© The Black Eyed Children by David Weatherly
This is a haunting tale of The Black Eyed Children who are being seen by many across the globe. Strange pale black eyed children wanting to come into your home. Knocking on your doors and staring into your windows. They ask to come inside your home and everyone feels intense fear from them. I have heard many a strange tale at my radio show
The Church of Mabus. But to hear it in the form of strange
paranormal children gives me the creeps. The book
The Black Eyed Children by David Weatherly is a fascinating account of these experiences from witnesses. Plus trying to figure out what in God's name these beings are and what they want. With great spooky beckoning I present to you this interview.
1. So what originally inspired you to write The Black Eyed Children?Having a life long interest in the paranormal, I'd heard stories of the black eyed kids in the early days of the Internet. I became interested in pursuing the subject of the BEKs after meeting a man who'd had a direct encounter with them. His account was so fascinating that it caused me to seek out other witnesses to these strange kids. In doing so, I discovered that there were many more accounts and that the number of encounters had grown over the last several years. What made the phenomena fascinating is the fact that it shared things in common with many other facets of the paranormal including UFOs, ghost and demonic entities.

© The Black Eye Children
2. Attired in old fashioned clothes and pale. What do you and others think they are exactly paranormally speaking?Theories to explain the BEKs range from Alien hybrids, ghost or demonic beings, to tricksters or thought forms. Since we don't have one to study, it's likely such theories will continue to grow. Everyone seems to develop their own strong opinion as to what the children are.
3. Your book says they want to come inside our homes. Well what for do you think? To swallow our souls or to become our children or both?There's no indication that they want to "become our children" or live with those who encounter them. They are however very insistent on gaining access to people's personal spaces. Those who encounter them feel that the BEK's purpose is very dark and sinister.
4. The book is very haunting and sticks with you just thinking about these ghostly alien children. Little vampires. Could you share some cases with us?There are numerous cases detailed in the book and most are rather lengthy. A typical encounter often begins with a person at home, usually alone, when there is a knock at the door. The children never seem to use doorbells but prefer a long, steady knock. When the "victim" answers the door, they find one or two children in drab, baggy clothes often with their heads down so as to obscure their faces. Once the door is open, the kids make a request such as "Why don't you invite us in for a while?". The homeowner may try to converse with the kids to find out who they are or if they're lost but the children simply redirect with more request and assurances of "This won't take long." As this is occurring, the victim begins to grow very nervous, often experiencing conflicting feelings of fear and a desire to help the children. At some point during the encounter, the children will raise their heads, or the homeowner will move forward to get a better look, and it's suddenly clear that the kids have solid black eyes. This is often the impetus to get quickly away from the children, retreating into the house and locking the door. The children vanish as quickly as they arrive and the victim is left trying to comprehend what they have encountered and feeling traumatized.
5. How are their mannerisms awkward?The children move very little when they are being observed, however, when witnesses glance away, the kids have somehow moved very suddenly and silently. Their speech is reported as being monotone and they repeat phrases as if they have memorized certain statements. They usually stand with their heads down, possibly to hide their black eyes, and their arms straight down at their sides. Their questions are often odd, as if they are not used to speaking normally. Comments from the kids such as "Is it food time" both puzzle and disturb people who encounter them. As one witness commented, "They just don't behave like normal kids".
6. Has anyone had any experiences of these children after reading your book or would you say more than likely before?The book was released in March of 2012. So far, there have been no reports from people who have read the book and then encountered the children. There have been a number of people who have experienced strange electronic phenomena while reading the
Black Eyed Children, or otherwise researching the subject. Of course, there are also those who have had direct experience with the BEKs and have read the book in order to further understand what they experienced.
7. What do they say and do and could they be alien hybrid children? Any UFO sightings around the times of their visitations?There are numerous people who support the theory that the black eyed children are actually alien-human hybrids. It is in fact, one of the most popular explanations for the kids. Abductees have at times had encounters with black eyed children both during and after their abduction experiences. Although I have not recorded any encounters with the black eyed children wherein the victim also saw a UFO at the same time, there are a number of incidents that have occurred in UFO hotspots. Additionally, there are a small number of people who have seen UFOs or even been abducted that have reported BEK encounters. This is data that is still being gathered and explored.
8. They look like little Damien children of the devil from the Omen or Rosemary's Baby. Do people feel threatened or afraid of them?Yes, absolutely. Many people who encounter the children feel like they have been in the presence of a "predator". Almost as soon as the encounter begins, those facing the kids begin to feel nervous and uneasy. Those feelings rapidly turn to outright fear and panic, causing most people to flee as quickly as they can. The second most popular theory to explain the kids, (alien hybrids being first) is that they are some type of demonic entity and many people turn towards religion after meeting the children.
9. Has anyone ever let them in and lived to tell the tale?Accounts of people who have invited the children inside are few and far between. One lengthy account is covered in detail in the book. It involves a woman whose own ten year old son invited a black eyed child in. The result was not pleasant for the family and led to an accident and a long illness. Fortunately, all parties recovered in this case and they are healthy to this day.
10. What is David Weatherly up to next book wise and project wise? Also any parting words on the Black eyed children as we depart. Thank you David.I have a couple of other books in the works, the next one to hit the shelves, later this year, will be on the topic of Tulpas and Thought forms. I'll also be appearing at quite a few conferences this year including the
Paradigm Symposium and ScareFest. Beyond that, I have a number of other projects in various stages of development.
Feel free to follow my blog at:
http://twocrowsparanormal.blogspot.com/ as it's the portal to my work and appearances.
As to the black eyed children, if they knock at your door, don't let them in!
Jeffery Pritchett is the host of the Church Of Mabus radio show bringing you guests on UFOs and Alien intelligences and the paranormal. Saturday nights at 11pm Eastern or come listen on our archives at your own leisure for free.
Shoot Em!
With a Camera?
With A Gun?
That's your call! . .
I gotta go. Someone one stop knocking on the door.
"No, Honey I don't know why they won't they aren't using the door bell!"
Oh, well gotta go. Honey, hand me the shotgun, you get the camera..."