computer russia hacking
© Silas Stein /
The US intelligence community have released their findings that supposedly prove Russian interference in the US presidential election with 7 of the 13 page brief dedicated to RT and its influence on the campaign. Twitter reacted accordingly.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released the reporton Friday titled "Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US elections."

But instead of providing evidence of Russian interference, the brief relied on the CIA and FBI's "high confidence" in the report's findings along with the NSA's "moderate confidence."

Many people took to Twitter to mock the report's RT obsession and failure to provide proof of "Russian hacking":

Most seemed to think the report reflected badly on the DNI more so than anything else.

Although there were some helpful takeaways...

It wouldn't be RT without some conspiracy theories, right?

In conclusion, the DNI cited two RT programmes they say were used to "intensify" criticism of Hillary Clinton... both of which haven't been on the air in over a year.