Fort Wayne, Indiana - The
Allen County Health Department is offering free school supplies to school-aged kids who receive an immunization at the health department for the rest of this week and next week.
The program, which is part of National Immunization Awareness Month, will provide supplies such as crayons, pencils, highlighters and jump drives, to each child who receives a vaccination.
Indiana requires all children to be current on vaccinations before they enroll in school to protect the health of all students.
Beginning this school year, all Indiana students in kindergarten through 12th grade will need two doses of varicella (chickenpox vaccine).
Children who are 4 to 6 years old are due for boosters of four vaccines:
- DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis)
- Chickenpox
- MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
- Polio
Older children need the following vaccines:
- Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis)
- MCV (meningococcal conjugate vaccine)
- HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines - whey they are 11 or 12
In addition, yearly flu vaccines are recommended for all children ages 6 months and older.
Comment: This article is an obvious attempt to coerce parents into vaccinating their children by bribing them with school supplies! The Department of Health is well aware that a growing number of parents are becoming more informed and educated about the serious health risks associated with vaccinations, read the following articles to learn more:
Doctor Calls for Truth on Vaccines
Some Parents Refusing Vaccines For Their Kids
Parents Distrust, Delay Vaccines, Survey Finds
US: Parents, at Statehouse rally, protest mandatory vaccinations for children
Parents facing full brunt of the state as more choose health freedom from vaccinationsThe program 'National Immunization Awareness Month' does not give parents
all the facts and conveniently leaves out the following information:
A New Federal Vaccine Plan - and a Bad State Bill
The US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has unveiled a new roadmap for increased vaccination and immunization for the 21st century, the National Vaccine Plan or NVP. It calls for new vaccines, at a time when children already get far too many vaccinations, especially when given all at once and at too young an age.
Why are the vaccines piled on top of each other in one doctor visit? Because the medical establishment is afraid to ask parents to bring their children back over and over again. So for reasons of "compliance" and "convenience" the child's immune system is assaulted all at once.
As we have pointed out, HHS would have more credibility if the government had not entered the vaccine business itself as a partner of major drug companies. Much of the funding for new vaccine facilities as well as new vaccines is coming from the government itself; the government then legally requires parents to "consume" more and more of these products for their children.
This is a bailout for the drug industry, which is financially ailing at the moment. It is crony capitalism at its worst, and it directly affects the most vulnerable
population of all, our children.
Still unsure about the alleged safety of vaccinations? The following articles will shine some light on the pertient information that the Department of Health and schools are not sharing:
How Safe Are Vaccines?
Vaccines: Crossing Immunological Boundaries
Vaccines Found to Cause Diabetes in Children
Polish study: No historical benefit in vaccines
Dr. Andrew Wakefield on The Poisoning of Young Minds
Gut flora accounts for up to 80% of immunity, not vaccinations
Autism Rates Double in Children as Vaccines Poison an Entire Generation
New Vaccine Revelation - The Neurotoxin Far Worse than Mercury..Aluminum
Pig Virus Contaminates Rotavirus Vaccines, But FDA Says "No Problem"