BBC shelved Jimmy Savile sex abuse investigation 'to protect its own reputation'
A woman told Newsnight that Savile molested her when she was 14 or 15.
Newsnight found several women who said that Savile groomed and abused teenagers.
Newsnight was told of claims that two other TV celebrities, still alive, sexually abused girls at Television Centre in the 1970s.
The BBC bosses ordered that the investigation be dropped.
All of the women making the allegations were former pupils of Duncroft Approved School in Staines, Surrey.
Two claimed that Savile gave them money in return for sex.
Savile was a regular visitor to this school.
Savile was a regular visitor to a number of institutions such as one on the 'child-abuse island' of Jersey where children were allegedly tortured and murdered.
In 2007, Surrey Police received a complaint from a woman who said she was sexually assaulted by Savile at Duncroft in the 1970s.
The allegation was investigated but no further action was taken.
Allegedly Jimmy Saville supplied kids to top people such as prime minister Ted Heath.
Allegedly, UK Prime Minister Edward Heath "would regularly take boys from certain care homes away on his boat for weekends....
"The name 'Mr. Eddy' was well known on Hampstead Heath and the boys home nearby in t
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"Allegedly... the person bringing children for him to abuse was Sir Jimmy Savile.
"He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys onboard Heaths yacht the Morning Cloud when they were at party conference.
"Saville is known for supplying a number of high-profile MPs with children for them to sexually abuse."
On 29 October 2011, a West Yorkshire Police spokesperson said:
'Police were called at 12.10pm today to the discovery of a man's body at a house in Roundhay, Leeds.The body was that of Sir Jimmy Savile.
'The body of a man in his 80s was found at the property...'
Savile was a regular visitor to Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace, and Highgrove.
(Jimmy Savile dead: Presenter dies aged 84)('In bed with Jimmy', The Guardian)
"In the 50s, when Savile was running dancehalls in the north, he earned himself a reputation as a hard man.
"Savile, the most Jewish Catholic you'll ever meet, asks me if I've been to Israel...
"He talks about the dancehall days. 'I wouldn't stand for any nonsense whatsoever. Ever, ever. I never threw anybody out. Tied them up and put them down in the bloody boiler house until I was ready for them'...
"The press has dogged him for years, determined to pin some nastiness on him. Savile says they have failed miserably. Is he talking about the paedophile rumours?"
Child abuse at a childrens' home in Jersey
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It seems that Jimmy Saville, Wilfred Brambles (played the old boy in Steptoe) and at least one ex Tory cabinet minister are implicated.(Jimmy Savile turns to Fox Hayes for action against The Sun)
"Saville has put out a gagging order, he was a regular visitor to the home.
"Very simiar to Kinocra and other similar scandals where masons conspired with top cops and those in high places to escape justice."
"He ... did have some contacts at morgues around the country and he paid them for access to their, shall we say, clients."
"Savile, the star of children's television favourite Jim'll Fix It, decided to start proceedings against the Rupert Murdoch paper after a series of articles linked the former Radio One DJ with Jersey children's home Haut de la Garenne.
"The police are currently investigating the care home after human remains were found at the residence where children were allegedly tortured and sexually abused.
"On 1 March, Savile's solicitors said, The Sun carried a photograph of the former Top of the Pops presenter allegedly visiting the Jersey home.
"This was followed with a series of articles. One asserted that Savile was unwilling to assist with the police investigation and another that he admitted having visited the home. The Sun also criticised Savile for being unprepared to 'go some way to fixing it for the victims'."
"In the 1960′s ,The former Radio 1 DJ Alan 'Fluff' Freeman owned a large corner shop on the Lea Bridge Rd in London.('Why The Justice System Favours Pedophiles', Before It's News)
"This shop has recently been reported as a place where 'Fluff' held kinky parties ,attended by the likes of confirmed bachelor Sir Jimmy Saville , Jonathen King, the once jailed paedophile broadcaster & former pop star and Brian Epstein, who was at the time the Homosexual manager of the Beatles.
At these parties , young boys , specially brought over from several childrens homes would be plied with drugs and alcohol.
"However these parties were forced to come to an end when Police chiefs got wind that the MP & Ex Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe was attending them along with several other prominent MP's...
"Edward Heath, Prime Minister of England from 1970-74... was a frequent visitor to the Haute Garrene childrens care home on Jersey."
In 1988, Jimmy Savile "was named as the head of a new task force charged with turning around Broadmoor, Britain's most notorious high-security psychiatric hospital, home to Ronnie Kray and Peter Sutcliffe."(Rolls of bank notes in his shell suit, he wore oddness as a badge)
Ronnie Kray reportedly ran a pedophile ring for top people ('The Kray Twins, Boys, Top People, Sex In Prisons')
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(links found at Jimmy Savile Sex Beast Allegations.)
In 1977, Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin had a meeting with Egyptian president Anwar Sadat.
This led to 'peace' between the two countries.
Sir Jimmy Savile received a medal from Israel in 1979, for services rendered.
Reportedly, Savile visited Israel in 1975 to advise Israel's President Ephraim Katzir on a matter of security.
Reportedly, Savile told the Israeli cabinet that he "was very disappointed: the Israelis had won the Six Day War but they had given back all the land, including the only oil well in the region, and were now paying the Egyptians more for oil than if they had bought it from Saudi Arabia."
Reportedly, Savile visited Israel a number of times to offer his advice.
A Manchester businessman, Benny Sternberg, revealed that "Savile had been approached to explore the possibility of a meeting between Sadat and Begin because of his friendship with the family of the Egyptian president's wife Jehan."
Savile described himself as "the only yok with a Yiddishe kop".
"Savile claimed during an interview with The Guardian newspaper's Simon Hattenstone that he told Professor Katzir:
'I'm very disappointed because you've all forgotten how to be Jewish and that's why everyone is taking you to the cleaners ... You won the Six Day War, you took all that land, you gave it all back, including the only oil well in the area, and now you're paying the Egyptians for the oil you already had.'
"Savile also maintained that the president invited him to repeat his words at a Cabinet meeting.
'They asked my opinion about a couple of things, to which I said, 'Nothing's impossible'. They did exactly what I suggested and it worked out 100 per cent successful.'"
"The occasion was confirmed partly by Roger Ordish, producer of Jim'll Fix It, who said: 'I know he met the President when we were in Israel in 1975.'
"Sir Jimmy always said he had berated the Israeli Cabinet in 1975 for being too soft after the Six Day War."
'Sir Jimmy Savile came to my Bar Mitzvah'
Savile's "ten-day visit to Israel in 1975, when he met President Ephraim Katzir and Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, was organised by John Levy of the Friends of Israel Educational Trust...
"One of Savile's eight homes was a flat in the heart of the Leeds Jewish community in Roundhay...
"He was a regular at fundraising dinners at synagogues in Leeds and Manchester..."
Jimmy Savile had both a Royal and Papal knighthood (Order of St. Gregory the Great).
He was a Knights Hospitaller (also known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, Order of St. John, Knights of Malta, and Chevaliers of Malta).
"I know from my own unimpeachable sources that Saville was a sick abomination of a human being who not only abused children, but was a necrophiliac, which is defined as an 'obsessive fascination with death and corpse' and an 'attraction to or sexual contact with corpses' - hence his famous 'volunteering' to be a 'porter' at Leeds General Infirmary."
'Jimmy Savile Sex Beast Allegations'
Sir Jimmy Savile told Esquire magazine: "I am the eminence grise: the grey, shadowy figure in the background. The thing about me is I get things done and I work under cover."
Savile says he spent "11 consecutive Christmases ... with the Thatchers."
Speaking of former Prime Minister Thatcher, Savile told Esquire: "I knew the real woman and the real woman was something else. The times I spent up there (Chequers) - Denis, me and her, shoes off in front of the fire."
"He spent an afternoon entertaining the wives of the G7 leaders back in 1991 at John Major's invitation.
"Savile had dinner with ... Admiral Sir Michael Boyce (Chief of the Defence Staff)...
"Dickie Arbiter, who was Prince Charles's press adviser, confirms that Savile was involved in the lives of the Royal Family."
Diana described Savile as a "sort of mentor" to Charles.
Roger Ordish, Savile's former BBC producer, said: "I know he met the President when we were in Israel in 1975.
"And he did the same thing at Chequers with the Blairs as he did with the Thatchers."
Savile claimed that was the only existing civilian holder of the coveted Royal Marines Green Beret.
Was Jimmy Savile being used by the intelligence services?
Sir Jimmy Savile is linked to the 'Yorkshire Ripper', Peter Sutcliffe, who, in 1981, was was convicted of murdering 13 women.
"Mr Sutcliffe told police he left the murder scene after he heard voices, but couldn't tell where they came from.
"He also heard a car being driven away from the entrance to a house.
"Later he found out that the house was where disc jockey Jimmy Savile lived."
'The Trial: Week One'
There has been speculation that the Savile-Sutcliffe story is somehow linked to brainwashing, of the sort used by the military to produce killers.
A former BBC chauffeur says that BBC chauffeurs were sacked if they tried to blow the whistle on Jimmy Savile's child-sex-rape activities.
The chauffeur said he had once driven home a 'hysterical' 12-year-old girl.
The girl said she had been sexually assaulted by Savile after appearing on a BBC TV programme.
Savile was a regular visitor to the Jersey children's home where children were reportedly tortured and murdered by members of the elite.
"In 1996 Irvine Welsh published Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance.
"The first story, Lorraine Goes To Livingston, featured Freddy Royle, a necrophiliac TV personality who lives at a hospital he has donated a wing to, as the hospital turns a blind eye to his activities.
"It was clearly a pastiche of Savile and yet no legal action resulted."
'Jimmy Savile case: when will we start listening to children who are ...'
From Lorraine Goes To Livingston by Irvine Welsh.
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Freddy Royle had had, by his standards, a tiring day prior to his late afternoon arrival at St. Hubbins.ITV accuse Sir Jimmy of being a dead paedophile
He had been in the television studios all morning filming an episode of From Fred With Love.
A young boy, whom Fred had sorted out to swim with the dolphins at Morcambe's Marineland, while his grandparents were brought back to the scene of their honeymoon, was all excited in the studio and writhed around on his lap, getting Freddy so aroused and excited that they had to do several takes.
"Oi loike em still," he said, "very, very still."
Barry, the producer, was not at all amused.
"In the name of God, Freddy, take the rest of the flipping afternoon off and go to the hospital and shag a stiff," he moaned. "Let's see if we can dampen that bloody libido of yours."
Sir Anthont Blunt worked for the British security service MI5 and was close to Lord Victor Rothschild.
"Sir Anthony Blunt blocked police investigations into activities involving Jimmy Savile.Times Online 'Covers' Jimmy Savile's Child Abuse, Literally
"This, according to our informant, came straight from the lips of an angry detective involved in the earlier police investigation."
Reportedly, Sir Anthony Blunt enjoyed strangling young boys to death while buggering them.
Lord Victor Rothschild, who was extremely influential within MI5 and MI6, was a close friend of Anthony Blunt and reportedly recruited him into MI5.
Reportedly Anthony Blunt ran a paedophile ring which included included a lot of top people. (aangirfan: Sexpionage)
Reportedly, the former head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was observed by his Special Branch guards making use of boys from the Kincora children's home. (The Troubles)
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Journalist Chris Moore wrote The Kincora Scandal, an investigation into the Kincora Children's Home in Belfast in the UK, where housemaster William McGrath, and others, abused children.
William McGrath, a Protestant loyalist and member of Ian Paisley's Free Presbyterian Church, reportedly worked for the UK spy service MI5.
Reportedly, McGrath had contacts with UK spy Ted Rothschild's friend Sir Anthony Blunt, the 'pedophile' spy.
McGrath had contacts with Sir Knox Cunningham who has been linked to pedophile rings and who was a pal of Tony Blair.
Reportedly, the Kincora Children's Home, in Belfast in the UK, was used by the spooks as a boy brothel.
Reportedly, Kincora's clientele included top politicians , judges and other public figures .
"MI5... used it as a blackmailers' lever." (Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)
McGrath was linked to right-wing protestant paramilitaries in Northern Ireland (as was Anders Breivik, reportedly).
Reportedly, the protestant paramilitaries "have long had links with Zionist gangsters and have received Israeli weapons.
"In at least one incident weapons were exchanged for intelligence material on British missile systems, and loyalists rely on Israeli-'Russian' mafiosi for supplies of ecstasy pills.
"Loyalists have also engaged in the smuggling of non-Whites into Eire in alliance with the 'Russian' mafia." (Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)
Journalist Chris Moore describes McGrath's links to a man from the UK Ministry of Defence.
Colin Wallace, who worked for the UK psyops section of MI5, is linked to Kincora.
Moore describes McGrath's links to Sir Knox Cunningham who provided McGrath with funds for his paramilitary organisation.
Cunningham was an associate of the Ted Rothschild-linked Cambridge spy ring, which included the pedophile Sir Anthony Blunt.
In 1940 Lord Ted Rothschild suggested that communist Anthony Blunt should be invited to join the UK secret service.
In the book 'The Fifth Man', Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Israel.
The Royal Family shielded Blunt for 15 years until he was exposed by Margaret Thatcher in 1979.
('Ephraim Hardcastle')
According to the source, Blunt told his colleagues he was the illegitimate child of King George V, by his mother, Hilda Blunt.
"It was long rumoured that the unusual resemblance between Blunt and Edward VIII was because they were half brothers."
Reportedly, Anthony Blunt claimed Nazi party funding came from the same Jewish banks that supported the allies. (Cached)
aangirfan: 'Rothschilds and Politicians'
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Why Savile Is Important
Monarch, JFK, Jimmy Savile, Barbardos
Jimmy Savile, Mick Jagger, FBI, Mind Control
Jimmy Savile, The Kray Twins, Cliff Richard...
Jimmy Savile and Powerful Child Abuse Rings
Jimmy Savile - USA and Europe - Dutroux, Bonacci.....
Savile; Elite Child Abuse
Jimmy Savile; Rothschild; Anthony Blunt; MI5
Jimmy Savile and a Serial Killer
Further reading:
Jimmy Savile Fixed It For Israel
Savile, the Military, the BBC
Tony Blair and Family; Various Spooks
We Colluded With 'Child Abuser'
Queer Goings-on; Alleged Scandals
The BBC's Jimmy Savile and Child Abuse Cover-up
Jersey; top people; a cover-up?
The Tony Blair "Miranda" story in the links is interesting.
I'd heard that "Blair is gay" line before from people who'd be likely to know, but then again, a lot of people who've been put through the British public school system have been cultured to barely know the difference, even in themselves....