Boris Malagurski's award-winning Canadian film "The Weight of Chains", dealing with the breakup of Yugoslavia from a different angle. If you thought you knew why Yugoslavia broke up, get ready for 2 hours of shocking facts that will shed a different light on Western intervention in the Balkans. Malagurski exposes the root causes of the Yugoslav wars and explains that the goal for the West to create economic and geopolitical colonies in that part of the world.
"The Weight Of Chains" presents a Canadian perspective on Western involvement in the division of the ethnic groups within Yugoslavia and show that the war was forced from outside - regular people wanted peace. However, extreme fractions on all sides, fuelled by their foreign mentors, outvoiced the moderates and even ten years after the last conflict - the hatred remains and people continue spreading myths of what really happened in the 1990s. Why did all this happen?
Who's in the film? Everyone from former "Economic Hitman" John Perkins, Retired Major General of the UN Army Lewis Mackenzie, Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky, Canadian journalist Scott Taylor, former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia James Bissett, humanitarian Vlade Divac... and the list goes on!
This film was funded exclusively through donations, so please support the project by
buying a DVD of the film through the film's website.
The director of this film, Boris Malagurski, has made several films to date, the last one being "
Kosovo | Can You Imagine?", a controversial documentary exposing how remaining Serbs in Kosovo have little or no basic human rights, which won several awards at film festivals around the world and was broadcasted as well.
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. ~ Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda
Here in the forum as well as the Sott net repeatedly been shown and discussed movie "The Weight Of Chains" on how the dissolution of Yugoslavia. The film was met with approve, because they fit into the scheme of how great powers manipulate small nations and states. But the film is far from the truth and in fact a propaganda clip Serbian intelligence services in order to blur the real causes and consequences of the breakup of Yugoslavia. So let's start in a row:
The film was financed by the Serbian public television, that is not independent work, than the custom authorities of Serbia. Here the Serbian authorities are run by ultra-nationalists not to say the fascists. Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, who publicly spoke for one Serb must kill 100 Muslims - Bosniaks [Link]
President Tomislav Nikolic was in a military unit that carried out the massacre of innocent civilians in the village of Antin in Croatia Barany region [Link]
And here they are together with a war criminal Vojislav Seselj in positions above the besieged Sarajevo.
Here's what the siege of Sarajevo says prominent Serbian historian Dr. Latinka Perovic;
The siege of Sarajevo, which lasted 1479 days killed 10,615 people - of which 1,601 children, and injured 61,136 people - of which 14 946 children.
Next Dr. Perovic:
The basis for this war were unfinished conflicts and schisms: those from the Second World War, from 1948, the conflict over the different conceptions of Yugoslavia: whether to go to the federalization or the unitary centralized state. Serbia is believed her as a tool in these discussions always remains a force. And that, allow me, was the biggest misconception. One must not forget the fact that Serbia was preparing for war at a time when no one expected collapse of the Soviet Union; which is a very important fact.
Why is it important? Because they are the ones who are making the war believed that the Yugoslav conflict have Russia on its side. Around 1987 I spoke with then-Vice President of Serbian Academy, Antonio Isakovic, with whom I was, otherwise, until then occasionally seen. He immediately went to my explains how Slovenes and Croats do not want Yugoslavia and as time has finally come for Serbia to resolve your issue ...
"Sorry," I interrupted, "do you want a war?"
"Yes," he confirmed. "But it will not be fought on the territory of Serbia ... be killed some 86,000 people!"
"But where to 86,000 people, for God's sake ?! Whose head ?!", I asked.
And then they say - war came suddenly. Well, no! And with such a mortgage is impossible to simply rotate the list of history. This price must be paid. – end of quote
In the period 194-1990 Yugoslavia economically successfully functioned and was really socially country. This success not resulted from the socialist model of the economy than the specific geopolitical position. Although decorated like all other communist countries of the Warsaw Pact, Yugoslavia broke away from Stalin's reign of terror. During the worst crisis of USA under President Truman approved the aid to Yugoslavia. As such, Yugoslavia was a buffer zone between the two blocks. As secret US player dictator Tito, skillfully balancing in that environment, and became the founder of the Non-Aligned Movement countries. This was consistent with US, more than a third world country because of errors of American policy, fall under the influence of Moscow and Warsaw Pact. As with the east and west had to do, it's Yugoslavia traded in a way that western goods and technology, selling the communist bloc. And that was the source of the economic success of Yugoslavia. As soon as the Iron Curtain fell, the light came out the deficiencies of the socialist planned economy and the economic system collapsed in a short time.
Conflicts of interest and conception of some nations and the federal units of the former Yugoslavia, was silenced solid communist dictatorship and the wrong word spoken or sung traditional national song could end up in the gulag. Despite the formal equality of all peoples of the former Yugoslavia, Serbia had absolute dominance in the administration, foreign policy, military and state-owned enterprises. Dominance in the army quickly been used for wars of conquest against the first Slovenia, then Croatian and Bosnia and finally Kosovo.
More developed members of the federation Slovenia and Croatia, who were seeking a confederate arrangement, and politics of clean bills, to stop the practice, the spillover of income in underdeveloped units. In contrast to the claims in the film, the USA had an interest in Yugoslavia stay together. The reason for this is the elimination of Russia's interests in the region, and especially in Serbia, with which Russia as a Slavic and Orthodox country has traditionally good relations. USA is financially helped consolidate the economy of Yugoslavia, so that the government of then Prime Minister Ante Markovic gave assistance in the amount of $ 2 billion. It demanded democratic elections and free enterprise. And 1990 years and never lived better in Yugoslavia began to develop the private sector, finances are stabilized and saw perspective.
It is short because Serbia led by warmongers Slobodan Milosevic, falls into the payment system. It starts printing money without backing, and for a short time created runaway inflation and reform is destroyed by the Prime Minister Markovic tried to implement. It was the first attack on Yugoslavia. Another attack again conducted Serbia eliminating the autonomous province of Vojvodina and Kosovo that were constituent parts of the Yugoslav federacija.Time is violated loose balance established constitutional order of federal Yugoslavia. In this situation, the first Serbian man Slobodan Milosevic already rattles weapons and armed Serbs in other republics and provinces. The VJ controlled by Serbian forces, more is ready for final battle. In Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the leader of the rebel Serbs students Tavistock Institute, in Croatia psychiatrist Dr. Jovan Raskovic, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a psychiatrist, Dr. war criminal Radovan Karadzic
Dr Latinka Perovic- historian:
Serbia is from 1876 to 1991, in 114 years, led eight wars. On average every 14 years - a rawar. The longest period of peace coincides with the life of the second Yugoslavia: from 1945 to 1991.
And USA tolerated, moreover FM James Baker came to Belgrade and publicly give Slobodan Milosevic the green light to "fix" the situation in Yugoslavia. With the green light USA and mighty army Serbia moves in the dismissal of the Yugoslav crisis. It started a short war in Slovenia, which is the westernmost and no Serbian minority., And the same,fast receives permission to exit the Yugoslavia.Next spilled over into Croatia, and there's fascist policies more showed his true colors. Unseen crimes Dubrovnik, Vukovar, Skabrnja, concentration camps Velepromet,Stajicevo, Mitrovica, haunted population and the ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs. In Bosnia and Herzegovina was the worst because the Serbs constituted 31% of the population and that the scale of the crimes was the greatest and most tragic. Srebrenica with 8,000 killed Bosniaks Muslims, Prijedor, Foca, Sarajevo, concentration camps of Omarska, Keraterm, etc. etc.
It ended with the massacres in Kosovo, which were fortunately stopped by the United States, but not for humane reasons than their own geopolitical.
Summary of Serbian wars of conquest in the former Yugoslavia:
1 The Bosnia and Herzegovina killed almost 110,000 people,
50,000 women were raped,
more than two million people were displaced,
150,000 war invalids,
of 1995 killed / seriously injured by landmines 7500 people,
destroyed 614 Mosque,
discovered 5000 mass graves!
War damage 200 billion!
2 In Croatia killed 15,000 people,
37,000 wounded,
2,000 women were raped,
200,000 had been displaced,
34,000 war invalids destroyed 122 Catholic Church,
discovered 156 mass graves,
war damage 32 billion euros.
3 In Slovenia, 57 people were killed.
146 wounded.
war damage 100 million eur
4 In Kosovo, killed about 14,500 people,
860,000 people were expelled,
Serbs poisoned 20,000 water wells in Kosovo,
2000 women were raped ...
218 demolished mosque, war damage about 30 billion euros
Total of missing more than 20,000 people
These presented data, publicly expressed in the media and, as regards Croatian and Bosnia and Herzegovina, can certify them as credible a possible deviation + -5%
Otherwise, the film is full of lies, and I do not intend to contest them individually, for this is my writing does not pay me govement. I would write a novel. However, several allegations have to challenge: Jasenovac concentration camp founded by the Croatian fascists in World War II, the place of execution of about 83,000 people, which is known by name
Nationality children male female total
Serbs 12683 21738 13206 47627
Gypsies 5608 5688 4877 16173
Jews 1601 7762 3753 13116
Croats 140 2866 1249 4255
Muslim -Bosniacs 52 897 179 1128
So no question of 600,000 Serbs killed as they say in the movie. These data confirmed by independent experts Slavko Goldstein, a Jew from Croatia, Bogoljub Kočović from Serbia and Vladimir Žerjavić from Croatia. Although one innocent victim of horrendous, increasing the number from 48,000 to 600,000 it can only Serbian propaganda. Let us not forget that the Serbian murder Austro-Hungarian prince Ferdinand, triggered the First World War .In movie assassin to Ferdinand described as a member of Young Bosnia, who allegedly organization of Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks- Muslim. This is a lie, in fact it is a Serbian nationalist, extended arm of Serbian politics in charge of creating a Greater Serbia. Who are closely interested in this matter, I recommend the book William Engdahl - A Century of war-
And so on, row lies row truth, the easiest to swallow, especially strangers who do not know the complex inter-ethnic relations in the Balkans and the former Yugoslavia. I must admit that the film is skillfully made, to hide the truth.
And here's what he says Serbian academician, writer, former president of Serbia, the so-called father of the nation Dobrica Cosic: "We lie to we deceived ourselves, to console others; lie out of compassion, we lie out of shame, to encourage, to hide our misery, we lie for their integrity. We lie because of freedom. A lie is a kind of Serbian patriotism and the proof of our innate intelligence. We lie creatively, inventively. " "In this country, every lie eventually becomes the truth."
About Cosic, Dr. Perovic say : Already from his second book, Roots, Cosic he decided to freely reconstruct the history of the Serbian people in which, is, that people only victim. I must say that Cosic this job working very methodically, persistently, deliberately. After all, that's what he himself repeatedly spoke. There is often thought that the Cosic is the man who Serbian people induced national ideology ...-