america color revolutions
From the outsider's perspective, the United States appears to have entered the peak stages of a psychotic meltdown over its newly elected president Donald J. Trump. His election and subsequent time in governance of the world's most powerful country has torn the mask from a stagnant pool of malcontents who have in the wake of political earthquakes been activated by their paymasters to cause as much panic, disruption, and violence as possible.

Not all of this will be mainstream news outside of the USA, and so I bring you this synopsis of events so that you can better understand exactly what is going on in Trump's America, and what he needs to do in order to deal with it, because the longer it is allowed to fester then the more dangerous the situation will be. Instigations like the ones I am going to list are not undertaken with no end-goal in mind. Just as similar radical assets of the globalist liberal cabal were activated in Georgia, Ukraine, and other places, utilizing both useful idiots and committed fanatics to bring about so-called color revolutions, so too are the seeds of a color revolution being sown in the United States.

The first thing to note is the vitriolic hatred of Russia that has emerged particularly from the 'liberal left' in the past year, and from which they justify much of their present activities. Once a bastion of the neoconservatives, fear and loathing concerning the Russian president and his omnipresent hacker collective have been whipped up by the mainstream media and the Democrats to convince the public that Russia somehow rigged the election in favor of Trump. This of course de-legitimizes the president, but also unleashes a stream of bile and insults against Russia itself. One such example is noxious so-called 'anti-racism educator' Tim Wise, a pseudo-academic who is routinely invited to American universities and news networks to deliver hate-filled rants. Tweeting out on the 15th of December, Wise said: "With each new day, I know why part of my family left sh**hole of imperial Russia. 100 years after last rev(olution) lets hope for another one" as well as "seriously, when your contribution to the world is Faberge eggs, autocracy and pogroms, no one should much care what you think." Leaving aside that pogroms first happened in the 1300s in Western Europe, autocracy is as old as humanity, and Faberge Eggs are auctioned for more than Tim Wise will make in a lifetime, the statements of this self-described anti-racist filled with nothing but utter loathing for ethnic Russians were but a taster of what was to come.

With the never-ending stream of lies pumped out about Russian actions in Syria to end the terrorist insurgency there, liberals took their first step towards outright violent sentiment against Russia later that same month. The day after the brutal and cowardly assassination of Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, a writer for the NY Daily News named Gersh Kuntzman applauded the murder and called for further killings of Russian diplomatic staff. Though Russia demanded an apology, it was never given, on the grounds that Vladimir Putin was the equivalent of Adolf Hitler.

After the election, the calls for violence were directed inwards at Trump's supporters and the man himself. The depraved Women's March in Washington DC, egged on by feminist radicals known for mailing period blood and creating banners such as "if Mary (the blessed Virgin) would have had an abortion, we wouldn't be in this mess", assembled a motley crew of washed-up celebrities to declare that Donald Trump was also Hitler and make clear their desire to murder his family and blow up the White House.

Things only escalated from there as Trump swiftly moved to fulfil his campaign promises in quick succession. The callous majority of the Democrat Party vowed to protect illegal alien criminals using sanctuary cities, and dismissed even the cries of those whose relatives had been brutally murdered by Central American gang members and unhinged lunatics. Meanwhile, George Soros (who had denounced Trump as an imposter after his election) was pouring funds into the transposition of a violent European anarchist movement into the United States.

The group, known as 'Antifa' or 'Anti-Fascist Action' is a gang of anarchist thugs who have terrorized Western Europe for decades with violent mob assaults, home invasions, destruction of property, and other forms of harassment. Everyone with whom they disagree is a 'fascist' and is thus fair game for their eerily 1930s-reminiscent tactics. Since Trump's victory, local branches in the USA have been recruiting across university campuses, and made their presence felt at the recent event at the University of California Berkeley, under slogans such as 'Kill Trump' and 'This Is War'.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the controversial but harmless gadfly of Breitbart News, was set to speak at the campus after having been invited by the College Republicans. This is covered by his 1stAmendment right to free speech, and the university is obliged to provide him a safe platform given the circumstances. The event was mobbed by roughly 1500 people who worked to protect and obscure a core group of about a hundred violent Antifa anarchists using a tactic known as 'the black bloc' which works to conceal their identities and prevent arrest as they cause property damage and commit assault and battery. These thugs pepper sprayed a college age girl, and beat a man half to death with shovels. They damaged private property with wanton abandon, and much to the glee of municipal authorities, the event was cancelled. During this chaos, another roll-call of Hollywood degenerates demanded coup and civil insurrection, including the likes of comedian Sarah Silverman and director Judd Apetow. Further to this, an Antifa branch in Arizona threatened to kill a reporter's daughter, leading many to formally request Donald Trump brand this organization as a domestic terrorist group.

It's not the only time Antifa had engaged in this kind of behaviour in the USA. Some time earlier, AltRight figurehead Richard Spencer was sucker punched by one of these masked cowards in DC. And even more recently, a talk by libertarian Gavin McInnes was disrupted in New York, again by these black-clad zealots. Thankfully, NYPD behaved competently on this occasion and arrested many of them.

These pathetic terrorists are recruited from the ranks of university trust-fund babies to attack women, children, and the unsuspecting with the worst forms of puerile assault, all from behind anonymity (and it should be said you negate your right to anonymity when you are committing violent crimes). The majority of them don't even lift, and thus perform poorly when fights are more equal, but they love their work and are paid handsomely for it. Trump's supporters, and even neutral bystanders caught up in the pandemonium have to suffer because such criminals are aided by elements of the Democrat Party and the media who play interference for them with outright lies. In fact, one of the biggest changes of the Trump era is that the media are openly calling for vicious assaults themselves.

Donald Trump needs to understand that this violence and the calls for more violence, will only escalate from here. For as long as they are allowed to behave in this way, his enemies will push the limits, all the way to actually carrying out Madonna's threats. This needs to be ended now, and that means starting with something that is long overdue: arresting George Soros and confiscating his assets. Financing domestic terrorism is a crime, and the links between Soros' Open Society foundation and the violent protests rocking the United States are not hard to untangle. Furthermore, the president needs to pursue charges of incitement and even sedition against elements of the media and entertainment industry who are calling for an American Maidan. He should follow through with his threat to defund universities where his supporters are harassed and beaten with the tacit consent of the administrators. Finally, he needs to brand many of these radical groups such as Antifa as domestic terrorist, for which support can carry a 15 year prison sentence.

For as long as these would-be revolutionaries are allowed to harm the innocent and cause disruption and mayhem, the administration will be under constant threat and won't be able to focus on its domestic policy agenda. It is time to decapitate this viper, and its filthy slithering brood. Trump must follow the example of zero tolerance for this type of agitation, set by Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban and Russian president Vladimir Putin.