A Missouri family watched a shiny, silver, cigar-shaped object hover in the sky over their home at 5 p.m. on May 9, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"I talked to it and said, 'come on, come down here.., I see you up there,' and when I said that it seemed to get brighter, then floated off to the northwest," the reporting witness stated. "It never went up or down, but stayed at the same level so it couldn't have been balloons. Plus it was extremely bright for something in the sky during the day. I hope someone else saw it in my area."

No city was mentioned in the public part of the report.

Missouri, May 9, 2010 - I saw extremely bright cigar shape hovering in sky. MUFON Case # 23219.

On Sunday, my wife and kids were fishing at our house when my 2 yr old pointed at a passenger jet flying over head. I looked up and watched the jet cross the sky when an extremely bright object caught my eye.

The sky was clear, bright blue sky around 5:00pm.

This object was shiny silver, long cigar shaped and just sat there in the sky. I pointed to it to show my kids, 7yrs, 5yrs, and 2yrs. They all looked at it, my wife didn't want to admit she saw it, she thinks I'm crazy to want to see a ufo.

But clear as day, this thing just hovered in one spot, not moving at all, and I know it couldn't have been any kind of balloon.

I talked to it and said,"come on, come down here..", " I see you up there", and when I said that it seemed to get brighter, then floated off to the northwest. It never went up or down, but stayed at the same level so it couldn't have been balloons. Plus it was extremely bright for something in the sky during the day. I hope someone else saw it in my area.