running man
A number of studies have documented that the correction of human growth hormone (HGH) deficiency in men and women above the age of 30 can assist the body dramatically in improving everything from bone mass, energy, mood, cognitive function, immunity, sleep quality, libido, skin tone, fat loss, muscle mass and so much more. Alternatives to injections are growing in popularity and offer an aging population the opportunity to supplement safely and economically.

As children, we look forward to our birthdays, but there comes a certain age when they are no longer anticipated, partly because aging is associated with the negative effects of growing old: lack of energy, graying hair (if lucky enough to have hair), facial wrinkles, menopause, weight gain and flaccid muscle tissue, prostate issues and forgetfulness. With these thoughts in mind, it is no wonder birthdays for some are not joyous events. These conditions are connected with premature aging or aging at an advanced rate, but what if these conditions could be greatly lessened and not be so horrendous and worrisome? Wouldn't that take the edge off, if we could slow down the aging process? Aging is a part of life and as each calendar year passes it should be seen as an added blessing, especially if healthy and vibrant.

Once born, we begin to grow and for growth to happen we need adequate human growth hormone (HGH). HGH is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. Dwarfism is results of inadequate HGH release.

By the age of 30, most have used up their HGH. In prior years, they were riding high with HGH. HGH is responsible for the repair and regeneration of human tissue throughout our lives, but by the time we reach our 30th year, HGH levels are only about 20 percent of their peak levels during childhood, and after the age of 30, they continue to decline at about 12 to 15 percent per decade, and often much more depending on the circumstances.

The decline in HGH is not the only cause of the manifestations of aging. Even if our HGH levels remained at the level of a 25 year-old, we would continue to experience the effects of aging, but those effects would be greatly reduced until we reached a very advanced age. HGH does not affect the root cause of aging, as measured by maximum lifespan, but it can certainly affect many of the manifestations of aging. By increasing the levels of HGH in our bodies, we can slow, or even reverse, many of the manifestations of aging.

Increased Muscle Strength

Human growth hormone has been known to improve physical capacity of individuals through stimulating collagen synthesis in the skeletal muscle and tendons, increasing muscle strength and improving exercise performance as a result.

In the International Journal of Endocrinology, a study with 14 healthy men at the ages of 50 to 70 were randomized into two groups. Seven subjects were administered HGH therapy with seven placebo subjects, and they were re-evaluated after six months. After six months, there was a significant increase in the leg press responsiveness muscles in the growth hormone group.

Overall, the study concluded an increased muscle strength in the lower body after human growth hormone was administered in healthy men. In HGH-deficient adults, participants who were administered long-term HGH therapy experienced normalization of muscle strength, increased exercise capacity, and improved thermoregulation and body composition.

Enhanced Weight Loss

Obese individuals have limited response to growth hormone stimuli release, and after successful reduction of weight, growth hormone responsiveness can be partial or complete. Growth hormone accelerates lipolysis, the breakdown of lipids and involves hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids, and impaired secretion of human growth hormone leads to loss of lipolytic effect.

Dietary restrictions and growth hormone treatment effects on anabolic and lipolytic actions as well as the changes in growth hormone secretions and insulin were investigated in a study published in Hormone Research. Twenty-four obese participants were on a hypocaloric diet and treated with recombinant human growth hormone or a placebo in a double-blinded, 12-week randomized study. As a result, growth hormone treatment caused a 1.6-fold increase in weight loss, with the greatest loss being visceral fat compared to the placebo.

In the placebo group, lean body mass was lost, whereas lean body mass was gained in the growth hormone group. This study suggests that in obese participants who eat a caloric-restriction diet, growth hormone accelerates the loss of body fat and improves growth hormone secretion. Thus, human growth hormone can serve a therapeutic role to help obese people lose weight.

Homeopathic HgH+ offers a safe, economical alternative to injections, in a formulation supported by Adrenalinum for the adrenal system, Thyroidinum for the thyroid, Pituitarum Posterium for the pituitary, and Insulin for the pancreas, in order to ensure proper absorption and maximum benefit. This formula offers a way to enhance immune response, increase lean body mass, stimulate neuro-endocrine system balance, and achieve optimal physical and mental performance. Its homeopathic preparation achieves these benefits by encouraging the body to produce more of the hormone on its own, "reminding" it of its proper function at the sub-molecular level. HgH+ is designed not to replace one's own endocrine glands or to cause dependency, but to support the glands' own production. Homeopathic preparations are generally regarded as safe by all authorities, due to their extreme dilution, which renders their active ingredients nearly undetectable by the most sophisticated of measurements.

There are very few single therapeutic remedies available that can have such an impact on the aging body that HGH can have.
