Do ppl like Albright truly believe they are innocent of war crimes or are they just shameful liars?
— Joe Curcurio (@jcurcurio) March 25, 2016
#Karadzic verdict due out today. Unsurprisingly Madeline Albright the butcher of Iraqis offered him a deal.
— Fugstar (@Fugstarnagar) March 24, 2016
Albright, who recently implied that there was a special place in hell for American women who don't vote for Hillary Clinton, is no stranger to controversy.
Good to see Karadzic being brought to justice. Wish they would go after Albright and others responsible for the NATO bombings too though.
— Bas Grasmayer (@basgras) October 26, 2009
This is a good summary of Madeleine Albright's war crimes
— Muslim sympathizer (@alltopieces) February 26, 2016
NATO's intervention in Bosnia began in 1992. In 1993, Albright became US Ambassador to the UN, where she influenced policy regarding the Balkans.
Colin Powell, the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, recalls Albright pressuring him to send troops to Bosnia in 1992.
Flashback! #Bosnia #Albright bombing all those little old ladies in babushkas, called them 'collateral' damage.
— Joyce (@JoyDNL) February 7, 2016
"What's the point of having this superb military that you're always talking about if we can't use it?" she said.
Albright is credited with encouraging Bill Clinton to partake in a bit of bombing to encourage Slobodan Milošević to sign the Rambouillet peace accord.
NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 78 days following accusations that Milošević was ethnically cleansing Albanians in Kosovo.
#Albright made a war in Kosovo to help her's son buy land and companies there , isn't she a good mother ? honest?
— Martin jose (@makhno8) February 6, 2016
In March of 1999, the Serbians had refused to sign the Rambouillet peace accord, to which Albright had made a last minute addition calling for the military occupation of Yugoslavia. There was also a condition requiring a free market economy in Kosovo.
@RealJamesWoods @M0L0NL4BE Albright committed war crimes against the Serbs! Despicable and evil woman!
— Common Sense Guy (@arad510) February 8, 2016
@rebapip27 Innocent Serbian citizens were murdered because of clinton,albright.Dole stood with them.Nobody has yet to pay for the War crimes
— rebakeen (@rebapip27) February 21, 2016
Rather than the purported 100,000 deaths, only 5,000 were found, many of which occurred after NATO began its operations, and were carried out by the Albanians.
Following NATO's bombing of Serbia in 1999, Albright's financial management company was involved in the privatization of Kosovo's telecommunications company.
The ethnic cleansing carried out by the Tutsis against the Hutus in 1994 could have been prevented. The US, France, and Belgium knew of the genocide and not only failed to intervene, but prevented peacekeepers from moving in to save thousands of lives.
.@LilianaSegura dont forget Albright's energetic role in Clinton admin's abominable non-response to Rwanda genocide
— 1729 (@emacdo) February 8, 2016
"The Americans, led by US Ambassador Madeleine Albright, played the key role in blocking more expeditious action by the UN... and with American UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright advocating the most token of forces and the United States adamantly refusing to accept publicly that a full-fledged, Convention-defined genocide was in fact taking place," a post-genocide report established.
Iraq Sanctions
Albright maintained brutal sanctions on the people of Iraq for more than a decade and defended the death of half a million children as a result.
In an appearance on 60 Minutes, Albright was asked if the death of so many children was worth it, "We think the price is worth it," she responded.
"Disgusting Serbs"
In 2012, Albright verbally abused a group of pro-Serbian activists at a book signing in Prague. The group had come to the event armed with photographs of victims of the Kosovo war.
Albright was caught on film crying, "Get out, you disgusting Serbs!" The group reported the incident to the police, accusing Albright of spreading ethnic hatred and disrespecting victims of war.
Armenian Genocide
Albright has worked to prevent recognition of the Armenian genocide, angering the ancient nation's sizeable US population.
The Armenian National Committee of America protested against Albright's appointment as co-chair of the US' Genocide Prevention Task Force in 2008.
One of my few pleasure of working at @usip was getting to ask Albright, as chair of genocide task force, about Armenia. She filibustered.
— David Aronson (@MushamukaD) April 18, 2014
Albright wrote to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2007 to oppose legislation that would have recognized the Armenian Genocide as a crime against humanity.
In 1996, Albright insisted that UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali not publish a report on Israel's bombing of the Qana refugee camp in Lebanon that same year.
The report concluded that the attack, which killed more than 100 refugees, was intentional. Albright threatened to veto Boutras-Ghali's second term if he released the information to the public, which the US did when the Secretary General went ahead and published it.
Israel outraged over Spain's Netanyahu arrest warrant #Israel #Palestine #Netanyahu
— Christine Maguire (@_ChrisMaguire) November 17, 2015
After years of oppression under Indonesian dictator General Suharto, when the people of East Timor were finally allowed to vote for independence in 1999, government-backed militias began attacking the people almost immediately.
"The evidence for a direct link between the militia and the military is beyond dispute and has been overwhelmingly documented by Unamet over the last four months," according to the UN mission.
@GenericGooner @maggieogs @AsraNomani Don't forget US support for Indonesian occupation of East Timor from 1975-99
— Chris Walsh (@WarofTheWalshy) January 13, 2016
Bright and shiny, isn't she?