hillary clinton
© Melina Mara/The Washington Post via Getty Images
If you or I were not able to recall as much as Hillary Clinton was not able to recall during her FBI email investigation, don't you think someone would have taken us for a mental health examination to find out why we couldn't function normally regarding memory? What causes such severe and 'specific' memory loss? Some conceivable answers are: Brain tumor, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, depression, blood clots, concussion/head injury complications [1], or maybe whatever seems appropriate for the situation.

According to the CNN Politics September 2, 2016 report "FBI releases Hillary Clinton email report," serious issues surface about Hillary Clinton's ability to function mentally at any level of judgement making, especially when she apparently utilized thirteen devices attached to her emails and that some of the email device evidence (two) were smashed with a hammer! Can smashing evidence with a hammer be equated with "the dog ate my homework"? I don't think so!

In the above CNN report, there's an embedded video that really needs to be studied and parsed because someone in law enforcement has to do something about bringing charges against deliberate malfeasance in office as Secretary of State, I offer. There's too much that happened โ€” particularly two pieces of evidence smashed by a hammer โ€” that points to deliberate and premeditated action by someone to keep Congress and the FBI from finding the facts of Hillary's apparent misconduct as Secretary of State, I offer.

Hillary said she "could not recall any briefing or training by State related to the retention of federal records or handling classified information." How, then, can we trust her ability to remember what she must know about the nuclear codes or what to do with that special black "president's emergency satchel" that always accompanies a president [6]?

Thirty-nine times during her FBI interrogation Hillary used the words "do not recall" or "do not "remember"! Either the woman is physically and mentally ill, and obviously needs more help than she and her cohort of cronies realize, or she's an outright deliberate liar who feels that her back is being covered by those who apparently have guaranteed her 'ascension' to the U.S. presidency. One hint to such an assumption is that the lamestream press goes out of its way to misreport and/or ignore the ever escalating 'deep-vein-trouble' news circling about her. Do we need any more proof than that, that a media fix is in?

Hillary evidently took 'orders' from George Soros while Secretary of State. Did you know that? Well, take a look at this:
Wikileaks has released an email from George Soros to Secretary of State Clinton telling her how to handle a political demonstration is Albania. Soros is literally dictating US policy through Hillary. [1]


Here's a news article from the Balkans shortly after proving Hillary did exactly what Soros told her to do.[1]

Bill Clinton admits that while he was president, George Soros helped in the Balkans!

If Hillary and Bill Clinton are being 'mentored' by, and taking instructions from, a known "population control advocate" [2] and former Nazi sympathizer, George Soros (the 21st richest person in the world) โ€” himself a Hungarian Jew who changed his name from Gyรถrgy Schwartz born August 12, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary โ€” and worked to confiscate Hungarian Jews' lands in Soros' native Hungary during the World War II era, what can we expect from President Hillary when she won't be able to remember, or maybe even know, who is giving her advice to 'push the button'.

Everyone by now ought to be aware that there are economic 'values' of war. Isn't war supposed to be good for business [3], with no one more intent on attacking Iran [4] and Russia [5] than Hillary Clinton?

As I assess 'things', the USA cannot afford a Hillary-type 'honest mistake' as president, like she made so many of during her stint as U.S. Secretary of State. What's with Hillary's apparent "pay to play" game for the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State [7]? Here's a 'map' of Hillary and Bill Clinton's foreign donations and their possible implications for the USA.


Hillary Clinton is a very real paradox! She could deal and wheel as Secretary of State, but can't remember what she did and, moreover, key evidences DELIBERATELY were smashed by a hammer! What does that tell you? Realistically Hillary Clinton ought to be prosecuted criminally with the Democratic Party replacing her for mental incompetence issues before Election Day, as she apparently suffers from dysfunctional mental health or neurological health problem(s) and definitely is NOT fit to be president of the USA!

[1] http://investmentwatchblog.com/wikileaks-george-soros-email-to-hillary-clinton-soros-very-likely-puppetmastered-the-balkan-wars-in-order-to-enrich-himself/
[2] https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-113-meet-george-soros/
[3] //www.sott.net/article/260977-War-is-good-for-business-US-is-the-largest-military-spender-worldwide-Austerity-for-Americans-billions-for-the-military
[4] https://youtu.be/O894bXmqqGU?t=15
[5] http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jun/9/hillary-clintons-hawkish-position-on-russia-troubl/
[6] http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/real-story-football-follows-president-everywhere-180952779/?no-ist
[7] http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/may/04/joe-scarborough/scarborough-clinton-foundation-broke-its-own-rules/