Chelating agents are those that bind to heavy metal toxin ions, and then are removed from the body through our regular excretory channels. Pharmaceuticals like 2,3-Dimercaprol have long been the mainstay of chelation therapy for lead or arsenic poisoning, but they have serious side effects. The simple and proper dose of cilantro (Chinese parsley) and chlorella; however is a powerful chelator for numerous heavy metals.
Cilantro is best used in conjunction with chlorella because it, "mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places." This can cause retoxification if another binding agent isn't used to help rid the body of the heavy metals that are 'found' in their hiding places throughout the body.
People who have eaten large salads daily full of cilantro have experienced this effect - moodiness, terrible acne, joint pain and more. While they were mobilizing heavy metals, they weren't all excreted from the body fast enough,which meant they were detoxing and toxifying themselves the same time!
Simply by adding chlorella - an intestinal absorbing agent, the retoxificaiton of the system is prohibited. Clinical studies completed recently proved that heavy metal chelation [using cilantro and chlorella] can naturally remove an average of 87% of lead, 91% of mercury, and 74% of aluminum from the body within 42 days.
The properties of chlorella lend themselves nicely to aiding cilantro for detoxifying the body:
- Chlorella is antiviral.
- It binds to dioxins and other environmental toxins.
- It repairs the body's detoxification functions.
- Improves glutathione - the bodies 'master' antioxidant.
- Binds to heavy metals exceptionally well.
- Alpha and gamma lineolic acids in chlorella help increase the intake of fish oil and other important fatty acids.
- Methyl-coblolamine repairs the nervous system and damaged neurons which often suffer from heavy metal poisoning.
- Chlorella contains the most easily absorbed form of B12 and B6.
- Chlorella is high in amino acids, and thus ideal for vegetarians.
- Chlorella is able to open cell walls, which is necessary for detox processes.
- Chlorella restores healthy gut flora.
- Chlorella is still being studied for its detoxifying effects, since science cannot fully understand how it has developed over millions of years to be so effective in ridding the body of unwanted substances.
- This PDF describes very specific chelation dosing when using chlorella.
- Highly effective metal toxin binding agent and mobilizer.
- Powerful anti-inflammatory.
- Antibacterial.
- Increases HDL cholesterol and decreases LDL.
- Prevents gas and bloating.
- Wards off urinary tract infections.
- Eases hormonal swings during menopause and menstruation.
- Can reduce nausea.
- Adds fiber to the digestive tract - an effective bulking agent.
- Fights anemia with high levels of iron, and magnesium.
- Reduces minor swelling.
- Promotes liver health.
- Can be used as an expectorant. keeps promoting dangerous mercury chelation protocols.
Chlorella is NOT a mercury chelator.
On the contrary, being a single thiol agent, it can mobilize and redistribute mercury into the brain, hence making mercury poisoning worse. See the many adverse reports to chlorella on internet forums such as the Andy Cutler chelation think tank group on Facebook.
Cilantro is a true chelator but because its half life is unknown, it cannot be used in a safe manner, with the potential of also making mercury poisoning worse.
Both compounds have been known to cause anything from dramatic increase of symptoms of mercury poisoning to hospitalizations, to increased EMF sensitivity, symptoms like "burning brain", sever headaches, dizziness, brain fog, feeling like "going mad" while taking it, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling, feeling like dying - those are all accounts taken from original posters in the above mentioned group.
The only true chelators the half lives of which are known are ALA (alpha lipoic acid), DMSA and DMPS.
They need to be taken in a very specific fashion - according to their half lives.
Otherwise one runs the risk of making mercury poisoning worse.
ALA's half life is 3 hours.
So it needs to be taken in rounds of at least 72 hours every 3 hours around the clock.
DMSA's half life is 3 to 4 hours.
So it needs to be taken in rounds of at least 72 hours every 3 to 4 hours around the clock. If combined with ALA it's best to take it every 3 hours around the clock.
DMPS' half life is 6 to 8 hours.
So it needs to be taken in rounds of at least 72 hours every 6 to 8 hours around the clock. If combined with ALA it's best to take DMPS every 6 hours and ALA every 3 hours. So every other dosage is taken with DMPS and ALA.
One takes LOW dosages. One starts with usually 5 to 12 mg and works one's way up to maximum 150 to 200 mg in the time of a few years.
This is the ONLY safe, affordable and effective method to get all mercury out from inside organs like brain, liver, adrenals etc.
ALA is the only absolutely necessary chelator since it's the only one which crosses the blood brain barrier.
DMSA and DMPS are optional. They tend to make chelation smoother and faster, but are not absolutely necessary to chelate successfully.
More on this page [Link] or the "Andy Cutler Chelation think tank" group on facebook (where Dr. Cutler is active himself and answers questions daily) or get the book "Amalgam Illness" by Dr. Andrew Hall Cutler. Read the reviews on amazon. This man has changed numerous lives for the better, including mine, dedicates his life and time to helping others.