Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Interesting detail that she had taken the time - or was advised - to curl the white strands of her hair. Sort of to say, "I ain't hiding the...
Tracking the trackers and being a good "forest walker" is easy if thee be a Ranger in heart. [Link] - from Tolkien - oh my - he knew the rangers...
If Trump is the Antichrist this would be normal for him, at least initially: Daniel 8:25 โAnd through his policy also he shall cause craft to...
I hear the scurrying of rats feet....lol
Why is WHO vaccinating so many Gazans, multiple times? Because it's cheaper than using bombs to kill them.
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Comment: Apparently, firing Benedict and hiring Francis was a smart move for the Vatican.
All those pedophile priest scandals?
Just a distant memory now...
Catholic church in new sex abuse row
Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests'
Irish Catholic Church 'Covered Up' Sickening Catalogue of Child Abuse by Paedophile Priests
Pope knew priest was paedophile but allowed him to continue with ministry
Unholy Lies: Vatican says number of sex abuse cases in church is small
Catholic Church sex abuse scandals around the world
Arrogant, corrupt, secretive - the Catholic church failed to tackle evil
Another Irish Bishop admits swearing oath of secrecy to cover up sexual abuse
Letters place Pope at centre of child abuse scandal
Catholic Church crumbling: Pope hit by abuse claims in Italian school
Pope dismisses 'petty gossip' of sexual abuse allegations
French priest avoids sex charges over claims he abused choirboy as Vatican struggles to contain paedophile crisis
Vatican Confirms Report of Sexual Abuse and Rape of Nuns by Priests in 23 Countries
Vienna Boys' Choir caught up in sex abuse scandals
Irish bishop resigns over Dublin sex-abuse scandal
Pope's Brother: I Ignored Physical Abuse Reports
Pedophilia in the Catholic Church: Coverup Operation at the Vatican?
1963 letter indicates Vatican knew of endemic abuse in US going back to the 1950s
Propaganda Spin: Vatican says pope target of 'hate' campaign
Institutional Immorality: Latest Pedophelia Scandal Rocks the Vatican
Pedophiles and Popes: Doing the Vatican Shuffle
First Europe, then the US - now abuse claims sweep Latin America
Catholic church hotline in meltdown over paedophile priests
Church in Ireland 'has lost all its credibility', says Archbishop of Canterbury
Errant priests' secret children to sue church
Sex abuse victims hold demo at Vatican
Vatican Christmas Shocker! Pope says child rape isn't that bad, was normal back in his day
Let Him Prey: High-Ranking Jesuits Helped Keep Pedophile Priest Hidden
Special Report - Who knew what in U.S. priest child porn case?
Archbishop Covers for Archdiocese and Shredded List Reporting 35 Active Pedophile Priests
Victorian Catholic Church Reveals 620 Abuse Cases