Yet again, we feel it is our duty to help our fellow sceptics in Australia again by running this new Open Letter by Mr. Malcolm Roberts. The climate debate is really heating up Down Under. Some Aussie commentators are predicting that Prime Minister Rudd may have to call a "double dissolution" election over his blocked climate bill.
We are very well aware that Australia is likely to be the first country in the world to have an election fought on the climate issue (even though both major parties now have policies to reduce carbon emissions by 5% by 2020, they are fighting each other, and will not compromise). Keen climate observers may recall that the Leader of the Aussie Opposition was ousted just before Copenhagen because he was going to support the Government's cap-and-trade legislation.
In our respective democratic nations, voters are feeling growing dissatisfaction that they are not being given a voice in government on anti-eco-fascist legislative policies. Australia has set a new trend that other nations may follow by instituting a Climate Sceptics Party to contest the next parliamentary elections. The party explicitly represents climate scepticism.
The party has been formed to conduct a strictly self-funding grassroot, internet-viral type campaign in an attempt at winning one or more seats.
We support Malcolm's fine efforts and we also seek to endorse the aims of the newly-formed Australian Climate Sceptic Party. Here is a copy of Malcolm's letter in full:
To all federal Members of Parliament:We thank Malcolm for keeping us updated, as other contributors from Australia have been doing. We note that there is not a single scientist sitting in the Australian Parliament. May we suggest that in the public interest, more is done to encourage scientists to come forward and get into politics?
The Weekend Australian newspaper (Sa.19.12.09) published a major article headlined "Scientists 'crying wolf' over coral". Quotes:
"Professor Rudd said scientists who predicted corals would be mostly extinct by mid-century had a credibility problem because the Great Barrier Reef was in 'bloody brilliant shape." "Ten years ago, I was told that the coral was going to die from sediment, and we have proved that is complete rubbish".
Its editorial stated: "The Queensland tourist attraction is proving its resilience".
During 2008 winter's record low temperatures, ABC News reported coral bleaching due to cold. The reef was adapting to natural weather variations as it's done for millions of years.
UN IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri is reportedly under investigation in Britain for 'very serious financial irregularities'. Separately, he has reportedly used bogus claims of alarm to secure millions of dollars for TERI, of which he is a director. He has many huge conflicts of interests now publicly exposed. The scientist who made the statement of unfounded alarm at the centre of the UN IPCC's Himalayan scandal works for TERI.
Our free-spending Prime Minister gave Pachauri's TERI one million dollars. Senator Wong gave almost $50,000 in a grant entitled 'Influencing International Climate Change'.
Nature controls global climate through galactic, solar, planetary, oceanic, atmospheric drivers and their interactions. Grants to TERI only influence climate spin.
Before spending millions of taxpayer dollars on bogus global warming claims during the financial crisis, why did our free-spending Prime Minister and Senator Wong not do their due diligence?
Malcolm Roberts
BE (Hons), MBA (Chicago)
Fellow AICD, MAIM, MAusIMM, MAME (USA), MIMM (UK), Fellow ASQ (USA, Aust)
John O'Sullivan is a legal advocate and writer who for several years has litigated in government corruption and conspiracy cases in both the US and Britain. Visit his website. He offers his services free to the site and is not a site employee. Any opinions he expresses are his own and do not necessarily represent those of the site owner.
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