Perth− Gold miner PanAust said on Tuesday a contract worker in Laos was likely killed after heavy rain swept through its Phu Kham operations.

The excavator operator was working on an off-site road clearance when his excavator was swept away in a landslide, the company said.

The Phu Kham gold operations and the surrounding area received significant rainfall from tropical storm Haima between June 24 and June 26, which caused widespread flooding and infrastructure damage across the region, and resulted in the loss of two days of concentrate production.

Further heavy rains also occurred on July 2 and 3, which caused concentrate production to be suspended yet again, and caused further damage to road infrastructure in the region.

Concentrate production resumed on July 4.

PanAust said that the public roads that provide access to the Phu Kham operations have sustained significant damage at multiple locations, and as a result, concentrate trucking and deliveries of bulk consumables have been temporarily suspended.

The company's staff and equipment were actively involved in the road clean-up and remediation efforts, PanAust added.

During the quarter ended March, the Phu Kham operation delivered some 15 029 t of copper.