuncturist and Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine and the author of several books on natural allopathic medicine including
Treatment Essentials: Practicing Natural Allopathic Medicine,
Sodium Bicarbonate: Nature's Unique First Aid Remedy, and
Iodine - Bringing Back the Universal Medicine. Join us as we discuss natural (and inexpensive) ways to boost your health and well-being with magnesium, iodine, selenium, sodium bicarbonate and more!
Running Time: 01:11:16
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Here's the transcript of the show:
Tiffany: Hello everybody and welcome to the SOTT Talk Radio network. This is the Health and Wellness Show. I'm your host Tiffany and joining me from my virtual studio from all over the planet we have Erica and Elliot. Jonathan might join us later. Doug and Gaby are away today. But we do have a very special guest in our studio today. His name is Dr. Mark Sircus. He is the director of the International Medical Veritas Association. He's an acupuncturist and he is also a doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine. His website is called drsircus.com. He has written loads and loads of articles about natural medicine and treatment protocols. He also has several books that he's written that you can find on his website. So welcome to the show Dr. Sircus. Thanks for coming on.
Dr. Sircus: Thanks for having me.
Tiffany: Okay Dr. Sircus, can you tell us a little bit about your background before we start getting into your treatment protocols.
Dr. Sircus: Background. Like my life story?
Tiffany: No just about how you got into natural medicine.
Dr. Sircus: Basically I started in New York. I studied Shiatsu which is acupressure, a Chinese form of treating the body with your hands. That was very important for me because it was the first time I learned how to get out of myself and into the worlds of other people through my hands. I was a very self-obsessed young man and it was really hard for me to stop thinking about myself and think about others.
Then I went to the University of the Trees which was a community in Boulder Creek, California which was pretty popular in the '70s and '80s, a very intense place run by Christopher Hills. He was the guy who created spirulina. So he was really into health. He wasn't into medicine but he was definitely into health. And there I learned a process called Creative-Conflict which is such a powerful, really right-on process that nobody wants to do it. It uses listening as its main tool and people don't like to learn to listen, don't like to admit they don't know how to listen very deeply. So I became a communications psychologist. It was one of my real focuses in life. His other big gift to me was colour psychology or what is called perceptual psychology in Harvard University using the chakras, the basic roi-ji bib-red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet to colour code human beings along these seven colour bands or perceptual levels, or levels of intelligence. And this gave me a real map or tool to not only understand myself but to be able to get into other people's inner worlds who were different than mine.
From there I went to acupuncture school and became a doctor of Chinese medicine, oriental medicine, then opened up some practice in New Hampshire and the medical people went after me and charged me for practicing medicine without a licence. I went to the state senate and fought that out and lost and left the state and went underground. Through the years of kind of being underground I went back more into therapy and started working with women who had been abused sexually or raped, which had a really profound effect on me and my life and my future.
Then I came down to Brazil 26 years ago on a prayer, literally I prayed for a new life and got an answer from the heavens telling me where it was and I've been here for 26 years. About 13 years ago when my third child was born, the day after we came back from the natural hospital and a natural birth, I wrote a book and it took me two months, eight weeks, called Cry of the Heart and eventually I changed the title to The Terror of Pediatric Medicine. That was my coming back to the world and having some sort of function or use in the world except the vaccines is a very dangerous and difficult issue that doesn't really change. It's the whole international monopoly on vaccines. It's like the real globalization. It's medical terrorism that has spread around the globe and people have just rolled over to it.
Anyway, God kind of saved me from that and being totally obsessed with that and I discovered this product called magnesium oil which is actually magnesium chloride. It was the kind of thing you could drink and do lots of other things with but it was being sold at that time in a very impure form that you put on your skin and the magnesium would go through the skin. So I wrote a book about that and it became very successful and put me on the medical map and I became the magnesium man. But I didn't stop at that and I went into sodium bicarbonate. I wrote a book about that. I'm the only doctor in the world who wrote a book about sodium bicarbonate, baking soda. Then I went to iodine and selenium and books on cancer.
But basically what happened, in discovering that magnesium oil, magnesium chloride, was used in emergency rooms in intensive care wards. If a person had a heart attack and you had a really good doctor, when you would inject magnesium chloride it can save a person's life in a heartbeat. And actually the same thing with sodium bicarbonate. They use that when the blood starts becoming acidic. The blood's very sensitive and when it goes too much into acidic you can die very quickly. So when the person's blood starts frying of acidity they inject sodium bicarbonate and again, saves a life in a heartbeat. Even selenium can be injected.
So at the beginning of my research in these different medicines, because they all came from the emergency room, I had this incredible amount of information and clinical experience from different hospitals and clinics around the world, I developed this new principle of medicine, new form of medicine. I call it natural allopathic; allopathic because there's just miles and miles of science and clinical experience behind everything I talk about, especially at the core of my protocol.
Basically if you do it at home, if you drink these things or you put them on your skin or you get in the bathtub and you fill up the bathtub with magnesium or sodium bicarbonate, you're imitating what they do in the emergency room but instead of working with somebody where you have 30 seconds to save their life, you might be dealing with a cancer patient. Of course you have months and you apply these medicines. Instead of in 30 seconds you do it every day, many times a day, day after day. It's like throwing panzer divisions at whatever disease you're working on, using very powerful things that work quickly but when you're up against difficult diseases like cancer, you need a lot of firepower and my protocol provides it all naturally, meaning, there's no pharmaceuticals in my protocol, not even aspirin.
Tiffany: Dr. Sircus, I wanted to get into your treatment protocols. You mentioned magnesium, sodium bicarb, baking soda and iodine. Can we just go through those one-by-one, starting with magnesium? Why is magnesium so important? There are a lot of people in the world who are magnesium deficient. What is the great thing about magnesium, even if you're not suffering from cancer or having a heart attack in an emergency room?
Dr. Sircus: Well the easiest way to understand magnesium is if you understand what oil does to a car and if you try to take a car up a mountain without any oil in the engine it'll just seize up. It won't work. Magnesium is like lubrication for all the physiological processes in the body. Almost all of them use magnesium. 325 enzymes use magnesium; cell wall integrity, insulin receptivity, insulin production. The list goes on and on and on. Most people in the world today are magnesium deficient because we can't get enough in our diet. Also because we're stressed out. The more stressed out, the more magnesium you need.
Also because we live in a toxic world, especially if you live in a city, every toxin you bring into the body, every molecule of the garbage - heavy metals, radiation, chemicals - you need minerals to eliminate these things. So the body needs even more magnesium. Forget about the other minerals too! So we're living in an age of high toxicity, high stress and dietary decline. You take an orange, it has maybe 50% of the vitamin C it did 50 years ago because of soil depletion, agricultural methods. Our food has declined and our need has increased so people are left in a grand canyon of deficiency. And that's most people. So you take magnesium and it's like your engine is running hot or trying to go up a mountain and you put the oil in and all of a sudden a sigh of relief. For some people it's very dramatic.
Tiffany: How much magnesium should an average person be taking every day and in what form?
Dr. Sircus: There are different forms. My favourite of course is the magnesium oil, magnesium chloride. I get massages five days a week with this magnesium, putting it on my body. I've done that for years. It's probably kept me alive. Most people need about 500 mg a day. That's what they need to take in every day. That varies between 400 and 600 or 700 mg, depending on the kind of person you are, if you're an athlete. But when you use it as a medicine, depending on your disease situation you might use one gram, two gram, three grams a day, which is a lot. But you can vary that, drink it or take different types of tablets with magnesium. You can put it on your skin, which I do a lot of. You can put it in baths and soak it into the skin, do foot baths, full baths. So if you're really sick, it's a really good idea to flood your body with magnesium, literally flood it.
Sodium bicarbonate is different. Sodium bicarbonate is pH medicine. You use a pH strip. Doctors don't use them but you can use them at home. It's like putting the dipstick in the oil. You get to see what's going on in the body and if your body is acidic, your urine is acidic or your saliva is acidic, this is really compromising the whole body because everything is pH sensitive. When you measure pH you're also measuring at the same moment cellular voltage, cellular energy. The more acidic, the less energy a person has and the more acidic you are and the less energy you have, the less oxygen you can use.
So when you test a person and they're acidic, you're looking at oxygen, cellular energy and you're looking at the chemistry of the body which is the pH. Every chemical function and reaction in the body is pH sensitive. So if you get acid, things are changing. So how do you change that? Well there are lots of ways but the simplest way is to drink sodium bicarbonate because bicarbonate in the blood is a buffer for acidity and the body always struggles to make enough bicarbonate in the stomach to neutralize the stomach acid, the pancreas to neutralize the food that's coming out of the stomach full of the acid, and the kidneys create bicarbonate to keep the blood really tightly controlled. As you get older or you gain a lot of toxicity or you're under a lot of stress, booze or too much coffee, you become acidic. So in emergency medicine, you flood the body - to a point. Magnesium you can take as much as you want. You might get diarrhoea but with sodium bicarbonate when you want to treat cancer, you take enough, exactly, to get your urinary pH up to 8 or 8.1, 8.2.
Tiffany: A person's body pH should be around 7.5, is that correct? Because there's been a lot of talk about pH levels in alternative health and none of it really goes into depth and I like what you said about how a chronic disease - what you wrote in one of your recent posts on your website - you said that chronic disease is associated with a lack of cellular energy. If you could give us a little bit more detail about how pH is an indicator of how much cellular energy you have and the more cellular energy you have, the healthier you are, right?
Dr. Sircus: You're breaking up a little bit. I lost that last part. You were breaking up. I'm losing my line actually. Here we go. Okay, I'm back.
Tiffany: I was just talking about how you wrote in one of your last posts about how chronic disease is associated with a lack of cellular energy and just to tie that back with how you were talking about pH and the body's natural pH level, is that 7.5?
Dr. Sircus: Well urine can be all over the place from 5 to 6 to 6.5. The saliva should be around 7, 7.2. Is there a specific question?
Tiffany: Yeah, can you give us a little bit more information about how we can use pH to increase our cellular energy and thereby increase our health?
Dr. Sircus: By taking sodium bicarbonate and increasing your alkalinity. What makes water really alkaline really fast? Sodium bicarbonate. It might not have a very high pH, but it has a tremendous amount of alkalinity. And there's a difference between pH and alkalinity. You can drink high pH water and get a machine that makes high pH water but doesn't have much alkalinity, which is the power of the pH. It's like body temperature. One of my most popular essays is on low body temperature. It's like pH a little bit. The lower your body temperature goes, the lower your immune system goes. And just the opposite, you have a fever, your immune system really kicks in.
A lot of people have chronic low body temperature, like acid condition. It's a basic parameter of the body. It's like the water temperature in the car. It's critical. For a good running engine the thing has to warm up. So I wrote an article on infrared radiation where I recommend these biomats because you can lay on them, sleep on them all night long, and for a cold person, it's the best. It is the best because you're actually treating a basic aspect of body physiology - temperature.
Elliot: Dr. Sircus, you speak about pH and you say an acidic pH is what is prerequisite to these disease conditions. How does this relate to the mitochondria? Is it when the mitochondria is producing less ATP that you get a build up of protons or there are excess protons and that is what makes it more acidic? Does it have any relation to respiration?
Dr. Sircus: No.
Elliot: No?
Dr. Sircus: Well for sure. Another part of my protocol uses this machine called a breath slip. It's a little device that was created in Russia. It's just a little thing you hold in your hand and it has a tube. You breathe in through your nose and you blow out through your mouth and the air goes down into the machine and into a little water and you blow bubbles. And what it does is slow your breathing down. Most people are breathing too fast. The faster you breathe, the sicker you are. The faster you breathe, the sooner you die, basically. It's almost like a statistical thing.
And this relates to sodium bicarbonate and to pH because breathing is controlled by changes in pH. The faster you breathe, the more carbon dioxide you get rid of, like an asthmatic. When you exercise you're making a lot of carbon dioxide. Your cells are making a lot of it so you have to breathe fast to get rid of it. But when you're not exercising, you're not doing anything, not creating CO2 through muscular activity and you're still breathing fast, you're getting rid of too much CO2. When you take sodium bicarbonate, why does it work? Because when you drink it and it gets into your stomach it hits the stomach acid. What does the stomach acid do to bicarbonate? Turns it into carbon dioxide and that goes into the blood in the form of bicarbonate and in the blood bicarbonate and carbon dioxide are like twin sisters. They're two forms of the same thing and they translate into each other almost at the speed of light with the help of an enzyme.
So, when you breathe slowly you increase carbon dioxide. You're retaining more. With sodium bicarbonate you're doing the same thing. You're increasing carbon dioxide. And what's the bottom line? The oxygen levels increase. Why? One, because the blood vessels dilate with more CO2. Makes sense. You exercise, you need the blood flow. So you get more blood flow when you have more CO2 and the oxygen disassociation curve, the ability of oxygen to get on and off of red blood cells.
Oxygen levels and CO2 levels and bicarbonate levels all are critical for mitochondria, your question. You take bicarbonate, bottom line, it gets to the mitochondrial level and helps oxidation. It helps respiration, metabolism. One of the things in the protocol preceding these items we're talking about came later. It just came about a year ago in my protocol. It's something very small using hydrogen gas, drinking hydrogen water. Hydrogen is something very, very small, gets everywhere in the body after you drink it and it puts out all oxidative fires, meaning when you have respiration in the mitochondria, the waste products are very toxic. Hydrogen turns that radical into water.
So when you hit the mitochondria with hydrogen, with bicarbonate and even with magnesium, which is also important in the mitochondrial reactions. So you're supplying all the raw materials for the mitochondria to work more efficiently. And of course this is really important for cancer because you get over 20 breaths a minute breathing really fast, that's cancer breath because your body's ending up with less oxygen, in oxygen starvation which by many people's definition is actually why we end up with cancer because we're starving for oxygen and the cells turn in desperation to fermentation, which is a very inefficient, dirty way of using energy. So we're dealing with the basics of life, the foundations, using basic elements to bring people back to health.
Tiffany: So Dr. Sircus, when you say hydrogen are you talking about something like pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide? How do you obtain hydrogen?
Dr. Sircus: I personally have three ways and I'm experimenting with a fourth way which is not on the American market yet. A good water ionizer really works. One of the reasons it works, especially if they're clean, is that it's not the high pH. They create hydrogen in the water with the electrolysis. I have downstairs a machine that is not like the old ionizers, it's a machine that just makes hydrogen water. This is all on my site in my essay on molecular hydrogen. There are two products that have been on the market, one that's been around for a long time. It's called mega-hydrate. It's a little capsule but you can swallow the caps and drink a lot of water and it turns in the stomach into hydrogen. There's another product called H2. I think they've changed it. It was a tablet and now it's a capsule. I'm not sure, I don't have the new ones. You put it in a bottle and you close the bottle and the thing fizzes and creates one or 2 ppm hydrogen gas in the water and you can down the water.
Now I'm using a product experimenting with H10. Again, it's a little more complicated but you've got a bottle, fill it with water and there's a little tube inside of a tube and put this element inside the tube and close it and put it in the water and it just puts out gas into the water. You leave it overnight and you shake it a lot before you drink it and you can get the concentration of 10 ppm. Also for hospital and clinical use or for somebody who's really bad off at home there's a new machine that came out that's mostly designed for hospitals because it's $6,000 and you just put a mask on and you breathe and it creates hydrogen gas and you just breathe it. So there are new choices. But it's a gas. It's hydrogen. It's like getting intravenous vitamin C. It's much smaller than vitamin C, has some of the same functions as vitamin C but because it's so small, it's very effective. It really gets everywhere into the body.
Tiffany: I was just going to say, regarding drinking the hydrogen, I think you wrote something similar about making magnesium water, magnesium bicarbonate I think it was?
Dr. Sircus: That's another form of treating using water. I have a book on water called Water Medicine. The best bottled waters in the world are very high in magnesium bicarbonate. And it's not magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate compound, it's magnesium bicarbonate and it's very, very strong. Personally I'm using the hydrogen water right now, not the magnesium bicarbonate.
Tiffany: And what differences have you noticed in yourself once you started taking the hydrogen water?
Dr. Sircus: Younger, more energy I guess are the two strongest things. More hydrated, fully hydrated more easily and the bottom line definitely stronger and younger.
Elliot: Dr. Sircus, just to bring up what you were speaking about earlier, the carbon dioxide. I think it's really interesting how the idea that's generally propagated is that carbon dioxide is simply a waste product of respiration and there's not really much emphasis placed on the importance of CO2, carbon dioxide, but I know there's a couple of other people in the alternative health community like Dr. Ray Peat. He spoke extensively about carbon dioxide and about how finding ways to increase our carbon dioxide through maximizing the oxidation of glucose or lipids or whatever, is really important because as you said, it is essentially the way that we are able to extract as much oxygen from the environment as possible. And actually it's a carbon dioxide deficiency that can lead to many of these illnesses. I just thought that was really interesting because that's something that's not generally widely accepted, I don't think.
Dr. Sircus: Yeah, not accepted and not really known. We live in a world now where they've made carbon dioxide into enemy number one, that we should make carbon slaves out of everybody. But the higher the carbon dioxide level goes, the plants love it! The forests in the world are loving the increases in carbon dioxide. We don't have to pay a price for it. There's no such thing as global warming from carbon dioxide. We actually have global cooling because the sun is going into a dormant state. It starts right there. It's a waste product. Why is exercise so wonderful?! It creates tonnes of carbon dioxide. It's like the perfect yin/yang with oxygen; more carbon dioxide, more oxygen.
Oxygen is actually poisonous without carbon dioxide. If you give somebody pure oxygen from a tank and they forgot to put some carbon dioxide in it, you kill the person. Oxygen is purely toxic without carbon dioxide. If we look at ourselves as plants, plants go both ways, in and out, night and day, taking in carbon dioxide and breathing in oxygen and then reversing that. Just because it's a product of respiration, it doesn't mean it's a waste product, meaning something bad. No, it's a medicine. You'll die very quickly if you don't have carbon dioxide. It's necessary for plants and for us. It's the same. In fact, if you look really deeply into physiology, we can see that there is some photosynthesis happening in the level of our cells and the mitochondria. We are light-sensitive beings. So carbon dioxide really, really, really, really is very hidden.
And it comes down to breathing. Hardly a doctor in the world - there are a few - talks about breathing. You get a cancer patient coming to you or anybody with any disease and they're breathing 25 breaths a minute. When I started breathing with this machine four years ago I used to breathe at 12 breaths a minute, which is kind of textbook normal - 10-12. My wife's a yoga teacher and she used to complain I breathed too fast and too heavy. When I practice breathing with this Breath Slim which I do almost every day, I breath at two or three breaths a minute for 20 minutes. Life is different in the slow lane in breathing. Imagine two breaths a minute, or three or four or five or six compared to 30 or 25, or even 20! It's very fast.
Tiffany: I was just going to ask about the Breath Slim. If a person doesn't have access to that machine, is there a way that they can mimic the Breath Slim on their own, like with special breathing techniques?
Dr. Sircus: Well sure. Yoga has plenty of techniques but the machine costs 50 bucks and lasts for 5 or 10 years, who knows? The plastic is very good and it makes it easy. You can be sitting watching TV or reading on the computer or walking around or just sitting relaxing, and you breathe and you can concentrate on something else. To breathe correctly with yoga you have to put 100% of your energy in. With this machine you just have to do it. One of my most famous patients in my sodium bicarbonate book was Vern Johnston. He had prostate cancer that had already spread to the bones and he cured himself in 30 days by taking sodium bicarbonate, exactly enough to keep his pH at 8 and he didn't have this Breath Slim but he practiced breathing conscious four hours a day. I can't do that four hours a day! And he cured himself.
Elliot: Wow!
Tiffany: What about a technique like this where you breathe very slowly, diaphragmatically into your nose for a count of say, 6, then you hold it for a count of 3 and then you breathe out slowly through your mouth for a count of 9. Would doing something like that be similar to the effects that you would get with the Breath Slim?
Dr. Sircus: Yes, if you can really do that 20 minutes a day or if you're a cancer patient, 40 minutes or an hour a day, sure.
Tiffany: That's good to hear.
Dr. Sircus: If you really do it, there's nothing more powerful. If you do something like that and you spend enough time - the point is how much time do you spend a day doing it. There's no other medicine that can really hold the same power as breathing. So it really pays off.
Tiffany: Yeah, a lot of our listeners have been doing a program called Éiriú Eolas which is a breathing technique and stress management technique. Not only is it good for reducing stress, you can also greatly increase your carbon dioxide levels, so it's good to hear you give that endorsement.
Dr. Sircus: Yeah. For sure.
Tiffany: We're with you on the whole global cooling thing too by the way.
Elliot: Yeah. Great point there. I was just going to ask if you could touch upon what you meant when you said that there was some level of photosynthesis that was occurring for the human species.
Dr. Sircus: Well that's a really, really deep subject. It goes back to colour psychology and the chakra system. The chakra systems basically are a light vehicle where we absorb light and re-radiate it. So let's look at the heart chakra, our chests. It's the colour green. If we have enough green we feel secure. If we don't have enough, we feel insecure. So the emotional problems in the green level or if we're not absorbing enough light, we feel insecure. So if we're in a relationship, what do we do? We get jealous easily. We get attached. There's a whole profile of problems that come from a problem on a level of light in the specific colour frequency.
When I was talking before in terms of photosynthesis, there we're not really talking about colour. We're talking about the full spectrum of light and its effect when we absorb it. So there's a level of psychology and perception with the colours when we divide the light into colours. Then you get down into basic energy and the structure of water. One of the most famous water scientists happens to be an American. He talks about what light does to water and light's structure to water.
Elliot: Is that Dr. Gerald Pollock?
Dr. Sircus: Yeah, sure.
Elliot: Okay.
Dr. Sircus: So his work is fascinating. He's a great guy and his work is really, really right on. So even before we get into chemistry, which is photosynthesis, what we're into with light is when it organizes our water. And we're really 99% water rather than this whole 90%. Pollock talks about 99%. So we have an interaction between physical matter and light inside of our bodies. But it goes deeper and deeper and deeper. Red blood cells are very interesting. Red blood cells are the same thing as chlorophyll.
You take chlorophyll which has magnesium in the centre and you knock them out and you put iron in and you have haemoglobin. It's the same chemical structure, just the nucleus of it is different. Just like chlorophyll, red blood cells are very sensitive to light. And in fact I started on myself about a month ago, a new form of therapy. I'm totally in love with it and it's very easy. It's not even that expensive. The one I have is about $700 and it radiates out red infrared light. It has two different types. You stick it in your nose. It has a little clip so the nozzle goes in your nose. You turn it on and it's radiating red laser light into the nose. Why the nose? Because the blood vessels are very thin, radiating the blood with red laser light and you're treating the blood. You're giving a very deep treatment through different parameters of the blood. The red blood cells don't clump together so much. They start separating because again, we're talking about light and its effects and their effects are very deep, all the way down to photosynthesis.
So there are many ways to use light and this is the newest way I'm doing it. I like it because I can sit there and I can have this one instrument with a nasal thing in my nose radiating my blood with red light and then I'm using this electron machine using voltage to treat my feet and in my other hand I have my breathing slowly. So in 30 minutes I'm doing three treatments at the same time, getting a lot of bang for my buck or a lot of bang for each minute spent.
Elliot: So just to clarify, that infrared light is a light that you put up the nostril. You spoke about the structured water. Just so listeners understand, Gerald Pollock in his experiments showed that infrared light essentially structures or induces what he calls a fourth phase in the water and it's the infrared light that is essentially absorbed by the water and it builds up what you could call a battery and this battery is like a storage for electrical energy that can be used by the body. So is it that you're using that infrared light to directly penetrate the blood and to build that energy store?
Dr. Sircus: That's not the way they conceptualize the effect. I use this other instrument, Michael Currin therapy more in that line. With the nasal blood irradiation they don't talk about it in terms of energy. They talk about it in terms of the blood profile, how the red blood cells will start functioning better meaning carry more oxygen. Triglyceride levels will drop. Blood sugar levels will drop, different parameters of the blood. And if you change the blood, improve the blood, in Chinese medicine it's a very deep treatment to treat directly into the blood. And in fact this nasal blood irradiation, the doctors do it in different ways. Of course they're much more dangerous and much more expensive.
They'll take the blood out of the body, radiate it and then put it back in the body or they'll put a cathode inside the body or on the surface somehow and do a little bit of surgery and radiate right there from a device on the skin. But these take medical procedures. They're expensive. They have their risks. But obviously a lot of people feel it's worthwhile. And now they have what looks like a cell phone. Just turn it on and bang, you stick it up your nose. Couldn't be any easier. That's why I like it. It's nice to have some easy things to do.
Tiffany: Well speaking of cheap and easy, can you get a little bit into iodine, because a lot of our listeners have been experimenting with taking Lugol's iodine, a couple of drops a day, depending on the person. Can you tell us about the importance of iodine and how it fits into your protocol?
Dr. Sircus: It's super important, super, super, super important. Depending on who you are and where you live makes it even more important. For anybody in the northern hemisphere or even on the planet today, it's more important than ever, ever before, to take iodine because of Fukushima. Fukushima put out a lot of radiation including a lot of radioactive iodine. When you don't have enough iodine in your thyroid or your breasts or your ovaries or your prostate gland, all these glands can get cancer much more easily if you don't have iodine. It makes it really important.
Bottom line, if you don't have enough iodine, the thyroid becomes starved for it and if there's any radioactive iodine flying around it'll grab it and put it right in the thyroid. Same with fluoride. If you don't have regular iodine in your thyroid, real iodine, you get some fluoride in medication or in the drinking water, it gets fooled into thinking, because it's a halogen, the same kind of chemical compound as iodine, it'll go into the thyroid and bromide, which is present in a lot of medicines and also is a halogen, looks like iodine.
So there are a lot of poisons that look like iodine that if you don't have iodine, that's what goes into the thyroid and your other glands as well. So it's really good for radiation protection, especially radioactive iodine and they've used it in hospitals by the gallon forever. It's been a medicine around for 150 or 180 years because it kills everything on contact. It kills viruses. Antibiotics don't touch viruses. Viruses, bacteria, fungus, mildew, mold, candida, everything that doesn't belong, if you take enough iodine, will kill it because it's almost like physics. You have to have enough of it.
And like magnesium, most people are iodine deficient. Dr. David Brownstein in Detroit tested 5,000 of his patients and 96.4% of them were iodine deficient. This is a problem, especially for women, for their breasts and their ovaries because all these glands concentrate iodine. Anybody who's got kids, I never take my kids to the doctor. They don't get sick. But if they do, what do I give? I give them iodine. And in the age of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and things are getting worse and worse and worse with that, again, iodine at high enough dosages, is a really potent medicine. But for protection against cancer in the glands, prostate, ovaries and thyroid and breasts, it's critical. We can't live without iodine. Every cell needs it. Our metabolism depends on it. Our body temperature depends on it. Our thyroid health depends on it.
So there really isn't anybody who shouldn't be taking iodine and in reasonable dosages. If you have cancer, today the dosage would be between 50 and 100 mg. If you had syphilis 100 years ago they'd give you 10 times that. They'd give you a gram a day of iodine!
Elliot: Wow!
Dr. Sircus: A hundred years ago you walk into a pharmacy, what did you find? Iodine and medical marijuana.
Tiffany: Well speaking of iodine and female issues, I was looking for some information about fibroids, breast fibroids or uterine fibroids. What are your thoughts on painting iodine onto your skin for your breasts or putting it on the abdomen area above the uterus, or even douching or having an iodine enema for the prostate?
Dr. Sircus: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. All of the above. Everything you mentioned was a good idea. The only thing you left out was nebulising.
Tiffany: Oh yeah, nebulising.
Dr. Sircus: The only trick about nebulising, it's funny, it's like smoking through a bong because the iodine vapourizes very fast. You put it in the nebulizer, the water's coloured, you turn it on and you see the colour (makes noise of disappearing) and it goes right into the lungs. So you've got to be careful with the dosages because it really goes in at one shot. But it's such a basic medicine and anytime you need infection control and deeper. It's infection and overall metabolism. It's super basic and super useful for the whole family and if you don't want to get cancer, don't become deficient in iodine, bottom line. So it's wonderful. Lugol's is totally fine. I use Lugol's and nascent. But there's other products. There's pills but I like taking liquid. It's easier.
Tiffany: What would be a benefit of using nascent iodine because I've read some studies where they don't recommend that, they recommend Lugol's? What would be the difference? I know it doesn't taste as bad if you're going to drink it but is there a benefit, one over the other?
Dr. Sircus: It's a little bit theoretical and there's one practical side. It's easier to get a much lighter dose. So for children who are iodine sensitive people - some people have to start out really slow, take a little bit, little bit, then a little more, then a little more and slowly because it will detox the thyroid very quickly and there's a lot of crap in it. So the nascent is a really good one to start with if you're very iodine deficient or using it for kids. It's more expensive and it's a lower dosage where with Lugol's you get 2%, 5%, 8% or 15%. So you can get different concentrations. But they're both very good and I use both. I like both. For myself I don't see the difference. I never count the drops. I take droppers-full. I usually take two droppers full and I do that once or twice a week.
Erica: Have you had any of the reactions that people experience from taking that high of a dose of iodine?
Dr. Sircus: No. Never. Never felt a thing.
Tiffany: Some people have had some really bad reactions.
Dr. Sircus: Sure. Those kind of people, the minute you have a reaction you start all over and you take even half a drop, get the body used to it. It's a complicated thing for some people. But you can resolve that by really minimizing the dose and then through day-by-day-by-day, slowly increasing it.
Elliot: Dr. Sircus, is there any type of specific nutritional protocol that you would recommend for any individual, or does that differ between people?
Dr. Sircus: Well sure it differs between people. That's for sure because not everybody's the same. Not everybody has the same type of metabolism. I'm not a dietician. I'm the kind of person who's gotten away with eating whatever he wanted his whole life. Now I'm 64 and my body's quite a bit more sensitive but I'm still not really good with my diet. My recommendations though, with my protocol I use super medicines like superfoods, spirulina is something I've been involved with for 35 years. One of the things on my protocol are liquid seeds. You just zip open these 2-ounce packages and throw them in your mouth like an astronaut and it's seeds which have incredible nutrition. And in one 2-ounce package you get 8-10 servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of very healthy fat.
So my recommendation for cancer patients is low sugar, and in general low sugar. Most people eat too much sugar. And using superfoods. There are a lot of things in between. I love nutritional yeast to get my B's. I live at the end of the world where the food is still good. I get local eggs, local raw milk. I eat a tremendous amount of munga, avocado. It all grows locally here.
Tiffany: It sounds like a good place to live. We're coming up on our time. I know you said for the evening about an hour.
Dr. Sircus: Yeah.
Tiffany: Can you spend just a minute or two just giving us a case study of somebody that you treated that stands out. What was going on with them and what kind of treatments did you implement for them and what were the results?
Dr. Sircus: Well most of my work first of all is online. I don't work with people here in Brazil except at the Sanctuary. I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing in the future but it's very clear that if I'm going to work with people face-to-face here, it's going to be not so much for the medicines that they can do at home but for the deep psychological work on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. It's really what I'm best at doing. So most of my patients have been cancer patients and of course I've seen all kinds of responses. I've seen people at death's door who doctors give even weeks, and they go on the full protocol and they're alive. They could thank me, but they apply the full protocol. You can go to my site, drsircus.com and at the top you'll see a protocol page link on the menu items and it shows a listing of the protocol. It gives you links to the companies that sell the products. You can look up at the dashboard and see the whole protocol.
So for things like cancer I recommend the whole protocol. Certain diseases, I get, again online, all kinds of things but I don't usually see people in depth, meaning I'll talk to them for a half hour or an hour and so I don't I have that much follow-through so I can't just go "Okay, here's a person", unless I've written about them in one of my books or something, with the real details. But the results vary a lot. Most people do respond very well because you're dealing with the basics, like a plant, you give it water and minerals it's going to be very happy. And I have this book called Treatment Essentials. It's getting to be a pretty big book, like 600 pages but it has a chapter on each of the elements and it's easy to learn and pretty easy to practice.
So it takes work, meaning it's not like western medicine where you take one pill in the morning and one at night and that's it and you don't do anything to change; you don't change your breathing, you don't change your emotions, you don't look at your stress, you just take your pharmaceutical poison and you're supposed to get better. Natural healing is work and each person is different and some people really have to go deep into themselves to really see what's going on. We are not cars. We're not just a machine. Our bodies respond very much to what we think, how we feel, what our spiritual relationship is with other people, with the whole. I'll give you a story. Do we have another minute or two?
Tiffany: Sure.
Dr. Sircus: I don't treat people here in Brazil, mostly for legal reasons and privacy reasons and mostly for safety. If I was doing my work in the United States I'd probably be dead already. They'd probably kill me or throw me in jail. They go after doctors who step too far out of line. I was here at the Sanctuary. We hadn't finished yet, we were still building. My wife and I were here and we were still building and the kids weren't here. We got a call from one of her oldest best friends who had stomach and pancreatic cancer all of a sudden. The doctors wanted to just remove her organs and so we brought her here to the sanctuary, because it was a friend and in the first few days treating her, I went really, really deep into her and saw that her basic disease was her total unhappiness with her life. I won't even get into details but I pointed this out, really got into it with my wife's help, into her vulnerability and really got her to see these things and actually gave her a solution, meaning she could leave her life and come live with us here at sanctuary, work with us.
And in the first week this was all happening her stomach pains stopped. She was feeling better. Really I was just floored. I felt like I healed her of cancer in four days. But make a long story short, eventually she kind of freaked out, turned her back on all the possible newness and ran back to her family and her life that she didn't like and died. So just to show you the power - it's not all just the medicines you take but what your situation is, what you need to change. Disease is usually a cry for change. You've got to change something. And it's usually something we don't want to change no matter what. And for many of us there's many things we don't want to change. And we die for the lack of willingness to do what we need to do.
Erica: I have a quick question. You mentioned earlier that you originally had training in Shiatsu massage. I know you said you use massage personally. Do you use massage therapy as one of the recommendations in your protocol? So again the woman you were speaking of, holding anger and resentment and injury in her body, can you speak a little bit about that, as far as your training as a therapist in that way and how you use your personal massage treatments for your health?
Dr. Sircus: I've gotten more magnesium massages than anybody on the planet. I can guarantee that. Here in Brazil we always have a maid. It's just part of the culture if you have anything more than the minimum salary. I've always trained my maids to give me massage. So somebody on my staff is always available to give me a massage. So I get five a week. And I don't have cancer. I'm not battling for my life. I live a very stressful life in terms of my work in the world and things like that. You talk about global warming or global cooling or the immigrants or Islam or refugees and people just go crazy and get very violent.
But bottom line, I recommend for all cancer patients, every day or five days a week, a magnesium massage. It doesn't have to be a professional. It can be a wife or husband or kids. You put the magnesium oil on the body and if you don't have any training you just pretend you're doing suntan lotion and you touch. Touch is very important. If you don't touch your baby at all they die and they did experiments in WWII about that. I'm definitely into touch. What is sex? It's intense where the energy and the electrons really flow intensely. But it's pure touch and massage is pure touch. So combining touch with magnesium is wonderful because the magnesium addresses the physiology and the touch address the emotions, the mind, the spirit. We receive love through touch which is important medicine when it comes to health. When you're suffering there's nothing better than a massage and a biomat, laying on your far infrared mattress if you've got flu. I tell everybody I'm going to die on my biomat. It's the only place to be.
Erica: Slathered in magnesium oil.
Dr. Sircus: Well that I can do without. With the infrared, at night you jump onto this mattress that's been warming up for a half hour is like jumping into the arms of your lover. It's just so nice. Of course if it's cold out it's really, really nice because then you get into a warm bed. There's nothing on a cold night better than that. Anyway, that's the basis of the protocol. There are lot of other details and other items in it. Through the years it's gotten very, very complete. But we talked about a lot.
Tiffany: Yeah, we did and there's so much more to cover. Can you mention some of the books that people can use as a resource. You already mentioned the treatment protocols book. What about some of your other books that they can find on your website?
Dr. Sircus: It's called Treatment Essentials.
Tiffany: Treatment Essentials.
Dr. Sircus: On my website I have two books on magnesium, my book Medical Marijuana just came out in New York in paperback and hardback. It came out last week. Medical Marijuana of course is very important in the protocol. A book on iodine and selenium. I have I guess the only book published on selenium, and by the way a little selenium goes a long, long way. I have a book on love and sex medicine. I'm very prayerful and sex of course is a medicine. Sexual stress is one of the forms of stress, especially for women but for men too. It plays havoc with people's systems. I have a 500 page compendium on cancer which covers a lot of ground. I have a book on water. I have lots of books, lots of books. So go to my site, go to the book page. But in terms of in print, my magnesium transdermal book is in print. My bicarbonate book is in print. The marijuana book is in print and I have a book on anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy which is very interesting; exercising using concentrated oxygen. So that's also published in New York, so that's in print. But all of these are also available in ebooks on my website.
Tiffany: Okay
Erica: Lots of reading to do.
Dr. Sircus: And with that people, I thank you very much. It was a pleasure to be here with you guys.
Tiffany: Thank you so much Dr. Sircus for coming on today and sharing all your knowledge and all your experience. Alright folks, so that's our show for today.
Dr. Sircus: My pleasure, I'm glad we connected.
Erica: Thank you.
Tiffany: Thank you very much Dr. Sircus.
Elliot: Thanks Dr. Sircus.
Tiffany: Have a great day.
Dr. Sircus: You're welcome. Bye-bye.
Tiffany: Okay, so that is our show for today folks. Be sure to join us next Friday for another episode of the Health and Wellness Show and you can also check out The Truth Perspective or Behind the Headlines Sunday on the SOTT Talk Radio Network. Thanks to all of our listeners, our chatters, Elliot and Erica and we will see you next week.
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