© unkCHANGED MAN: Dave Sephton with the cocktail of drugs he has to take every day since the Gulf War in 1991.
Gulf War veterans claim they were used as human guinea pigs on the battlefield - and now they believe they have the classified documents to prove it.

Dave Sephton, of Bradeley, was one of thousands of soldiers who claim they returned from the 1991 conflict a changed man.

The 50-year-old, who served as a lance corporal with the Queen's Royal Lancers for a decade, now suffers from a range of different medical complaints including post traumatic stress, extreme fatigue, gut pain and hormone deficiencies.

The conditions all fall under the umbrella term 'Gulf War Syndrome'.

For years the father-of-two, who takes 20 to 40 different drugs every day, has believed his illnesses were partly caused by vaccinations he and other troops were given in combat.

The veterans have mounted a long campaign to try to get the Government to take the allegation seriously.

And now, following a Freedom of Information request sent to the Ministry of Defence (MoD), the veterans believe they finally have proof that the Government carried out experiments on troops first deployed to Kuwait and Iraq.

Mr Sephton, who is part of a veterans' Facebook group which is now trying to publicise the findings, said: "I believe that this documentation is significant.

"It is proof that we were test subjects. The Government had no idea of the effectiveness of the vaccination programme or any idea of the long-term effects it would have on some 53,000 men.

"I will continue to fight for proper testing and medical care for veterans, support for veterans and their families as they continue to struggle.

"I believe that the Government and the MoD need to be held accountable."

The FOI request triggered the release of a formely classified document, which explains how some troops were given a mixture of Anthrax vaccine and a whooping cough vaccine.

Tests on animals had shown mixing the two drugs could boost the strength of the Anthrax virus. Some soldiers were given both vaccines, while others just received the Anthrax virus.

Mr Sephton has written to Stoke-on-Trent North MP Joan Walley, who said: "I'm very concerned. Anything that is used in protection of the troops should be properly tested first and they should not be used as guinea pigs.

"I will be challenging the MOD, along with other concerned MPs."

An MOD spokesman said: "The MOD sponsored a research programme into the possible health effects of the combination of vaccines and tablets which were given to troops at the time of the Gulf conflict to protect them against the threat of biological and chemical warfare.

"The overwhelming evidence from the programme is that the combination of vaccines and tablets that were offered to UK Forces at the time of the 1990/1991 Gulf conflict would not have had adverse health effects."