European leaders have no intention of resolving Greece's economic woes and have made it heavily indebted, transforming the country into an "insatiable beast" facing a burgeoning debt crisis, says an analyst.
The comment comes as Greek leaders are striving hard to form a coalition government while some experts say the prospects of the cash-stripped country's future remains uncertain as it may be forced to exit the EU bloc in case of not accepting bailout terms.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Niall Bradley, the editor of the Signs of the Times [sic] to discuss the situation.The video also offers the opinions of two other guests: economist, Shabir Razvi and Press TV correspondent, Constantine Venizelos. The following is a rough transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Is this government, the coalition government, if we assume that it is going to take power with the conditions that it said that it is going to go ahead with that bailout though it is after amendments.
Do you think this government is going to be able to tackle the issues that Greece is facing now as our guest in London is saying? The youth unemployment 50 percent, the fifth straight year of recession, a growing money flight from banks?
Bradley: No, it is not going to be able to for the simply reason that doing exactly the same thing as has been done before, obviously is going to produce the same results, more of the same.
What we are seeing and hearing from PASOK and New Democracy, who won the elections supposedly, is really just the same politicking.
As the previous guest pointed out, how can Greeks be expected to believe that after voting twice now in the space of a month that the same party who has been in rule for so long, the same party who colluded with Goldman Sachs in 2000 to hide the bad books that led to this crisis.
Certainly what began in 2009, what first kicked off the crisis, so to speak, was the exposure of this massive corruption that Goldman Sachs had helped to facilitate to hide the bad books.
So the idea that we can just carry on as normal is ludicrous. We are going to see the situation in Greece get worse, I am afraid, before it improves.
What will happen in the immediate future, I do not know, but this will spread and I do not necessarily mean the economic crisis within the eurozone, I mean the resistance that people in Greece are showing, sometimes violently but actually, more often than not, which is not reported, the people simply are getting on with their lives, they are bartering, they are actually bypassing the need for the Euro altogether, because they have to survive and one hopes that this is where the real change will come about.
Press TV: Mr. Bradley would you say that this is also about not resolving the Greece crisis but postponing it as some observers have been saying and this bailout, even if Greece goes ahead with it does not mean that it is going to face its crisis resolved, that it is going to stay in the euro zone?
Bradley: I think, Greece really has - when I say "Greece", I mean the ruling elite - the ruling parties will have little choice but to stay in the eurozone as Germany has said the terms are "non-negotiable."
Beyond that, what we need to understand is that whether or not the austerity measures are "a success", depends on your point of view.
Austerity is really just a new term for the same thing that the IMF [International Monetary Fund] has been doing across the third world for decades. They called it Structural Adjustments.
We loan you a large amount of money, you structurally adjust your economy and your entire system in the way that we dictate you and then you pay us back with interest.
No country ever recovers from that position; they only do by default, perhaps like Argentina in 2000.
That is intentional, we must understand that. The idea is to indebt people: you control people by controlling the money. So that is one vantage point and the other vantage point is the one that is commonly talked of, that there is a "crisis" and that we are trying to apply measures that will somehow correct it and indeed most people do look at it from that perspective; that is the normal perspective. Clearly there is something wrong, we need to find out what and fix it. But that other perspective needs to be taken into account, of the few who actually benefit and who are trying to...
Press TV: Mr. Bradley do you think as well that with the current situation in Spain we are going to see things turning out for the worst, for Spain how is this going to affect the entire eurozone? Your prediction?
Bradley: Well, if we look at what happened in Spain in the run up to the actual bailout, it was doom and gloom, all about what an atrocious state Spain's finances are in, all its economic indicators were below par, etc. Then of course the bailout happens, the next day we see the headlines - certainly in the financial news - telling us the markets have "responded favorably" and that the eurozone "is recovering"... Two days later it is back down again.
So we are seeing these things where it is like feeding this beast that is insatiable and no amount of throwing money at it is going to stop it. It will just get worse and worse.
This is economic warfare that is going on here and the sooner the people realize this, the better for everyone.
If there is one thing that people need to understand about so many of the world's problems - not just here in Greece and the euro zone - it is that there are a few people who are fundamentally different than everyone else: we are literally dealing with psychopaths in charge of a system that is designed to favor their interests, screw everyone else.
Used to sell the message, thus 'bailout' for those poor, ignorant Greeks, yet no mention of the simple fact that this 'bailout' isn't sending monies to Greece, so much as sending it to their own 'too big to fail' banks in Germany, France, UK and USA mostly. The USA did this during the Clinton administration, claiming we were helping Russia, Thailand, Mexico etc, when in fact we were just doing a 'bailout' for WallStreet gambling addicts that lost money and wanted someone to refund them for their losses. A few years later, the overnight/early morning 'run' on these 'banks' money market accounts led us to where we are today with our Fed doing yet another even more massive 'bailout' mostly covertly through all kinds of 'balance sheet' maneuvers that continue today, well over 30 Trillion and counting. This Fed/Treasury Dept/ US govt has been encouraging the Europeans to set up the ECB to do the same in the name of 'helping' the people, so that their friends and patrons in these failed gambling banks (ie 'investment') can survive just long enough for the global 'bank holiday' that awaits us all. A simple distraction device.
The pattern remains in place and repeating in a downward spiral ever faster to the end. Amen to that.