Black holes may act as cosmic factories for building galaxies, scientists believe. The new research may help explain why large galaxies tend to have super-massive black holes at their cores.

Astronomers have long wanted an answer to the chicken-and-egg question of what comes first, a super-massive black hole or the stars surrounding it.

A new observation of a far away object five billion light years from Earth may now help to solve the riddle. The object is a quasar, a powerful source of energy believed to mark the location of an active giant black hole.

Nothing that gets close enough to a black hole can escape its powerful gravity. However, material swirling around the edge of a black hole can radiate enormous amounts of energy. Radiation from the quasar was being emitted when the universe was little more than a third of its present age.

To their surprise, the astronomers found that unlike most quasars, this one was ''naked'' and not situated at the centre of a galaxy. However, there was a companion galaxy close to it creating new stars at a frantic rate equivalent to about 350 suns per year.

The galaxy was effectively ''under fire'' from jets of high energy particles and fast moving gas shooting out of the quasar, the scientists found. The stream of material was likely to be fuelling star formation in the galaxy, the scientists believe. In effect, the quasar was building its own host galaxy.

At a later stage the quasar was expected to end up at the galaxy's centre.

''The two objects are bound to merge in the future: the quasar is moving at a speed of only a few tens of thousands of kilometres per hour with respect to the companion galaxy and their separation is only about 22,000 light-years,'' said lead scientist Dr David Elbaz, from the CEA research institute in Saclay, France.

''Although the quasar is still 'naked', it will eventually be 'dressed' when it merges with its star-rich companion. It will then finally reside inside a host galaxy like all other quasars.''

A similar process may have led to the formation of other large galaxies with massive black holes nestling within them, the scientists believe.

The research appears in the journals Astronomy & Astrophysics, and the Astrophysical Journal.