Berlin - Only a few days ago, photographer Bux Dean made an astonishing find at a flea market in the German capitol Berlin: If confirmed to be authentic this newly discovered crystal skull could once have been owned by the eminent German art historian and curator Arnold Wilhelm von Bode, one of the most influential figures for modern science museum curatorship.

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© BUX DEANFrontal view of the "Bode-Skull", discovered in June 2011 in Berlin
"It was remarkable, but this skull was standing between antique objects and was without a box" its finder Bux Dean told the German paranormal and fringe science newsblog

The "Bode-Skull" measured 7 x 12 x 7 cm and its shape obviously differs from that of a precise anatomical depiction of a human skull. Most obvious details are the low cheekbones, prominent brow ridges and elongated back of the head that can create a nearly Neanderthal-like idea when viewed from some perspectives. Another remarkable feature is the thin and strongly flattened (Neanderthal-unlike) lower jaw and an in the same way flattened lower side of the back of the head. Viewed from the side it is also obvious that the facial side of the skull is crafted nearly as one flat surface into which the eye-sockets and nasal-cavity were engraved. While some parts appear very smooth, others are crafted more rough just as the some sort of base that connects the lower jaw with the back of the head. Compared to some other historical crystal skulls that were made of nearly clear crystal this one shows a more foggy quality. However it is just this quality that - according to Bux Dean - creates very intensive and colourful light reflections within the skull.

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© Bux DeanView from the lower side into the "Bode-Skull"

Also eye-catching details are traces of what looks like signs of restoration attempts and most prominently a black writing on the backside saying "Jav. 23. J 1917 A. v. Bode". It is very likely that this is written in French referring to January (Janvier) 23 Day (=Jour) 1917". "A. v. Bode" likely refers to its former owner or even discoverer that in this case could have been famous historian and curator Arnold Wilhelm von Bode (1845-1929).
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© Bux DeanMore views of the "Bode-Skull"