Our two nearest large neighbours, the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies, appear to have grazed each other about 2.5 billion years ago - and a worse collision is on the horizon. The findings lend weight to the theory that big galaxies grow by gobbling smaller ones.

Remnants of galactic cannibalism have been found strewn about our own galaxy in the form of stellar streams, spaghetti-like strands of stars that were ripped from orbiting dwarf galaxies when they came too close to the Milky Way.

These observations support the "hierarchical" model of galaxy formation, in which big galaxies form when smaller ones merge.

But as a testbed for the theory, the Milky Way has a significant drawback: We can't see all of it at once. "The problem with the Milky Way is that we are inside the Milky Way," says Alan McConnachie of the NRC Herzberg Institute for Astrophysics in Victoria, Canada, lead author of the new work.

© Pan-Andromeda Archaeological SurveyThe Triangulum galaxy may have taken this orbit (ring of galaxies) around Andromeda (centre right) after nearly colliding with it 2.5 billion years ago. Andromeda may destroy the Triangulum galaxy completely when they meet again in another 2 billion years.
So astronomers turned their gaze outwards, to our near-twin, the Andromeda galaxy. They made the largest-ever map of the galaxy's stars using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii. The map extends 500,000 light years from the centre of Andromeda, more than 10 times the distance of our sun from the centre of the Milky Way.

Stellar immigrants

Even at the farthest edges of the galaxy, bright stars abounded. Because most of the star-forming gas is concentrated at the centre of the galaxy, these stars probably weren't born there - they're likely immigrants from dwarf galaxies that fell into and became part of Andromeda.

The map also showed stars in bright streams and clumps that were also likely ripped from dwarf galaxies that once orbited Andromeda. Some of these were already known, but several of them are new. These observations lend weight to the hierarchical model. "It's a nice vindication of a lot of the ideas of how you form galaxies in general," McConnachie says.

"This is a very nice paper. It will be very valuable for models of galaxy formation," says Andrey Kravtsov of the University of Chicago. "It may be for a long while the best picture we have for evidence of hierarchical buildup of galaxies."

'Pulled apart'

The study also shows that Andromeda's reach extends even farther than expected. The Triangulum galaxy is the next-largest local galaxy after the Milky Way, and it sits about 1 million light years from Andromeda. It's large enough and far enough away that it is not considered a mere satellite of Andromeda - but that won't save it from the larger galaxy's voracious appetite.

"The Triangulum galaxy appears to be eaten by Andromeda," McConnachie says. "That was completely unexpected."

The map showed a trillion-kilometre-long tentacle extending from Triangulum towards Andromeda - "exactly the sort of feature we expect to see for a galaxy being pulled apart by the gravitational effects of a bigger galaxy," McConnachie told New Scientist.

It also revealed that both galaxies' stellar discs were warped by their close encounter. Previous observations had found that Triangulum looked like a perfect spiral if you only looked at its stars, but its disc of hydrogen gas was extremely distorted. The discrepancy between the warped gas and the pristine stars is one of Triangulum's biggest mysteries.

Warped disc

The new observations show the stellar disc is warped if you look at very faint stars.

"It's not until you look at really, really faint light levels that you can actually see the mess that has also happened to the stars," McConnachie says. "Whatever caused the gas warp also warped the stars, and we suggest that could well have been this interaction with the Andromeda galaxy."

To figure out when and how the galaxies met, McConnachie and his colleagues ran computer simulations of their possible trajectories. The one that best fits the galaxies' current positions shows them grazing each other at a distance of 130,000 light years around 2.5 billion years ago.

It was a close call, but Triangulum emerged mostly unscathed. "It's not gentle, but it's not a violent process at the moment," McConnachie says.

But the models predict that they will meet again in another 2 billion years, and this time Triangulum won't be so lucky. "The next time around is going to be a much more violent process. It's going to fall much closer into Andromeda, feel much stronger gravitational pull," McConnachie says. "What's happened to it now is kind of a warning."

Journal reference: Nature (vol 461, p 66)