John Kerry's 'humor': The conscienceless psychopath kind.
Like Obama and Bush before him, John Kerry used the opportunity of his appearance at the annual Gridiron dinner, a gathering of journalists and public figures, to crack jokes about serious, and often deadly, US government policies and the immense wealth of the political elite.

At the White House Correspondents' Dinner at the Washington Hilton on May 1, 2010, Obama joked about military drones killing people.

At the annual Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner in 2004, George 'Dubya' Bush displayed slides on a giant screen with him "humorously" looking for Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction around the White House. At least 1.5 million Iraqi civilians died as a result of the US invasion of Iraq that was justified on the "trumped up charge" of Iraq having WMDs.

At the time, John Kerry. who would soon challenge Bush for the presidency, said that the joke displayed a "stunningly cavalier" attitude.
"If George Bush thinks his deceptive rationale for going to war is a laughing matter, then he's even more out of touch than we thought. Unfortunately for the president, this is not a joke."
Since then however, Mr. Kerry appears to have lost his ability to sense bad taste.

Kerry, a former senator and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, joked in his Gridiron Dinner speech two nights ago about revelations of government spying on people including journalists, saying it was "so nice to put faces to the metadata", referring to the illegal mass collection of data on US and world citizens by the NSA.

Kerry also thought it humorous to crack a joke about his immense wealth, at a time when the divide between rich and poor in the USA has never been greater and poverty is at an all time high with some 50 million Americans surviving on food stamps.
Look at you guys: all dapper in your fancy clothes - white tie and tails. Or, as we call it at our house, workout gear. [Laughter] Or as we call it at our other house: pajamas. [He pronounced it 'paghammas.'] Or as we call it at our other house: swimming costumes. Which, by the way, reminds me of something President Obama asked me to tell you: If you like your rented tuxedo, you can keep it.